NGO Education Survey

Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka

Contact Information:

Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
Sub-Saharan Africa

Department: Sociology      


SOC-7I4:        Social Change and Development         

Credit Bearing: Credit Bearing
Level: Graduate

Meaning of social change end development: Theoretical approaches to social change and development. Types of social change; problems associated with social change. Social change and development in African context.

Department: Sociology


Soc 436 Sociology of Development  I

Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing

The course generally deals with competing sociological conceptualizations of societal development. Emphasis on sociological perspective brings focus on possible ways of defining development beyond the purely economic; by giving commensurate emphasis on distribution of the social product, democratic processes and the elimination of class, gender and ethnic privileges.

Modernization and dependency theories are examined high-lighting their emphasis, merits, and shortfalls; and relationship to classical functional and Marxist views. Contemporary theories based on noe-Weberian and Neo-Marxist views are also examined. The view of ‘impasse’ in development theory is given due consideration and suggestions examined as to hoe to overcome this.


The course also looks at the process of globalization; is theoretical basis, its effects in general, as well as its relationships to the activities of MNCS in developing countries.

Soc 438 Sociology of development II

Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing


Credit Bearing: Credit Bearing
Level: Graduate

Decolonization and the emergence of the third world. The characteristics of third world peoples, their cultural profiles. The North-South interaction and the conflicts.

Opening and general remarks: who are “Third World?”
Reflections on the various usage of the concept “World”, First World, Fourth World etc.
The central idea: the level of development, underdevelopment.
Characterizing features of third world countries
Development from view point of industrialized/undeveloped nations: scientific technology vs. traditional values.
Available models of development: the capitalistic models, the communistic, socialistic and indigenization.
The factors responsible stagnation in development of Africa.
Nutrition, health care and tourism
Innovation and development in “Third World”
Evaluation and conclusion.

Soc 438 Sociology of development II

Credit Bearing: Credit-Beraring
Level: Graduate

The course examines the following issues in their relationship to societal development.

Industrialization, the NICS, TNCS and developing nations
International aid development
Global, regional and national social divisions, consequent inequalities and overall development.
Education, human capital approach, brain drain and unemployment.
Health provisions, global inequalities and national inadequacies
Environmental effects of industrialization and western interventions.

SOC 931:         Advanced Studies on Development Studies     

Credit Bearing: Credit Bearing
Level: Graduate

Theories and models of development, historical explanation of Sociology of Development in Eastern and Western blocs. Western theories of change ‘and contemporary conceptions of development: varying notions of development (GNP, infrastructure, quality of life, .value. trans formation, realization of human potentials); social and psychological perspectives on development: colonialism, state formation, development and underdevelopment, elites and national development with particular reference to Nigerian elites (intellectuals, the military, political, technological and cultural dependence and third world development, varying Systems of development (capitalism, socialism, mixed economy), roles of external and internal factors as foreign aid, multinational corporation; unequal exchange in the world market. Development options and strategies for authentic development.

SOC-542: Women in Development                          

Credit Bearing: Credit Bearing
Level: Graduate

Biological and cultural bases for the position of women in the society. Women in formal

organizations; feminist movement and women empowerment thesis; women in politics;

women in the professions; women organizations and community development. Culture,

women and reproductive rights.

SOC-831: Contemporary Issues in World Development             

Credit Bearing: Credit Bearing
Level: Graduate

Models of develop men I across cultures: the Gross National product approach, the Human Development Index (HDl) approach; the North/South divide in the era of globalization. The Politics of AIDS in less developed countries, dependency syndrome and politics of National development across Africa,

SOC-832: African Developmental Challenges        

Credit Bearing: Credit Bearing
Level: Graduate

Political conflicts in Africa: poverty reduction and African Development; capital flight, cultural imperial ism/technological dependency, ethnicity and National Development in Africa. Millennium Development Goals in Africa

SOC-833; Theories of Development and development    

Credit Bearing: Credit Bearing
Level: Graduate

Modernization theory Imperialism, the world system: Unequal exchange and Dependency theory. The stale and the other half in less developed Nations, Corruption and National Development

SOC-834: Non-Governmental Agencies as Development Partners 

Credit Bearing: Credit Bearing
Level: Graduate

Characteristics of Non-Governmental Organizations, International NGOs as development partners of the Slate, donor agencies, research funding, project funding by NGOs, Domestic NGOs as development partners of the Slate Abuses and Benefits of NGOs.


SOC-835: Social Conflict and Social Development ‘            

Credit Bearing: Credit Bearing
Level: Graduate

Theories   of Social Conflict. Social Conflict and emergence of New Social Institutions. Rebellion and social change. Social Revolution and Development, Consequences of social    conflict; refugee, crime, child labour and abuse etc.

SOC-S45: Gender and Development          

Credit Bearing: Credit Bearing
Level: Graduate

Gender issues in Nigerian politics. Rural women arid national development project establishment. Monitoring and Evaluation by Nigerian women. Cultural constraints on enhancing female status in the society, ender concerns in state programmes; women in the professions.


Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information


College or Department:

Department of Sociology and Anthropology


PGD, MSc, PhD in Sociology with a Concentration in Development

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information