NGO Education Survey


Contact Information:

Erin Bach
Executive Assistant to the Dean

Silberman School of Social Work
2180 Third Avenue
New York
New York 10035
United States
Northern America

John Casey
Faculty Director of the MPA

Baruch College
One Bernard Baruch Way (55 Lexington Ave. at 24th St)
New York
New York 10010
United States
Northern America

MGT 9965 Board, Governance & Leadership

Credit Bearing: 3

This course provides a theoretical and practical framework for the study of best practices for governance structure, strategy, and leadership, and for the establishment of Boards of Directors within entrepreneurial, family, and social enterprises. It covers the appropriate timing of governance for entrepreneurial firms and oversight of an organization’s audit, compensation, governance, strategic plans, performance, executive leadership, succession, risk and crisis management, ethics and compliance, innovation, and major investment matters — all of which are vital to the growth and sustainability of a wide range of organizations. Readings, assignments, and in-class exercises will illustrate principles, stimulate discussion and foster creative thinking about board roles and responsibilities, governance, committees, structures, and leadership in both for profit and nonprofit organizations.

MGT 9969 Social Entrepreneurship: Concepts and Cases

Credit Bearing: 3

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the theory and practice of social entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurship is the application of the tools, techniques, and skills of entrepreneurship to the achievement of a social mission (e.g., providing affordable housing to low-income households, feeding the hungry, making a college education accessible to disadvantaged youth, etc.). The course will explore the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings of the field, its practice, and the ways in which its impacts are assessed. Case studies will be used extensively to illustrate principles and stimulate discussion.

PA 9157 Introductin to Philanthropy

Credit Bearing: 3

This course considers the complex system of private giving that supports civil society, examining the ways in which private funds are given and the vehicles through which they are administered. It emphasizes the philanthropic motivations, strategic frameworks, and practices of individuals and institutions in the U.S. and other regions, as well as the public impact of these private activities. It also examines the current legal and regulatory framework within which philanthropy operates and emerging controversies about philanthropic institutions and activities.

PAF 9151 Administration of the Nonprofit

Credit Bearing: 3

In this class, students study management techniques and strategies applicable to nonprofit agencies. The topics include agency interaction with governmental and political institutions, planning and control systems, the role of the governing board, and the role of the executive director. The course pays special attention to the needs of community service/social welfare and cultural/arts organizations.

PAF 9152 Fund Raising & Grants Admin

Credit Bearing: 3

This course examines the strategies and techniques for acquiring voluntary and governmental support for local nonprofit agencies. The course focuses on the role that fundraising plays in the economics of the nonprofit organization and its relationship with government agencies, foundations, and other donor/granting institutions. Open to Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs students and MA in Arts Administration students; others with Marxe School permission.

PAF 9153 Budget & Finance for Nonprofit

Credit Bearing: 3

This course is for students whose career path is the nonprofit world and aspires to hold senior level positions in nonprofits. The course provides the tools for budgeting in a nonprofit, and the tools of financial analysis and managerial control as is currently practiced in nonprofit organizations.Open to Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs students; others with Marxe School permission.

PAF 9183

Credit Bearing: 3

This course examines the international dimension of the nonprofit world. It focuses on those nonprofit organizations that work across borders because: 1) they seek to influence global issues such as economic justice, human rights or the environment; 2) they deliver aid or capacity building programs in developing countries; or 3) they are the secretariat or headquarters of an international network of organizations. The course will explore international and cross-cultural management issues, relationships with national governments and supranational entities, and international advocacy strategies. 

PAF 9199 Selected Topic: Applying Technological Innovation to Solve Public Sector Problems

Credit Bearing: 3

The focus of the course is developing a systematic approach to solving complex problem that arise in the public sector. Within the context of solving problems we also want to account for the role technology can and should play in the solutions we consider. In particular we want to understand the practical implications of AI, algorithms, and learning machines in solving these problems today and explore their potential in the future.

PAF 9299 Topic in Nonprft Mgt

Credit Bearing: 3

The focus of the course is developing a systematic approach to solving complex problem that arise in the public sector. Within the context of solving problems we also want to account for the role technology can and should play in the solutions we consider. In particular we want to understand the practical implications of AI, algorithms, and learning machines in solving these problems today and explore their potential in the future.

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information

No degrees listed.
No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information