NGO Education Survey

Asia University

Contact Information:

Asia University
500, Lioufeng Rd., Wufeng
Eastern Asia


College: 人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)

Department: 社會工作系(Department of Social Work)



Level: 學士(Bachelor)

●認知面:使學生能理解、應用、分析社區工作之基本理論與概念。●技能面:使學生能獲得運用與實做社區工作理論與概念之技巧。●情意面:引發學生對社區工作之興趣,激發學生學習動機,增加觸類旁通與自主學習。●Cognition:To enable students to understand, apply, analyze the basic theories and concepts of community work.●Skill:So that students can obtain application and implementation of the concept of community work theory and techniques.●Effects:So that students can obtain application and implementation of the concept of community work theory and techniques.


Level: 學士(Bachelor)

●認知面:建立學生非營利組織的架構化觀念,使學生瞭解非營利組織的意涵、理論、運作模式與發展趨勢。●技能面:訓練並協助學生習得非營利組織的相關技巧,及其在非營利組織經營管理實務上的運用。使學生熟悉非營利組織的核心意涵,進而了解機構如何結合及運用社會資源,以提升機構之經營績效,且能夠同時滿足個人及機構之需求並具有創新非營利組織的能力。●情意面:培養學生對非營利組織管理的興趣,以及建立正確的非營利組織管理態度。●Cognition:This module assists students to understand the concepts, skills, and theories of management.●Skill:This module provides students to learn how to manage the organization and its work: planning, monitoring and evaluation.●Effects:This module will inspire students to run a non-profit organization.


Level: 學士(Bachelor)

●認知面:理解台灣非營利組織發展現況,並研究非營利組織之管理與行銷。●技能面:學生選定非營利組織,對照課程內容以及實務現況進行研究。●情意面:引導學生從志願服務、實習或工作經驗,瞭解非營利組織之類型、管理與運作方式。●Cognition:Researching the situation in Taiwan nonprofit organizational development, management and marketing.●Skill:Selected one non-profit organization, and  desighn researching●Effects:By volunteer service, internships or work experience, Gide student to understand the type of non-profit organization, management andoperation mode.


Level: 學士(Bachelor)


Department: 社會工作系(Departme人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)nt of Social Work)



Level: 學士(Bachelor)

●認知面:使學生能理解、應用、分析社區工作之基本理論與概念。●技能面:使學生能獲得運用與實做社區工作理論與概念之技巧。●情意面:引發學生對社區工作之興趣,激發學生學習動機,增加觸類旁通與自主學習。●Cognition:To enable students to understand, apply, analyze the basic theories and concepts of community work.●Skill:So that students can obtain application and implementation of the concept of community work theory and techniques.●Effects:So that students can obtain application and implementation of the concept of community work theory and techniques.


Level: 學士(Bachelor)

●認知面:(1)了解社區的意義 (2)了解社區組織與社區發展的意義 (3)了解台灣社區發展的歷史與現況(4)了解社會福利社區化的意涵●技能面:(1)蒐集社區資訊、紀錄社區資料(2)觀察社區的技巧(3)與人互動的技巧(4)撰寫社區報告的技巧●情意面:這是社工系學生第一門社區課程,先引導學生看到自己的社區,能描述自己的社區,對自己所處的社區產生情感,並且能看到為社區努力付出的人。接著以課堂上的理論知識再度看自己的社區,引發出參與社區發展的動力。●Cognition:(1)To understanding the meaning of community(2)To understanding the meaning of community organization and community development(3)To understanding the historcial development and the state of art of community development in Taiwan(4)To understanding the meaning of community social welfare ●Skill:(1)collecting community information and recording it(2)observing the community(3)interacting with people (4)writing community reports●Effects:This is the first community course of social work students. The goal is to describe students' own communities and generating their feeling from there.


Level: 學士(Bachelor)

●認知面:學生學習社會工作的各種行政流程,社會工作的行政管理,各種方案的撰寫與管理,各項方案的評鑑●技能面:實際操作需求評估 方案設計與執行 資源連結運用 成果評估與呈現●情意面:對服務對象 社區 社工專業的真誠關懷 無私投入 相互支持成長●Cognition:Student know the concept of social work project.●Skill:Student learn the practice of social work project.●Effects:Student is interested in doing the social work project.

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information

No degrees listed.
No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information