NGO Education Survey

Sheffield Hallam University *

Contact Information:

Sheffield Hallam University *
Sheffield Hallam University, Howard Street, Sheffield, S1 1WB
United Kingdom
Northern Europe

Tel: 0114 225 5555

Co-operative and Social Enterprise Summer School

The course includes discussion of the origins and contemporary forms of co-operative and social enterprise. Day 1 focuses on theoretical perspectives, while on days 2 and 3 you focus on applying the theory to your role.

MSc in Charity Resource Management

The MSc in Charity Resource Management is a flagship two year parttime course for those with significant responsibilities in the charity sector concerned with the generation and use of resources. It links the themes of charity accounting and regulation, fundraising/income generation, and issues of strategic change for the sector.

The Spirit of Charity

It is, of course, an immense privilege for anyone to stand before an audience such as this to deliver a professorial lecture. As someone who is passionate about the work of charitable organisations, I am delighted that the University has seen fit to designate a Chair in Charity Studies, and I am honoured to be speaking today on that basis. Professors specialising in this sector are still a rarity, though I follow in the footsteps of several colleagues at other universities with titles such as “Professor of Voluntary Sector Management”. But I make no great claims for my work, except as a student of charities, hoping to persuade you that this is an important and worthwhile area for academic research and teaching.

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information

No degrees listed.
No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information