NGO Education Survey

Bradley University

Contact Information:

Brad McMillan
Coordinator for the Masters in Nonprofit Leadership Program

Bradley University
1501 West Bradley Avenue
Illinois 61625
United States
Northern America

Tel: 309-677-3333

College: Bradley University

Department: Nonpofit Leadership

Research Methods Legal and Social Change Digital Media Applications for the Nonprofit Leader Survey in Nonprofit Leadership Supervision and Employee Engagement in Nonprofit Leadership Topics in Nonprofit Leadership Effective Leadership Financial Leadership Grant Writing Strategic Planning Field Experience

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information


College or Department: Bradley University Master of Arts in Nonprofit Leadership
Department Information: 36 credit-hour, 12-course master’s program includes field experience 12 credit-hour, 4-course certificate program Complete the master’s degree in as few as 16 months Three start dates per year: spring, summer, and fall No GRE required

Degree: Masters

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information