NGO Education Survey

National University of Singapore

Contact Information:

National University of Singapore
Asia Centre for Social Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy
NUS Business School
BIZ 2 Building #05-13
1 Business Link
South-eastern Asia

Tel: 6516 5277

Designing and Improving Your Social Enterprise - Level 1
Credit Bearing: Non-Credit Bearing
Level: Executive Education

The NUS ACSEP and the SE Association, invite you to join us for a 2 part workshop on how to effectively launch your social enterprise in Singapore. Level 1 covers "Designing and Planning your Social Enterprise" and Level 2 will go into "Implementing and Managing your Social Enterprise". Participants who complete both levels will receive a certificate of completion from NUS ACSEP and SE Association. Level 1 of this workshop includes: What is the current landscape of the social enterprise sector in Singapore? How does your social enterprise fit in? Clarify your assumptions on personal goals and social impact using a Theory of Change analysis Dissect your social enterprise using the SE Patterns Canvas - identify gaps in your business model and social impact strategy Review of case studies on local social enterprises Work towards an action plan for Level 2 of the workshop - Implementing & Managing your Social Enterprise This practical and interactive workshop introduces participants with a rigorous SE planning process and know-how in designing successful social enterprises. Those who have successfully completed the professional course will be given opportunities to work with SE Association to develop their social enterprise plans.

Designing and Improving Your Social Enterprise - Level 1I
Credit Bearing: Non-Credit Bearing
Level: Executive Education

The NUS ACSEP and the SE Association, invite you to join us for a 2 part workshop on how to effectively launch your social enterprise in Singapore. Level 1 covers "Designing and Planning your Social Enterprise" and Level 2 will go into "Implementing and Managing your Social Enterprise". Participants who complete both levels will receive a certificate of completion from NUS ACSEP and SE Association. Level 2 of this workshop includes: Review of action plan from Level 1 workshop Communicating social impact effectively to funders and stakeholders Funding ecosystem for social enterprises in Singapore Case studies on implementation challenges Ongoing support mechanisms available from the Social Enterprise Association The pre-requisite for this workshop is successful completion of Level 1: "Designing and Planning your social enterprise". Participants that complete both levels will receive a certificate of completion from NUS ACSEP and SEA. Those who have successfully completed the professional course will be given opportunities to work with SE Association to develop their social enterprise plans.

Executive Education Program for Philanthropists and NGO Leaders Measuring & Improving the Impact of Social Organisations
Credit Bearing: Non-Credit Bearing
Level: Executive Education

Description and Objectives This two-day program focuses on designing, implementing, and evaluating strategies for the delivery of social goods and services through non-profit organizations (NGOs) and for-profit enterprises (impact investees). It considers these issues from the perspective of the organizations themselves, government agencies contracting with the organizations, and philanthropists donating to or investing in those organizations. Specifically the program will include: Designing a Logic Model and Monitoring Progress Impact Evaluation Measuring the Impact of Service Delivery Organizations Impact Investing Evaluating Investments in For-Profit Social Organisations Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Providing Philanthropists with Information about NPO Target Audience government agencies philanthropists impact investors NGO/nonprofit leaders corporate leaders CSR managers

Measuring and Improving the Impact of Social Organisations
Credit Bearing: Non-Credit Bearing
Level: Executive Education

This two-day programme focuses on designing, implementing, and evaluating strategies for the delivery of social goods and services through non-profit organisations and for-profit enterprises (impact investees). It considers these issues from the perspective of the organisations themselves, government agencies contracting with the organisations, and philanthropists donating to or investing in those organisations.

Philanthropic Psychology: The Psychological Science of Giving
Credit Bearing: Non-Credit Bearing
Level: Executive Education

This workshop will introduce you to the latest findings in philanthropic psychology. It aims to use new thinking and new evidence to inspire new advancement practice. Prof. Jen Shang will explain how moral identity, family and friends networks, donor identity and communal relationship formation influence giving. She will present field experiments where these ideas created fundraising uplift of 10%-30% with no additional cost. She will review donors surveys where giving has been shown to shape one's sense of who they are and how they relate to a non-profit. She will then conduct reflective sessions to help you translate this learning into action (e.g. tweak your acquisition communication, welcome cycles and retention/legacy giving programs). Advanced philanthropic psychology concepts will be covered in these sessions, and hands-on exercises will be provided to help you understand and apply these concepts in your fundraising communications with donors. Participants are encouraged to bring copies of their donor communications to discuss how academic research might be applied to modify fundraising communications.

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information

No degrees listed.
No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

  • Executive Educations > Research Centres > ACSEP Home > ACSEP Executive Education ACSEP Home About Us Publications Research International Symposium Events ACSEP Executive Education Thought Leadership ACSEP Blog Scholarship Invest in ACSEP Job Openings Contact Us Executive Education 26 & 27 August 2015 Measuring & Improving the Impact of Social Organisations Click on link 10 July 2014 NUS ACSEP - SEA Executive Program: Designing and Planning Your Social Enterprise-Level 1 Click on link 3 & 4 September 2014 Measuring & Improving the Impact of Social Organisations Date: 3 & 4 Sept 2014 Click on link 11 September 2014 NUS ACSEP - SEA Executive Program Implementing and Managing Your Social Enterprise-Level 2 Click on link 13 October 2014 Philanthropic Psychology: The Psychological Science of Giving Click on link

Additional Information