NGO Education Survey

University of London

Contact Information:

Dr. Justin Davis Smith

University of London
Goldsmith College
New Cross
SE14 6NW
United Kingdom
Northern Europe

Tel: 020 7919 7200
Fax: 020 7919 7223

Entrepreneurial Modelling
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

Research or Project-Based Master’s Dissertation
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

Social Entrepreneurship: Policy and Frameworks
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

Social Return On Investment: Principles and Practice
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

Theories of Creative, Cultural and Social Entrepreneurship
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

Adult Learning: Management, Curriculum and Culture
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Postgraduate

This module explores issues in education, training and professional development of adults.

Contemporary Social and Cultural Issues and Policy Debates
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Postgraduate

This course examines the contested concept of ?community? in the context of debates on globalisation and the constructs of First and Third Worlds

Ideas of Community in Modern Literature
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Postgraduate

This is concerned with cultural representation with a particular focus upon constructions of ?community? in modern literature.

Learning in Organisations
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Postgraduate

the nature of learning in organisations, organisational learning, the learning organisation and management learning.

Research Methods
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Postgraduate

The Research Methods course provides you with the theoretical framework within which to analyse and evaluate different paradigms and approaches to research.

Social Identity in Context
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Postgraduate

This examines the nature of social identity in every day life and introduces the theoretical framework from a social psychological background.

Systems, Structures and Diversity Management
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Postgraduate

The course will focus, in particular, on the concept of diversity and its potential impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of organisations.

This module asks students to investigate the basic principles un
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Postgraduate

this course examines theoretical debates surrounding the key concepts ?Development? and ?Community Development? both nationally and internationally.

Program Information:

Goldsmiths College
Professional and Community Education Department

Degree and Certificate Information


Degree: MA in Social Entrepreneurship
Level: Graduate

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information

There is a growth in the number of entrepreneurs starting businesses with social and environmental purposes. This exciting MA will enable you to develop a critical understanding of and practical insights into modes of social enterprise. There is an urgent need for talented individuals who can design novel solutions to our most profound societal challenges. This international MA provides practical and sociological tools to individuals motivated to develop alternative economic practices and frameworks to meet such challenges. These might include (but are not limited to) social enterprises, collaborative innovation networks, hubs, digital platforms, support intermediaries and/or policy proposals. Benefitting from the MA’s timely educational content as well as from its firm roots in London’s rich networks, our students go on to become thought leaders in the burgeoning social innovation field, advancing it in a creative fashion from their chosen angle. Past graduates have gone on to create their own social enterprises or to work for prestigious organisations such as the Yunus Institute and Social Enterprise UK, while some have elected to carry out advanced research into social innovation.