NGO Education Survey


Contact Information:

5 Hwarang-ro 14-gil
Wolgok 2(i)-dong
Seoul-teukbyeolsi 02792
South Korea
Eastern Asia

화랑로 14길5

Tel: 82.2.958.6032
Fax: 82.2.958.6509

소셜벤처 사업화연구(Research for Social Ventures Commercialization)

Level: 석사(Master)

College: College of business 

Department: 사회적기업전공(Social enterprise)


Social Entrepreneurship: Applications

This purpose of this course is to understand social venture creation processes and to learn how to mobilize
social entrepreneurship through the case studies of successful social entrepreneurs and social enterprises. In
addition this course tries to identify students' career development processes toward future social

Business Apprentice in Social Enterprises

Level: 석사(Master)

The object of this course is to expose the students to experience in person the launching and managing
processes of social enterprises and further analyze them. Students are expected to identify and understand

the distinct characteristics and issues that are particular to social enterprises through internship or consulting
in SEs.

Business Development and In-depth Case Studies

Level: 석사(Master)

The objects of this course is to provide students with a firm understanding of real world social enterprises
that leads to drafting their own business plan after business development. Students are expected to select
and analyze in depth the real world cases of domestic/overseas social enterprises and look into critical
success factors and key issues that are particular to SEs.

Business Economics Analysis

Level: 석사(Master)

The first half of this course is designed to help students to understand firm's decision and behavior in the
framework of microeconomics by focusing on various competition situations, and to develop analytical
capabilities of dealing with managerial issues in various business environments. The second half of this
course focuses on understanding business environments in terms of macroeconomic situations in which
business managers make their real decision.

Business Statistics and Market Research in SE

Level: 석사(Master)

Through this course, students will learn about business statistics techniques and market research
methodologies (qualitative, quantitative) to make statistical and analytical decisions on real world business
problems. Students will also be offered an opportunity to conduct an actual market research of the business
area they plan to develop. They are expected to apply qualitative and quantitative techniques to the market
research and analyze marketability of their business ideas.

Capability Development for Social Entrepreneurs I

Level: 석사(Master)

This course provides students with opportunities for developing attitudes, perspectives, and capabilities
required for promising social entrepreneurs. Through the group coaching course led by regular workshops
and seminars, students are expected to establish their vision and mission as a social entrepreneur based on
the values of their personal life and develop their capabilities. In addition, this course can help students

overcome in a sound manner the crisis and issues they will face in their academic and business start-up

Capability Development for Social Entrepreneurs II

Level: 석사(Master)

The purposes of this course are to learn appropriate approaches and behavior patterns and to develop
dynamic capabilities in implementing students’ vision and mission as social entrepreneurs. Through a group
coaching course led by regular workshops and seminars, this course can help students respond to the issues
they will face in their academic and business start-up process.

Corporate Financial Policy

Level: 석사(Master)

This course provides advanced theories and empirical evidences regarding corporate financing and
investment decisions. Specific topics will include capital structure policy, dividend policy, M&A, and corporate

Designing and Commercialization for Social Ventures

Level: 석사(Master)

This course focuses on implementing the business model and customizing strategy development for social
ventures from the finished business plan; prototyping and verification of products & services. Business
models of students will be upgraded and scaled as analyzing and measuring the results of prototyping.

Exploring Social Issues and Business Opportunities

Level: 석사(Master)

This course will explore social issues and the business opportunities for social venture creation. A variety of
social issues will be analyzed for in-depth discussion and students are requested to search their own social

venture opportunities. Special lectures will be delivered by a number of specialists from each field for an in-
depth understanding.

Financial Accounting

Level: 석사(Master)

The purpose of this course is to study and understand corporate financial reporting. Emphasis is placed on
reading and interpreting the corporate financial statements from the perspective of the user of financial
information. The role of accounting information in analyzing the performance of a firm, its valuation and
financial contracting is also covered. Since the main objective of the course is to provide accounting
knowledge to the future managers of the companies, mechanics of accounting procedures will be covered at
a minimum level, only to the extent necessary to understand the financial statements.

Global Immersion Practice in SE

Level: 석사(Master)

The Global Immersion Program is specifically designed to provide knowledge, experience, and insight
essential to managing students' own social enterprise in the future. The course will be conducted either by
visiting social enterprises abroad to gain hands-on field experience or attending global forums or
conferences that will give profound inspirations.

Idea Generation Methods in Social Ventures

Level: 석사(Master)

This course deals with the process of business idea generation for a social venture creation intensively as
developing the explored social issues and potential business opportunities into the practical business model.
Students are requested to generate their own business idea for social venture creation by a cooperative work
experience and a collective creativity through the whole networking in class. Various methods for idea
generation and exploring business opportunities will be discussed from facilitated workshop.

International Development and Business

Level: 석사(Master)

International development issues are gaining increasing recognition as a critical area of social enterprise. This
course introduces these issues and provides social business logic and methods to solve the international
development problems.

IT경영(Management of Information Technology)

Level: 석사(Master)

Leadership in Organizations

Level: 석사(Master)

It presumes that we are all deficient in some way in terms of our cognitive ability, resources, or talents and
that the way to acquire leadership power is not through the personal development of those skills but by
being able to access the skills you need through experts who possess those skills. The goal of this course is
to provide you with the coherent set of techniques needed to lead in environments characterized by
complexity, interaction, and interconnectedness

Local Development and Community Business

Level: 석사(Master)

This course is about theories and practices of local development and community business. We understand
the principles of community business with the theoretical background of local development, local governance,
and regional innovation system. Various cases of community businesses across urban and rural area will be

Management of Information Technologies

Level: 석사(Master)

Through information and communication technology, now business processes of modern firms are globally
connected and innovation on business models and processes are sought by IT. The investment of IT has
been ever increasing and comprises more than half of capital investment by firms. Hence, effective
management of IT is very critical in business success. Therefore, this course will outline how to manage IT
from business perspectives.


Level: 석사(Master)

The objectives of this course are to:
(1) Provide you with an understanding of the marketing problems faced by managers.
(2) Equip you with the conceptual frameworks and analytical tools required for marketing products and
(3) Enhance your skills to identity crucial marketing issues and make logical decisions to solve the issues.
(4) Provide you with opportunities to understand marketing tools correctly and to apply them in realistic
situation by analyzing marketing cases.

Seminar for Social Enterprises I

Level: 석사(Master)

This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to be exposed to real businesses for social
entrepreneurship. Students are expected to attend the seminar delivered by guest speakers, such as top
managers in social enterprises and related experts in the field of social entrepreneurship.

Seminar for Social Enterprises II

Level: 석사(Master)

This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to be exposed to real requirements and
processes for creating social ventures. Students are expected to attend the seminar delivered by guest
speakers, such as experts in social venturing processes, fund managers for social impact funds, and leaders in
non-government organizations and/or in government agencies.

Social Enterprise & Management

Level: 석사(Master)

To lay a foundation for social entrepreneurship and social enterprise, this course offers a set of theoretical
and analytical tools for managing social enterprises derived from social entrepreneurship. By examining
various social-enterprise cases through useful and applicable management frameworks and methods,
students are expected to enhance their capabilities to analyze and manage social enterprises.

Social Entrepreneur I

Level: 석사(Master)

This course is about theories and practices of local development and community business. We understand
the principles of community business with the theoretical background of local development, local governance,
and regional innovation system. Various cases of community businesses across urban and rural area will be

Social Entrepreneur II

Level: 석사(Master)

This course is about theories and practices of local development and community business. We understand
the principles of community business with the theoretical background of local development, local governance,
and regional innovation system. Various cases of community businesses across urban and rural area will be

Social Entrepreneurship: Applications

Level: 석사(Master)

This purpose of this course is to understand social venture creation processes and to learn how to mobilize
social entrepreneurship through the case studies of successful social entrepreneurs and social enterprises. In
addition this course tries to identify students' career development processes toward future social

Social Entrepreneurship: Applications

Level: 석사(Master)

This purpose of this course is to understand social venture creation processes and to learn how to mobilize
social entrepreneurship through the case studies of successful social entrepreneurs and social enterprises. In
addition this course tries to identify students' career development processes toward future social

Social Finance and Impact Investment

Level: 석사(Master)

This course is about theories and practices of social finance market which financially supports social ventures.
We reviews global trends of social finance and discuss the advancement of social capital market: impact
investment, venture philanthropy, carbon finance, microfinance, and social impact bond. Impact assessment
and valuation which make social capital market work functionally will be discussed.

Social Services and Business Innovation

Level: 석사(Master)

This course studies the management theories and practices of business innovation in the field of social
services: social work, education, and healthcare etc. The course is theoretically based on the principles of
service marketing and operations management and addressees the issues of strategy, design, operations and
improvement in social service industry.

Special Topics in Social Enterprises I, II, III,IV

Level: 석사(Master)

These courses are designed to provide students with an opportunity to study in depth the special topics that
may rise regarding social enterprises. Students are expected to present case analysis and discuss possible
topics such as local development and community business; ICT and social innovation; social finance and
impact investment; social service and business innovation; and energy environment problems and social

Strategic Management

Level: 석사(Master)

The focus of this course is on the management of the survival of the firm in a changing business
environment. This course provides conceptual frameworks and diagnostic tools for analyzing a diverse
spectrum of the firm's survival problems. The classes require students' active interaction and involvement. In
particular, students are placed in the roles of key decision-makers or their advisors and asked to think about
solutions to these survival problems in the evolving landscape of competition.

Strategies and Funding

Level: 석사(Master)

This course deals with the process of investment and means of securing various resources to execute a
business plan for social venture creation. Students are required to complete a their own investment plan,
carry out activities related to the funding such as approaching & attracting impact investors and
communicating. Their investment plans should be submitted for IR party which will be held during the
semester. These plans will be discussed in class with academic advisor and class members. The final business
plan for social venture creation will be completed after supplementing the strategies.

Supply Chain Management

Level: 석사(Master)

This course enables MBA students to understand strategic supply chain management (SCM). Theories and
methods in SCM (such as the design and operations of value creation processes and strategic issues related
with inventory, capacity, and quality) will be covered and real-world business cases will also be discussed.

경영경제분석(Business Economics Analysis)

Level: 석사(Master)

경영경제분석(Business Economics Analysis)

Level: 석사(Master)

경영통계 및 시장조사(Business Statistics and Market Research in SE)

Level: 석사(Master)

경영통계 및 시장조사(Business Statistics and Market Research in SE)

Level: 석사(Master)

공급사슬관리(Supply Chain Management)

Level: 석사(Master)

공급사슬관리(Supply Chain Management)

Level: 석사(Master)

기업재무정책(Corporate Financial Policy)

Level: 석사(Master)

기업재무정책(Corporate Financial Policy)

Level: 석사(Master)

리더십과 조직관리(Leadership and Management of Organizations)

Level: 석사(Master)


Level: 석사(Master)

사회적 기업가정신(Social Entrepreneurship)

Level: 석사(Master)

사회적 기업과 경영(Social Enterprise and Management)

Level: 석사(Master)

사회적기업 세미나(Seminar for Social Enterprises)

Level: 석사(Master)

사회적기업 세미나(Seminar for Social Enterprises)

Level: 석사(Master)

사회적기업 특수논제Ⅲ(Special Topics in Social Enterprises Ⅲ)

Level: 석사(Master)

사회적기업 현장연수(Field Study in SE)

Level: 석사(Master)

소셜 이슈 분석과 미션 수립(Analyzing Social Issues and Developing Mission)

Level: 석사(Master)

소셜벤처 고객문제 및 솔루션 검증(Customer Problem and Solution Validation for Social Venture)

Level: 석사(Master)

소셜벤처 린스타트업(Lean Startup for Social Ventures)

Level: 석사(Master)

소셜벤처 사업모형(Social Venture Business Model)

Level: 석사(Master)

소셜벤처 사업화연구(Research for Social Ventures Commercialization)

Level: 석사(Master)

소셜벤처 시장조사 및 비즈니스 모델 개발(Market Research and Business Model Development in Social Ventures)

Level: 석사(Master)

소셜벤처 아이디어 창출 방법(Idea Generation Methods in Social)

Level: 석사(Master)

소셜벤처 제품 및 서비스 검증(Product and Service Validation for Social Ventures)

Level: 석사(Master)

소셜벤처 조직 및 성장전략(Social Venture Organization and Growth Strategy)

Level: 석사(Master)

재무회계(Financial Accounting)

Level: 석사(Master)

전략경영(Strategic Management)

Level: 석사(Master)

College: College of business

Building a Business Plan for Social Ventures

Level: 석사(Master)

This course is designed to build a business plan for social ventures which is drawn from the idea generation,
opportunities exploration, and business model development. Students will be taught how to write a business
plan and their own business plans will be reviewed and developed by an academic advisor, mentors, as well
as peer members.The importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been increasingly recognized by both business
and society. This course provides the theory on social issues and business practice and discusses the related
issues to solve the social problems.

Energy, Environment, and Social Enterprise

Level: 석사(Master)

Energy and environment issues are gaining increasing recognition as a critical area of social enterprise. This
course introduces these issues and provides social business logic and methods to solve the energy and
environmental problems.

Social Entrepreneurship

Level: 석사(Master)

This course deals with entrepreneurship and the issues faced by entrepreneurial managers who pursue the
opportunity and create values. Characteristics and drivers of social entrepreneurship and needed capabilities
for social entrepreneurs will be discussed in the class and the field.

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information


College or Department:

College of business 

Department Information:

*KAIST Social Entrepreneurship MBA (Offered in Korean)
-A Premier MBA Program for Innovative Social Entrepreneurs and Social Value Creators
- First semester : Scholarships provided to all first year students After the first semester, continuous scholarships provided depending on the evaluation of SE business establishment performance, co-curriculum participation, and academic achievement
- Social Entrepreneurship MBA is a new program launched in 2013 through the collaboration of SK Group and KAIST College of Business.We foster prominent social entrepreneurs to identify and develop sustainable SE business model that leads to the successful establishment and management of social enterprises.

* Professional Training Program to foster social entrepreneurs
-Incorporates theory and practices of social enterprises
-Provides tailored incubating program for establishing and managing sustainable social enterprises
-Provides connects with on-site global social enterprises

*Collaboration with KAIST-SK Impact Business Center
-Program developed in association with KAIST-SK Impact Business Center at KAIST
-Social entrepreneur training and academic activities
-Identification of innovative SE business models, mentoring, and start-up support
-Local and international networking in SE field and sharing knowledge

*Tailored co-curriculum to complement the pursuit of academic and startup goals
-SE Lecture Series (Domestic and international SE experts invited as lecturers)
-Being a Social Entrepreneur (Competency building program in terms of solidifying vision, mission, and characteristics as to be a social entrepreneur)
-Start-up Weekend (Intensive practical training program for designing startups)


사회적기업전공(Social enterprise)

Level: 석사(Master)

Year of foundation: 2013


Contact Information:

박주영(JuYoung, Park)

Address: 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, South Korea

Tel: +82 42-350-2114


No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information