NGO Education Survey

The Independent Institute of Education MSA

Contact Information:

Dr. Fay Hodza

The Independent Institute of Education MSA
144 Peter Rd

South Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

None listed

Program Information:

Faculty of Arts

Degree and Certificate Information


Degree: Development Studies-South Africa

Credit Hours: 48 points
Working Language: English

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information

Development Studies, also called International Development Studies, is an interdisciplinary programme of study. In Development Studies, we are concerned with expanding capabilities and opportunities for all individuals, families, communities, countries and the world at large to live free lives and pursue choices that they value. We focus on the role and form of markets, states, and civil society in the improvement of poverty and the progress of human well-being in the Global South. While Development Studies is grounded in the Social Sciences, its impact and application extents to technical fields such as Agriculture, Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs), Water Management, Engineering, Medicine, Business, Forestry, Climate Change, and Mining, among many others. Hence, by studying Development Studies, your expertise will be required in public service, private practice and non-profit organisations involved in social, economic and political change and reform, empowerment, gender mainstreaming, the redress of poverty, and development communication, among other fields. You will be able to design, plan, implement, monitor, evaluate and close development projects and programmes at local, regional, national and international levels. To study Development Studies, you can enrol for the IIE Bachelor of Social Science degree with a major in Development Studies, offered at IIE MSA. If direct access to this degree is not possible, you can explore entry through the Social Science stream of our Foundation Programme. Following completion of your three-year Bachelor’s degree, you can articulate into the IIE Bachelor of Social Science Honours, and subsequently, a research IIE Master of Philosophy.