NGO Education Survey

Wright State University

Contact Information:

Jennifer Subban

Associate Professor

Wright State University
College of Liberal Arts
3640 Colonel Glenn Highway
Ohio 45435
United States
Northern America
Americas ,

Community Development: Principles and Practice

Credit Bearing: 3
Level: Graduate

Explores evolution of community development theory and practice in the U.S and examines the process of community building and asset-based community development. Topics include how to help community members define community needs and identify community assets, analyze and present qualitative data, and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they relate to community development.
Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

Ethics and Leadership in Public Service

Credit Bearing: 3
Level: Graduate

A systematic study of ethics and leadership in public service. Examines models of contemporary leadership and ethical reasoning, and the relevant roles, obligations, values, standards, codes of conduct, and strategies for resolving ethical dilemmas within the context of organizations, communities, and governance.
Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

Nonprofit Administration

Credit Bearing: 3
Level: Graduate

A one quarter supervised internship of at least 300 hours in a selected nonprofit agency. Arranged in consultation with Director of American Humanics.
Prerequisite(s): Graduate level URS 7000 Minimum Grade of D and Graduate level URS 7010 Minimum Grade of D
Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Public Administration - MPA.

Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Internship

Credit Bearing: 3
Level: Graduate

Examines the organizational and managerial foundations of nonprofit organizations. Explores areas such as the nature and mission of nonprofit organizations, strategies for achieving the mission, roles involved, evaluating performance, resource development/fundraising, and managing volunteers.
Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

Public Budgeting and Fiscal Management

Credit Bearing: 3
Level: Graduate

Focuses on budget processes and financial management practices in the public and nonprofit sectors.
Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Public Administration - MPA.

Special Topics

Credit Bearing: 3
Level: Graduate

Advanced study in selected topics in urban studies. Topics may include new developments in methodology or the various subfields of the discipline.
Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

Strategic Planning and Program Evaluation

Credit Bearing: 3
Level: Graduate

Credit Hour(s): 3
Addresses the theory and practice of strategic thinking, planning, and management in public and nonprofit organizations and familiarizes students with the major concepts, skills and approaches to program evaluation.
Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

Community Development: Principles and Practice

Credit Bearing: 3
Level: Undergraduate

Evolution of community development theory and practice in the U.S and the process of community building and asset-based community development in a service learning format. Develops understanding of how to help community members define community needs and identify community assets and learn how to analyze and present qualitative data.

Ethics in Public Service

Credit Bearing: 3
Level: Undergraduate

Study of what constitutes ethical behavior in public service, and the ethical role of public service professionals. Integrated Writing course.

Fundraising and Grant Writing

Credit Bearing: 3
Level: Undergraduate

Examines the concepts and processes fundamental to fundraising and grant writing. Exploration of tools, techniques and skills needed to raise funds and write grant proposals.

Issues in Nonprofit Administration

Credit Bearing: 3
Level: Undergraduate

Issues and topics related to the administration of nonprofit organizations.
Level: Undergraduate

Managing Volunteer Organizations

Credit Bearing: 3
Level: Undergraduate

Management principles for volunteer organizations including program design, recruitment, retention, training, placement and assessment.
Level: Undergraduate

Nonprofit Administration

Credit Bearing: 3
Level: Undergraduate

Examines the organizational and managerial foundations of nonprofit organizations. Explores areas such as the nature and mission of nonprofit organizations, evaluating performance, resource development/fund raising, and managing volunteers.

Nonprofit Internship

Credit Bearing: 3
Level: Undergraduate

Senior-level internship in a local nonprofit agency.
Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level URS 4300 Minimum Grade of D
Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in the following Classifications: Senior.

Philanthropy and Grant Making

Credit Bearing: 3
Level: Undergraduate

Philanthropy, fundraising, grant writing and grant making. Includes series of experiential learning activities demonstrating how nonprofit organizations secure financial resources. Culminates with students awarding grants to local organizations.

Special Topics

Credit Bearing: 3
Level: Undergraduate

Advanced study in selected topics in urban studies. Topics may include new developments in methodology or the various subfields of the discipline.

Strategic Planning

Credit Bearing: 3
Level: Undergraduate

Theory and practice of strategic thinking, planning, and management in public and nonprofit organizations.

Youth and Community Engagement

Credit Bearing: 3
Level: Undergraduate

Examines the pedagogies that encourage youth in developing the capacity to participate responsibly and effectively in the civic life of their communities. Centered on a field-based learning experience.

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information


College or Department:

Graduate: Urban Affairs and Geography

Undergraduate: School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA)


Graduate: Masters in Public Administration

Certificate(s): Grad

1. Certificate of Nonprofit Administration
2. raduate Nonprofit Administration
3. Nonprofit Administration for Professionals

Undergradute: Nonprofit Administration Minor

Certificate(s): Undergrad

1. Nonprofit Leadership Alliance
2. Association of Fundraising Professionals' Collegiate Certificate

Level: Graduate/Undergraduate

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information