NGO Education Survey

City College of New York

Contact Information:

Bobby Derival
Executive Director

City College of New York
160 Convent Avenue
Shepard Hall - Room 1
New York
New York 10031
United States
Northern America

10500: Introduction to Sociology 

Credit Bearing: 3

Provides a basic framework for sociological investigation and some knowledge of the institutions which constitute the fabric of society. The emphasis will be on concepts, hypotheses and theories which explain social behavior. Although social problems of contemporary relevance are often discussed, the focus of most of the material is on sociological problems and on analytical issues in the study of society.

23200 Methods and Techniques of Sociological Research

Credit Bearing: 4

The meaning and relevance of "the Scientific Method" as a canon guiding the logic of research in sociology. Historical perspective and method of social research in the recent past. Survey research, sampling, questionnaire construction analysis, and hypothesis- testing; community study, field observation, unstructured interviewing, participant observation, control of bias.

23700 Foundations of Sociological Theory 

Credit Bearing: 4

The roots of modern sociology in the ideas of nineteenth and early twentieth century theorists, such as Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Simmel, Veblen and Cooley, with emphasis on the intellectual and social context and current relevance of the concepts and propositions they developed. Prerequisite: SOC10500; Suggested Prerequisite: a course in the history of ideas such as Hist 35100, 35200, 35300 or Pol Sci 27400.

SOC 23100 Sociological Statistics

Credit Bearing: 3

Description: An introduction to statistical theory and techniques as utilized by sociologists. This course covers descriptive and inferential statistics.

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information

No degrees listed.
No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information