NGO Education Survey

University of Cape Town Social Innovation

Contact Information:

University of Cape Town Social Innovation
Graduate School of Business
Bertha Centre for Social Innovation
8 Portswood Road in the V&A Waterfront,
Cape Town
South Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

Tel: +27 21 406 1338/9
Fax: +27 21 421 5693

Organisational, or Company Analysis Project

Opportunity to extend CAP to organisations, collaborations or communities affecting social or environmental change.

Becoming a changemaker: Introduction to Social Innovation MOOC
Level: Graduate

Brand Creation for Entrepreneurs
Level: Graduate

Impact Investing in Africa
Level: Graduate

Impact Measurement and Management for Investors
Level: Graduate

Organisational development for social innovation
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

SI Lab elective course options
Level: Graduate

Select 4 electives from: Doing Business in Africa Emerging Enterprise Consulting Sustainable Enterprise Social Entrepreneurship Social Responsible Investment Strategy by Design/Design Thinking Organisational Development for Social Innovation Other Options depending on schedule

Social Entrepreneurship and Systems Change
Level: Graduate

Social Innovation Entrepreneuring
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

This course offers MBA students an introduction to the rapidly emerging field of social innovation. While there are many emerging perspectives on social innovation, most generally a social innovation can be understood as an intentional, positive, creative shift in systemic social-ecological patterns. The following topics are covered on this course: Theories and practices of social Innovation Frameworks and tools for social entrepreneuring Perspectives on social innovation Organisational forms and purposes, hybridisation Social innovation in emerging countries

Social Innovation Entrepreneuring
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

This course offers MBA students an introduction to the rapidly emerging field of social innovation. While there are many emerging perspectives on social innovation, most generally a social innovation can be understood as an intentional, positive, creative shift in systemic social-ecological patterns. The following topics are covered on this course: Theories and practices of social Innovation Frameworks and tools for social entrepreneuring Perspectives on social innovation Organisational forms and purposes, hybridisation Social innovation in emerging countries

Social Innovation Entrepreneuring
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

This course offers MBA students an introduction to the rapidly emerging field of social innovation. While there are many emerging perspectives on social innovation, most generally a social innovation can be understood as an intentional, positive, creative shift in systemic social-ecological patterns. The following topics are covered on this course: Theories and practices of social Innovation Frameworks and tools for social entrepreneuring Perspectives on social innovation Organisational forms and purposes, hybridisation Social innovation in emerging countries

Social Innovation Lab
Level: Graduate

Introductory course given by key faculty with open workspaces leading to learning contract.

Social innovation plan and research report
Level: Graduate

Working on a social or environmental challenge in Cape Town.Combined field time, small group and individual tutorials.

Symposiums in Social Innovation
Level: Graduate

Three two-day symposiums. Expert and practitioner sessions, students sharing and reflecting.

Program Information:

Degree and Certificate Information


Degree: Master
Level: Graduate

Degree: Masters
Level: Graduate
Title: MBA

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

  • Student Social Venture ProgrammeThe SSVP was established by the Bertha Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship in response to the relative paucity of African teams at global social business plan competitions, and the lack of technical, financial and institutional support and sponsorship at their disposal. By supporting social ventures in Africa, the SSVP aims to improve the participation and performance of these teams in international social business plan competitions such as the Global Social Venture Competition and the Hult Prize. As part of the SSVP, high potential teams are provided with the necessary support with a view to connect ideas and business skills to produce more scalable and robust social ventures that have the ability to create significant social change in the global context. The SSVP is supported by a number of local foundations, businesses and investors, namely, SAB Foundation, Bertha Foundation, and Edge Growth.

Additional Information

ABOUT US The Bertha Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship is the first academic centre in Africa dedicated to advancing social innovation and entrepreneurship. It was established as a specialised centre at the UCT Graduate School of Business in late 2011, in partnership with the Bertha Foundation, a family foundation that works with inspiring leaders who are catalysts for social and economic change, and human rights. The Centre is now a leading academic centre in Africa. Its mission is to build-capacity and pioneer practices in Africa - with partners, practitioners and students - to advance the discourse and systemic impact of social innovation. In collaboration with the GSB, the Centre has integrated social innovation into the business school curriculum, established a wide community of practitioners and awarded over R8-million in scholarships to students from across Africa. Our team works across various sectors these are: innovative finance, systems change, social entrepreneurship, education innovations and youth development, as well as inclusive healthcare innovations. The Centre also works closely with the Raymond Ackerman Academy of Entrepreneurial Development, and the MTN Solution Space Space which are also part of the GSB. Some of the Centre's highlights include: Awarded over R8 million in Bertha Scholarships to African students Uncovered and documented over 300 innovative models and solutions, and convened over 8,000 people in support of our mission Elevated Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship to one of three new strategic themes of the GSB Integrated social innovation into the MBA & MPhil core curriculum Presented with UCT's Social Responsiveness Award in 2015 Benchmarked in the top five globally for social impact in a report from the Bridgespan Group in 2017