NGO Education Survey

Duke University

Contact Information:

Erin L. Worsham
Executive Director of CASE

Duke University
Fuqua School of Business
Box 90120
North Carolina 27708-0120
United States
Northern America

Nancy Love, MPA

Duke University
Continuing Studies
2024 West Main Street
Campus Box 90708
North Carolina 27708
United States
Northern America

0370 Sustainable Strategic Planning for Nonprofits

Participants will examine the parts of a strategic plan including the vision and mission statement, values and goals that will guide the organization into the future.  Students will also learn important tools to analyze their respective nonprofit organizxations to help them make decisions for setting a course for the organization's future.  Analysis tools include the SWOT analysis, BCG Matrix, the Sustainability Matrix and the Strategy Canvas.  

0805 Telling Great Stories to Advance Your Cause

Credit Bearing: Certificsate

People support nonprofits and the causes they champion because of an emotional connection.  Hope, compassion, guilt, fear, and other emotions drive people to tackle the world's problems - or support others who are working on the front lines.  That's where stories come in.  Facts and figures can be mind-numbing, but a story open ears, eyes, minds and  hearts.  In this interactive course, you will; learn now to find compelling stories about people your nonprofit is helping: tell great stories; create a story bank to pull in stories from clients and volunteers; use your stories for maximum effect.  Learn tools to build stories that will not only spearhead your fundraising and advocacy efforts, but also strengthen your organization's culture and reinforce its values.

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information

No degrees listed.
No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information