NGO Education Survey

Debre Markos University

Contact Information:

Debre Markos University
College of Social Sciences and Humanities
Civic and Ethical Studies Department
Sub-Saharan Africa

Community Service Thematic Areas for Civic and Ethical Studies Department
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

The impacts of early marriage Understanding the Concept of Gender and Gender Issues; an Implication for Intervention The nexus between Women and leadership: an Implication for Intervention The relevance of traditional conflict handling mechanism Psycho-Social Well-Being of people with disabilities Women and disability/double disability/; an Implication for Intervention Understanding conflict and development; an implication for intervention Psycho-Social problem of Divorced Women and their families The impacts of Corruption on development; an implication for intervention Understanding the concept of good governance State plantation and community mobilization; an implication for intervention Grievance and its socio-economic impacts; an implication for intervention Teaching ethics in elementary school: the theory and the practice Child Socialization

Theme I. Cross Cutting Issues
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

Gender and development Globalization and development Globalization and Human right Gender and Globalization Women and Globalization Women empowerment Culture and globalization Child right Gender based violence Gender and law Gender and media Gender and politics Gender dimension of migration Corruption and development

Theme II. Environment and Development
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

Environment and development Climate change and sustainable development Population growth and environment Population growth and development Developmental state paradigm: Ethiopian experience Gender and environment Poverty and development

Theme III. Peace and development
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

Terrorism and human security Small arms and nuclear power proliferation Migration and human security Drug trafficking Child trafficking Gender and conflict Security sector reform and development

Theme IV. Democracy, governance and other related issues
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

Democracy and good governance Democratic election: the Ethiopian experience Media and democracy Media and democratic election Governance and sustainable development

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information


Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Title: Civic and Ethical Education

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information