NGO Education Survey

Ajou University

Contact Information:

Ajou University
Room 153, Yulgok-gwan, 206, World Cup-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
Gyeonggi-do 16499
South Korea
Eastern Asia

영통구 월드컵로 206

Tel: 0312193599

College: Graduate School of international Study

Department:   NGO major


NGO and Global Cooperation

Level: 석사(Master)

Department: NGO major


Civil Society and the State

Level: 석사(Master)

Corporate Citizenship

Level: 석사(Master)

Energy and Climate Change

Level: 석사(Master)

Energy and Climate Change

Level: 석사(Master)

Globalization and International Development Cooperation

Level: 석사(Master)

International Political Economy

Level: 석사(Master)

International Relations

Level: 석사(Master)

Korean Politics

Level: 석사(Master)

NGO and Governance

Level: 석사(Master)

NGO and International Organization

Level: 석사(Master)

NGO Internship 1

Level: 석사(Master)

NGO Internship 2

Level: 석사(Master)

NGO Internship 2

Level: 석사(Master)

NGO Introduction

Level: 석사(Master)

First, in this course, students will learn the concept and historical lineages of NGOs.
Second, situating NGOs in globalizing world, we will look over many aspects of NGOs like global governance & NGOs,
global civil society & NGOs, and global environmental crisis & NGOs, etc.
Third, focusing on contemporary South Korea, we will deal with many activities initiated by Korean NGOs.
Finally, each student will choose a particular NGO in the world, delve into the activities of that NGO, and make
presentation on that topic in the last phase of this semester.

Qualitative Research Design and Methods (Qualitative Research Methods)

Level: 석사(Master)

Research 1

Level: 석사(Master)

Research 2

Level: 석사(Master)

Social Movements in the Age of Information

Level: 석사(Master)

Strategy and Leadership in NGO

Level: 석사(Master)

The Security of NGO & International Organization

Level: 석사(Master)

The Social Marketing and Finance of NGO

Level: 석사(Master)

Volunteer Management and Civic Education

Level: 석사(Master)

Social Entrepreneurship

Level: 학사(Bachelor)

College: 사회과학대학(College of Social Sciences)

Department: 행정학과(Public Administration)


행정과 지역사회 (Administration and Local Society)

지방행정이 지역사회와 구체적으로 만나는 실상을 이론적으로 정리하고 이 바탕 위에서 현장실습을 통하여 이론과 실제를 연계하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 먼저 이론적 연구는 지역시민사회, 시민단체를 중심으로 하는 중간지원조직, 그리고 지역 행정가 (공무원)가 로컬 거버넌스를 구체적으로 행하는 방식과 양태를 연구한다. 현장 참여관찰은 시민, 중간지원조직, 관이 만나는 지점인 "마을 만들기" 프로젝트 및 유관 사업의 회의 및 실행에 직접 참여하여 관찰한다.본강좌에서는공행정작용의개별행위형식을중심으로행정법전반에공통적으로적용되는기본사항을정리하고,주요토픽에대한이론과학설및판례의검토와분석을통해행정법사례해결능력을배양하고자한다.

The purpose of this study is to theoretically organize the actual situation that local administration meets with the local community, and to link theory and practice through on-the-job training on this basis. First, theoretical research studies the methods and aspects of local civil society, interim support organizations centered on civic groups, and local administrators (public officials) in detail. On-site participation observation is observed by directly participating in the meeting and execution of the “village building” project, which is the point where citizens, intermediary support organizations, and officials meet, and related projects. It aims to organize the basic matters applied to the law, and to cultivate the ability to solve cases of administrative law through the review and analysis of theories, scientific theories, and precedents on major topics.

시민참여론 (Citizen Participation)

Level: 학사(Bachelor)

지방자치 시대를 맞이하여 시민참여의 문제는 그 어느 때보다도 중요성이 커져가고 있다. 이 과목에서는 시민참여의 한국적 의미를 비교적 관점에서 살펴보고 아울러 시민참여가 행정의 민주화 및 효율적 정책집행에 기여할 수 있는 방안을 실천적으로 탐구한다.

n the era of local autonomy, the issue of citizen participation is becoming more important than ever. This course examines the Korean meaning of civic participation from a comparative point of view and practically explores ways that civic participation can contribute to democratization of administration and effective policy execution.

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information


College or Department:

국제대학원(Graduate School of International Study)

Department Information:

Dramatic changes have occurred in global politics due to global civil movements, and the key players in global civil society are Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). NGOs deal with development issues, the aftermath of global financial crises, information technology revolutions, climate change, and questions related to democracy and human rights at local, national, and global levels. NGOs are at the forefront of multidisciplinary academic debates, such as discussions on the role of government and international organizations in a world of very complex and interconnected political issues. NGOs and Non-Profit Sectors also reach beyond domestic boundaries into the realm of global governance.

In the NGO studies program, students learn about the relationships between academic debates and the everyday practices and policies of NGOs and civil society. The NGO Studies program seeks to develop strong domestic and international networks that combine theory and practice. To achieve these goals, the NGO studies program provides students with a wide variety of subjects, ranging from managerial skills for NGOs to cooperation between NGOs and international organizations.


NGO 전공(NGO Major)

Level: 석사(Master)


Contact Information:

Tel: +82-31-219-1552


Address: Ajou University, 206, World cup-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16499, Republic of Korea

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information