NGO Education Survey

Santa Monica University

Contact Information:

Santa Monica University
School of Business and Public Polic
Bulu Blind, Buea
Sub-Saharan Africa

Funding Sources for Entrepreneurs
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

This course highlights the various avenues where entrepreneurs can secure funding for their business. Students are drilled on various methods of grant writing for non-profit organizations. The course unveils the capital structure of new ventures and many financial options of how to get new ventures funded. It highlights issues concerning short term and long term financing options like loans for entrepreneurs

Project and Grant Writing
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

Writing Grant Proposals is designed for students who hope to enter professional careers requiring knowledge of grant writing. The course will teach students the mechanics of proposal writing and the political and social aspects of “grantsmanship,” as they develop their skills in identifying sources of grant funding, doing useful research to support their applications, and tailoring their proposals to specific audience interests. There will be several short writing assignments, an exam, and an independent project. Students may also be asked to engage in a collaborative grant project to help build their skills in collaboration. CESEP (formerly known as CASE) students will be expected to write a grant proposal specifically for their community partners.

Project Monitoring and Evaluations
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

This course introduces students to the terminology, critical issues, and current debates in the field of M&E. In this course, you will gain the skills necessary to design M&E plans that reflect the circumstances and parameters related to different social impact and development projects. Working with an M&E professional, students will learn how to develop Log Frames and Performance Monitoring Plans (PMPs), the major documents that funders and implementers use to monitor and evaluate projects. Participants will follow the development of Log Frames and PMPs through the input, process, outcome and impact phases of projects. Guest lecturer practitioners will appear in the course to give advice on working in developing country and post conflict environments.

Social Entrepreneurship
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

Social entrepreneurship is a rapidly developing and changing business field in which business and non-profit leaders design, grow, and lead mission-driven enterprises. As the traditional lines blur between non-profit enterprises, government, and business, it is critical that business students understand the opportunities and challenges in this new landscape. Through guest speakers, case discussion, lecture, and student presentations this course will explore this emerging field. Students will be expected to develop a business plan for a social enterprise. Because the field of social entrepreneurship is interdisciplinary and in its infancy, the course will be introductory in nature and will draw heavily from cases, speaker experience, and student inquiry.

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information

No degrees listed.
No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information