NGO Education Survey

King's College London

Contact Information:

King's College London
School of Management and Business
England WC2R 2LS
United Kingdom
Northern Europe

Tel: +44 (0)20 7848 7000

Leadership and People Management in the Public Services
Credit Bearing: 15 credits

This course will focus on issues in the management and change of the public sector workforce. The first half will explore the nature and changing structure of the public sector workforce; the growth of workforce flexibility and the challenges for management; industrial relations in the public sector; commitment and the changing psychological contract in the public sector; the well being and satisfaction of the public sector workforce; and the relationship between human resource management and public sector performance. The second part will explore organisational change and leadership in the public sector. It will explore theoretical and analytical frameworks on change and leadership, including those related to change strategies and leadership styles, and provide you with opportunities to apply these frameworks to case situations.

Organisations And Management Of The Public Services
Credit Bearing: 20 credits

This course explores, in international and historical perspective, the development of ‘public services’, the past and present role of the public sector in their delivery, and the development of new ideas about how best to manage the production and financing of these services. Particular attention is paid to the rise of ‘New Public Management’ and quasi-market approaches; to the role of market failure, principal-agent relationships, trust and professionalism; and to institutional governance. Sessions will explore and evaluate the extent to which policy alternatives can be generalised to the public services as a whole, as opposed to being service- or country-specific.

Social Entrepreneurship
Credit Bearing: 15 credits

Aims: To introduce students to the concept of social entrepreneurship and critically examine the key concepts and debates within the field. To develop an understanding of the opportunities and challenges faced by contemporary social entrepreneurs. To develop an awareness of the inherently complex relationship between profit and creating social value and meeting social goals. To analyse the relationship among social enterprises, the public sector, the private sector and the broader Third Sector. To foster an understanding of how to work for, manage, collaborate with, or interact with, social enterprises, and how to start a social enterprise.

Strategic Management In Public Services Organisations
Credit Bearing: 15 credits

Strategic management is one of the main disciplines in management studies. Although it has so far been mainly applied to the strategic management of firms, New Public Management style reforms to the public sector make it more applicable there too. This course will introduce and critically discuss some of the main models and authors in the field of strategic management and the debates between them. It will also present associated analytical technique and a couple of more case study based sessions will be included at the end of the course.

The Policy Process
Credit Bearing: 20 credits

This compulsory module provides the foundation for the programme, and is designed to introduce students to the study of the policy-making process and the role of policy analysis. It aims to give a comprehensive survey of the key literature, themes and issues in the study of policy making, introducing students to the role of the policy analyst. It considers policy-making as a political process, addressing the roles of key actors and examining the processes of agenda-building, policy 'framing' and the translation of policy into action.

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information


Degree: MSc in Public Policy & Management
Level: Postgraduate

Subject Area: Social Science and Public Policy
Credit Hours: 180 credits (UK)
Working Language: English

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information