College: BrynMawr
The Core Curriculum includes 10 half-day seminars where you will:
Assess how your leadership style impacts your organization’s ability to adapt, survive, and thrive during times of change.
Discuss how transition and change affect your team’s well-being and morale, its group dynamics, and overall staff flexibility and productivity.
Utilize a strategic thinking and planning model that works well for both short-term and long-term planning. Learn applications that help you analyze your business model and assess your changing environment and constituencies you serve. Then define key sustainability questions your organization is facing and develop outcomes-based strategies to address them.
Understand how to create and support organizational teams. Develop skills essential to responding to threats and opportunities both internal and external to your social sector organization.
Develop a deeper understanding of the interconnection between individual trauma and organizational trauma. Increase awareness of agency/organization-based trauma-informed practices and assessment tools. Develop and cultivate strategies to build organizational resiliency and post-traumatic growth.
Learn how your Board’s developmental stage plays an important part in its practices in governance. Invite a Board Officer to this session to discuss the Board’s role in navigating transition and change.
Assess your organization's financial management practices and its efforts to increase financial literacy in-house. Discover and test tools that can strengthen your financial decision-making and sustainability.
Evaluate your organizational culture to learn where your organization stands in terms of its norms and practices that show respect for diversity, encourage inclusion, and integrate equity into its values and behavior. Learn best practices in Inclusive Leadership to help your organization move to the next level.
Program Information:
No programs listed.
Degree and Certificate Information
No degrees listed.
No certificates listed.
Information on Training and Other Services
None listed
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