NGO Education Survey

Columbia College

Contact Information:

Dr. Tamara Burk
Contact for P.L.A.C.E Program

Columbia College
1301 Columbia College Drive
South Carolina 29203
United States
Northern America

PSY 300 Statistics for Behavioral Science

Credit Bearing: 3

An advanced experience in social work practice in an approved social welfare agency under the supervision of the Program. One hour weekly seminar.

SOWK 201

Credit Bearing: 3

An introduction to the value frameworks that guide professional practice in the behavioral sciences and helping professions.

SOWK 255

Credit Bearing: 3

An introduction to the social welfare institution, with an emphasis on understanding the historical development of social welfare, social welfare services, the philosophical base of social welfare, and the role of social work in service delivery.

SOWK 268 - Ethnic and Minority Groups

Credit Bearing: 3

An examination of theory and research concerning majority-minority group relations and the social processes associated with ethnic differentiation.

SOWK 301 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment I

Credit Bearing: 3

This course explores the processes of human development and change from birth through adolescence. The student will analyze this developmental period in terms of the human biological, social, psychological, and cultural systems that have an impact on individual development and change.

SOWK 350 Social Work Practice I

Credit Bearing: 3

Beginning with the goals of social work practice this course addresses the knowledge, skills and values needed for generalist social work practice. Emphasizing the ecological perspective, focusing on micro practice, components of the change process, and evaluation of practice, these course addresses the knowledge base and skills needed by the generalist social worker.

SOWK 355 Social Work Practice II

Credit Bearing: 3

Focusing on generalist practice with families and groups, students develop the interpersonal and problem solving skills necessary for utilizing a variety of practice models. Evaluation is addressed as a critical component of social work practice and models for evaluating practice are presented.

SOWK 450 Social Work Practice III

Credit Bearing: 3

Further development of professional knowledge and skills for generalist practice at the macro level. Social work with organizations and communities will be addressed including strategies for evaluating outcomes.

SOWK 477 Field Instruction Seminar I

The seminar constitutes the academic complement to the agency-based field course. The field practicum and seminar jointly enable students to integrate knowledge acquired across the social work curriculum with practice in an agency. Particular attention is paid to the integration and analysis of Human Behavior and the Social Environment, and Practice content. Through analysis of their field experiences in the seminar, students’ understanding of previously learned material is deepened and further knowledge acquired. Required readings provide additional content on specific practice topics addressed in the seminar.

SOWK 478 Field Instruction Seminar II

Credit Bearing: 3

The seminar constitutes the academic complement to the agency-based field course. The field practicum and seminar jointly enable students to integrate knowledge acquired across the social work curriculum with practice in an agency. Building upon the work of SOWK 477 (Seminar I), students complete integrative analysis of Policy and Research content. Through analysis of their field experiences in the seminar class, students’ understanding of previously learned material is deepened and further knowledge acquired. Required readings provide additional content on specific practice topics addressed in the seminar.

SOWK 480 - Social Welfare Policy and Services

Credit Bearing: 3

The study of social welfare policies and services designed to develop skills in policy analysis. Includes a framework for analyzing social policies and services and the impact of such variables on economic, political, and ideological pressures on human service delivery systems.

SOWK 487 Social WOrk Field Placement I

Credit Bearing: 4

Internship in an approved social welfare agency under the supervision of the Program. One hour weekly seminar to evaluate and discuss issues affecting social agency functioning and service delivery systems.

SOWK Social Work Field Placement III

Credit Bearing: 6

An advanced experience in social work practice in an approved social welfare agency under the supervision of the Program. One hour weekly seminar.

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information

No degrees listed.
No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information