NGO Education Survey

University of Oregon

Contact Information:

University of Oregon
School of Planning, Public Policy and Management
1209 University of Oregon
Hendricks Hall, 119
Oregon 97403-1209
United States
Northern America

Tel: 5413463635

University of Oregon
School of Planning, Public Policy and Management
1209 University of Oregon
Hendricks Hall, 119
Oregon 97403-1209
United States
Northern America

Tel: 5413463635

PPPM507 Seminar
Credit Bearing: 1-5 credits
Level: Graduate

Repeatable. Offerings vary and reflect the interests of faculty members. Courses recently taught under this heading include: International Sustainability. 4 Credits. Sustainable Transportation. 4 Credits. Hazard Mitigation Planning. 4 Credits. Volunteer Resource Management. 2 Credits. Nonprofit Financial Management. 4 Credits. Nonprofit Legal Issues. 4 Credits. Public Sector Leadership. 2 Credits. Strategic Communications. 4 Credits. Design in SketchUP. 2 Credits. Inequality Policy Solutions. 2 Credits. Policy Simulation. 2 Credits. Public Health. 4 Credits.

PPPM508 Workshop
Credit Bearing: 1-21 credits
Level: Graduate

Repeatable. Offerings vary and reflect the interests of faculty members. Courses recently taught under this heading include: Environmental Impact Assessment. 4 Credits. Advanced Geographic Information Systems. 4 Credits.

PPPM510 Experimental Course
Credit Bearing: 1-5 credits
Level: Graduate

Repeatable. Offerings vary and reflect the interests of faculty members. Courses recently taught under this heading include: Philanthropy. 4 Credits. Real World- Eugene. 4 Credits.

PPPM518 Introduction to Public Law
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Administrative law, including introduction to legal research, for public administrators. Administrative procedures, implementation of policy through administrative law, judicial review, and practical applications in public agencies.

PPPM522 Grant Proposal Writing
Credit Bearing: 1 credit
Level: Graduate

Introduction to the process of preparing grant applications and material for funded research.

PPPM525 Project Management
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Application of specific techniques that lead to projects being completed on time, within budget, and with appropriate quality.

PPPM526 Strategic Planning for Management
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Process of strategic planning for communities, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations.

PPPM532 Justice and Urban Revitalization
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Examines the political, economic, institutional and social forces that affect the long-term vitality of cities and communities and how those factors relate to community redevelopment. Emphasis is given on how to revitalize low-income multicultural communities.

PPPM534 Urban Geographic Information Systems
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Introduction to geographic information systems in areas of environmental, demographic, suitability, and transportation-related research.

PPPM538 Transportation Issues in Planning
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Introduction to the social implications of various transportation-related policies and practices. Repeatable for a maximum of 8 credits.

PPPM542 Sustainable Urban Development
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Introduces issues evolving around cities as the nexus for environmental challenges, including land-use planning, transportation planning, community and neighborhood design, and green buildings.

PPPM543 Natural Resource Policy
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Aspects of population and resource systems. Poses questions about population trends, policy, and optimum size; analyzes methods for determining resource availability and flows.

PPPM544 Environmental Policy
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Overview of policies related to the environment: examines the design and effectiveness of specific policies.

PPPM546 Socioeconomic Development Planning
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Planning for responsible economic and social development. Policy problems and issues in providing a stable economic base and social and economic well-being while avoiding environmental degradation.

PPPM548 Collaborative Planning and Management
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Explores theory and practice of collaboration. Presents a variety of collaboration settings with a focus on environmental and natural resource management.

PPPM552 Public Participation in Diverse Communities
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Review of community engagement strategies and tools for encouraging public participation in low income and ethnically diverse communities. Prereq: PPPM 532.

PPPM560 Health Policy
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Introduction to the key health policy issues of access, cost, quality, and racial and ethnic disparities

PPPM565 Program Evaluation
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Introduction to the design and implementation of program evaluations.

PPPM581 Fundraising for Nonprofit Organizations
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Introduction to fundraising for nonprofit organizations. Annual giving, major gifts, planned giving, and campaigns.

PPPM586 Philanthropy and Grant Making
Credit Bearing: 2 credits
Level: Graduate

History, economics, and practice of philanthropy and grant making in the United States. Students study philanthropy from a multidisciplinary perspective and finish the quarter by awarding a $15,000 grant to a nonprofit organization of their choice.

PPPM601 Research
Credit Bearing: 1-16 credits
Level: Graduate

PPPM604 Internship
Credit Bearing: 1-10 credits
Level: Graduate

Supervised work experience that offers students opportunities to explore and clarify career goals, apply academic learning, enhance and learn new skills, gain experience, and network with professionals. Repeatable.

PPPM605 Reading and Conference
Credit Bearing: 1-16 credits
Level: Graduate

PPPM606 Special Problems
Credit Bearing: 1-16 credits
Level: Graduate

PPPM607 Seminar
Credit Bearing: 1-5 credits
Level: Graduate

Repeatable. Offerings vary and reflect the interests of faculty members. Courses recently taught under this heading include: Persuasive Writing Toolbox. 2 Credits.

PPPM608 Workshop
Credit Bearing: 1-16 credits
Level: Graduate

Repeatable. Offerings vary and reflect the interests of faculty members. Courses recently taught under this heading include: Community Planning.

PPPM609 Terminal Project
Credit Bearing: 1-16 credits
Level: Graduate

PPPM610 Experimental Course
Credit Bearing: 1-5 credits
Level: Graduate

PPPM610 Growth Management
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Examines motivations for managing growth. Surveys regulatory and incentive-based approaches to growth management at the state, regional, and local level.

PPPM610 Land Use Policy
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Planning in urban, rural, and connecting environments. Functions, distribution, relationships of land uses; social, economic, fiscal, physical consequences of alternative land use development patterns.

PPPM610 Professional Project Colloquium
Credit Bearing: 2 credits
Level: Graduate

PPPM610 Research Design
Credit Bearing: 2 credits
Level: Graduate

PPPM610 Research Skills
Credit Bearing: 2 credits
Level: Graduate

PPPM610 Social Enterprise
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

PPPM611 Introduction to Planning Practice
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Explores the concepts and functions of the planning process as they relate to the social, economic, political, and environmental aspects of communities and regions.

PPPM612 Legal Issues in Planning
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Federal and state legal relationships, the role of the courts in reviewing public sector decision-making, sources of the law, issues in land-use regulation, and basic legal research skills.

PPPM613 Planning Analysis I
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Graduate

Data sources and methods of data collection including surveys; descriptive and multivariate analysis; computer applications; selected analytic models, population projections, cost-benefit analysis.

PPPM616 Planning Theory and Ethics
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Logic of the planning process; the relationship of planning to the political process and to rational decision making in governance.

PPPM617 Human Settlements
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Historical development of cities and the ways in which city and regional contexts influence economic, social, and political processes.

PPPM618 Public Sector Theory
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Overview of the core concepts, theories, and practices that provide the foundation for the field of public policy and management.

PPPM623 Professional Development
Credit Bearing: 1 credit
Level: Graduate

Articulating preliminary career goals and mapping the necessary steps to accomplish these goals.

PPPM625 Community Planning Workshop
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Graduate

First in a two-term sequence of planning and problem-solving courses. Students working in teams conduct research and develop solutions to planning problems for a client community. Sequence with PPPM 626.

PPPM626 Community Planning Workshop
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Graduate

Last in a two-term sequence of planning and problem-solving courses. Students working in teams conduct research and develop solutions to planning problems for a client community. Sequence with PPPM 625. Prereq: PPPM 625.

PPPM628 Public Sector Economics
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Reasons for governmental intervention and analysis of revenue sources available to governments. Includes discussion of various taxes, intergovernmental transfer policies, and user fees.

PPPM629 Public Budget Administration
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Resource allocation through the budget process. Analysis of budget systems, service costing, and citizen participation in the budget process.

PPPM633 Public Management
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Theory and practice of public service managment; leadership and organizational capacity building, including key management activities for developing effective public service organizations.

PPPM636 Public Policy Analysis
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Techniques in the policymaking process. Determining the impact of policies, comparing alternatives, determining the likelihood that a policy will be adopted and effectively implemented. Prereq: PPPM 628 or equivalent.

PPPM637 MPA Policy Analysis Project
Credit Bearing: 1 credit
Level: Graduate

Students team to produce a professionally oriented policy analysis memorandum and presentation on an assigned topic in a 48-hour period. Prereq: PPPM 636.

PPPM638 MPA Capstone Applied Research Project I
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Graduate

Team prepare applied research projects for client organizations using analytical and managerial skills to solve problems in public policy analysis or public management. Sequence with PPPM 639. Prereq: PPPM 618, 629, 633, 636, 657, 684.

PPPM639 MPA Capstone Applied Research Project II
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Graduate

Teams prepare applied research projects for client organizations using analytical and management skills to solve problems in public policy analysis or public management. Sequence with PPPM 638. Prereq: PPPM 638.

PPPM656 Quantitative Methods
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Graduate

Develops skills in quantitative analysis. Emphasizes selecting appropriate analysis procedures and properly interpreting and reporting results.

PPPM657 Research Methods in Public Policy and Management
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Survey of research methods used in the analysis of public policy issues. Emphasis is on determining the appropriate methodology for a given research question. Prereq: PPPM 656.

PPPM680 Managing Nonprofit Organizations
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Principles of effective management of nonprofit organizations. Governance, strategy, legal structure and standards, and volunteer administration.

PPPM684 Public and Nonprofit Financial Management
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Financial management overview for public agencies and nonprofits, including budget processes, financial statements, resource management, expenditure systems, capital project analysis, and internal management control processes.

PPPM685 Social Enterprise
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Introduction to social enterprises and their ecosystem. Earned revenue and social business models, social performance management, balancing financial and social objectives, funding landscape, policy environment, and taking social enterprises to scale.

PPPM686 Nonprofit 48-hour Charrette
Credit Bearing: 1 credit
Level: Graduate

Requires students to complete a management memo on an assigned topic. Work is completed within a 48-hour period, mimicking the high-stakes, deadline-intensive schedule characterizing professional work in the nonprofit sector.

PPPM687 Nonprofit Board Governance
Credit Bearing: 1 credit
Level: Graduate

Students serve on governing boards of nonprofit organizations for one year: fall, winter, and spring terms.

PPPM688 Nonprofit Consultancy
Credit Bearing: 4 credits
Level: Graduate

Student teams complete projects for nonprofit organizations, assessing organizational needs and capacity, evaluating alternative strategies, and recommending solutions for organizational success.

Program Information:

School of Planning, Public Policy and Management

Degree and Certificate Information


Degree: Master of Nonprofit Management
Level: Graduate

Credit Hours: 70 credit hours
Working Language: English

Degree: Master of Public Administration
Level: Graduate

Credit Hours: 72 credit hours
Working Language: English

Degree: Certificate of Nonprofit Management
Level: Graduate

Credit Hours: 24 credit hours
Working Language: English

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information

In the School of Planning, Public Policy and Management (PPPM), you'll explore ways that governments, nonprofit organizations, and other institutions address some of the most important problems facing society. Oregon and the Pacific Northwest have an international reputation for innovation in planning and public policy, providing an ideal setting in which to learn and work. PPPM builds off this region’s international reputation for livability, urban planning, and innovative policy as we strive to make the world a better place.