NGO Education Survey
University of Malawi
Contact Information:
University of Malawi
Political and Administrative Studies
Chancellor College
PO Box 280
Sub-Saharan Africa
Fax: 265 1 524 046
Comparative Politics and Administration
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
Application and relevance of political theories and concepts in shaping and building different political systems.
Development Administration
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
Formulation and implementation of policies and programmes for human development in less developed countries.
Development Administration
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
Primacy of politics in development process, providing comparative political bases for exploring different political theories and approaches to development
Human Resource Planning and Development
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
Theory and practice of forecasting human resource needs with secondary focus on training, evaluation and polices.
Institutions and Development
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
Issues at the fore of contemporary policy debates in development.
Introduction o Government and Politics in Malawi
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
Familiarize students with the history of government and politics in Africa and Malwi
Local Government
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
Role and scope of decentralised administrative machinery at district, town, and city level.
Politics of Development
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
Contemporary development issues from a political perspective.
Public Enterprise
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
Nature and operation of public enterprises in developing countries particularly in Africa.
Public Sector Reform
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
Changes in global environment and demands made by citizens that create challenges for governance.
Regional Co-operation and Integration
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
Theories of integration through cases of European Union and the Organization of African unity. Also the Southern Development Community (SADC)
Regional Planning and Development
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
Research Methods
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
Empirical research using different methodologies.