NGO Education Survey

Stellenbosch University

Contact Information:

Stellenbosch University
Private Bag X1
South Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

Tel: +27 21 808 9111

Budget Management 144

An introduction covering why the state requires funds, the objectives of the modern state, functions of the state. What are the sources of income and the tax regime, state expenses, functions of the budget, the budget cycle and the defence budget.

Development Management 244

The objective is to sensitise students to developmental issues facing all developing countries. The module is an introduction which covers classifications; characteristics; and measurement of development. Selected issues include poverty, urbanisation environmental issues as well as educational and health systems in developing countries. Development planning, and the role of the military in development are also discussed.

Governance, Globalisation and Civil Society

This course aims to provide course participants with an introductory understanding of the range of alternatives to the current global order that have started to emerge from a selection of literature. Course participants will be required to identify the differences between these approaches and the implications for action by different actor's commitment to radical social change.

Labour Relations 244

Focuses on the impact of labour relations in SA and in particular on the defence force. Labour relations systems, the role of the state, the historical context and legal framework. Labour unions and employer organisations in a theoretical context; communication in the workplace and labour relations procedures. Labour relations in the military environment.

Leadership for Social Innovation

Bring experienced leaders into a thinking space to do good and at the same time make an academic contribution on the theme of leadership for social innovation.

Organisational Science 314

An introduction to South African Administrative Law as a set of guidelines for effective public management. Attention is given to basic concepts of constitutional law; general principles of administrative law; co-operative government and the sources of administrative law; legal subjects and administrative acts; just administrative action and control over administrative action.

Public Management under Administrative Law 344

Focus on the development of organisational theory. It addresses the following: organisations as systems; the components of the macro environment; organisational effectiveness; structure and design of organisations; contemporary problems of organisational growth; organisational culture, change and renewal.

Program Information:

Degree and Certificate Information


Degree: Post-Graduate Diploma
Level: Graduate
English Correspondence: English

Degree: Master of Philosophy
Level: Graduate
Title: MPhil in Development Finance
English Correspondence: English

Degree: PHD
Level: Graduate
Title: Development Finance

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information

The Management Programme for Non-profit Organisations (NPOs) is a social impact initiative, which aims to develop current or aspiring NPO managers who have no formal qualifications in management. The programme’s objective is to promote social development in South Africa by enhancing managerial effectiveness, service delivery, and good governance in the NPO sector. Corporates committed to the development of human capital are invited to fund those NPOs who are supported through social initiatives. This programme is a joint initiative of the University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB), the USB Alumni Association, and USB Executive Development (USB-ED).

The Management Programme for Non-profit Organisations (NPOs) is a social impact initiative, which aims to develop current or aspiring NPO managers who have no formal qualifications in management.

The Management Programme for Non-profit Organisations (NPOs) is a social impact initiative, which aims to develop current or aspiring NPO managers who have no formal qualifications in management.