NGO Education Survey

Kwangwoon University

Contact Information:

Kwangwoon University
20 Kwangwoon-ro
Seoul-teukbyeolsi 01897
South Korea
Eastern Asia

광운로 20

Tel: +82-(0)2-940-5114

College: 상담복지정책대학원(Graduate School of Counseling and Welfare Policy)

Department: 공공정책관리학과(Public Policy Management)


NPO전략기획과성과관리(NPO Strategy Planning and Performance Management)

Level: 석사(Master)

NPO조직관리(NPO Organization Management)

Level: 석사(Master)

Department: 사회복지전공(Social welfare)


비영리조직과리더쉽(Non-profit organizations and leadership)

Level: 석사(Master)

College: 정책법학대학(College of Policy Law)

Department: 국제학부(Faculty of International Studies)


UN과 국제기구 (UN and International Organizations)

Level: 학사(Bachelor)

유엔을 비롯한 국제기구가 국제평화와 공동 번영에 어떠한 역할과 기능을 하는지를 논의함으로써 국제사회에 대한 학생들의 시야를 확대하는데 중점을 둔다.

(It focuses on expanding students' perspective on the international community by discussing the role and function of international organizations, including the United Nations, in international peace and common prosperity.)

국제기구론(theory of international organizations)

Level: 학사(Bachelor)

동북아NGO교류론 (NGO Coopeation in Northeast Asia)

Level: 학사(Bachelor)

현대사회에서는 국가 이외에 비정부조직(NGO)을 통한 국가간 교류가 활발하게 전개되고 있다. 한·중·일 NGO 활동의 주요 현황을 살펴보고, 한국의 민간 NGO가 우호선린을 위해서 어떠한 역할을 해야 하는지를 고찰한다.

(In modern society, exchanges between countries through non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are actively developing in addition to the state. It examines the main status of NGO activities in Korea, China, and Japan, and examines what role private NGOs in Korea should play for friendly people.)

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information

No degrees listed.
No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information