NGO Education Survey

Meiji University

Contact Information:

Meiji University
1-1 Kanda-Surugadai Chiyoda-ku
Eastern Asia


Management for NGOs in the Field of International Collaborations

Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

Nonprofit Organization

Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate and Und

Accounting for Nonprofit Organizations

Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

Corporate Philanthropy

Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations

Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

Nongovernmental Organizations and International Collaborations

Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

Strategic Management of Nonprofit Organizations

Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

College: College of Business Administration 経営学部

Nonprofit Organization Theory


Credit Bearing: 2
Level: Undergraduate(学部)

In contrast to a stock company, a non-profit organization is a non-profit organization that does not operate for profit but for public benefit. They have no owners such as shareholders, and profit sharing is prohibited. However, not all non-profit organizations are managed on a completely voluntary basis, and there are many that operate on a sustainable basis and collaborate with government and commercial enterprises, just like commercial enterprises. In this lecture, we will discuss non-profit organizations, which have many features that are different from those of for-profit companies and governments, but also have many points in common, using media lessons. The objective is to be able to clearly discuss the differences and similarities between non-profit organizations and for-profit companies and governments, as well as the social impact and challenges of non-profit organizations.

非営利組織は株式会社と対照的に,営利を目的とせず,公益目的の事業とする組織である。株主のような所有者は存在せず,利益分配も禁止されている。しかしながら,非営利組織のなかで完全なボランタリーベースで経営されている組織は必ずしも主流ではなく,営利企業同様,持続的に事業を行い,政府や営利企業とも協働する組織も多い。本講義では,営利企業や政府と異なる特徴を有しつつ,共通点も多い非営利組織について,メディア授業を活用しつつ,講義を行う。 非営利組織と営利企業・政府との相違・共通点,非営利組織の社会的インパクトと課題について明確に論じることができることを到達目標とする。

NPO Accounting


Credit Bearing: 2
Level: Undergraduate(学部)

Unlike for-profit organizations (e.g., stock companies), non-profit organizations (NPOs) are not organizations that aim to earn profits. However, as an organization, NPOs need to manage their funds appropriately and be accountable to their funders. NPOs can be classified into the private sector (public interest corporations, educational corporations, medical corporations, specified nonprofit corporations, etc.) and the public sector (local governments, etc.). This lecture focuses on the private sector and examines the functions of the sector, the purpose of accounting, and accounting standards. In examining the private sector, we will compare and contrast "corporate accounting methods" for NPOs, which have become popular in recent years, and NPO accounting in the United States.


NPO Management Strategy


Credit Bearing: 2
Level: Undergraduate(学部)

This lecture examines the management challenges of non-profit organizations (NPOs), which are required to make effective use of their limited resources to achieve their social mission. They also have their own unique management challenges, such as relying not only on paid staff but also on volunteers, and combining sources of income such as donations and subsidies in addition to operating income. In this lecture, we will take up various themes related to the management of NPOs and examine them based on case studies.

本講義は,非営利組織(Non-profit Organization; NPO)の経営課題を考察します。NPOは自らの社会的使命(ミッション)を達成するために,限られた資源を有効に活用することが求められます。NPOは営利企業と異なり,社会課題の解決を主目的としていること,有給職員だけでなくボランティアの協力に依存していること,事業収入だけでなく寄付金や補助金などの収入源を組み合わせていることなどから,独自の経営課題を抱えています。本講義では,NPOの経営に関する多様なテーマを取り上げ,事例をもとに検討します。

College: College of Information and Communication 情報コミュニケーション学部

NPO Theory


Credit Bearing: 2
Level: Undergraduate(学部)

The purpose of this course is to deepen understanding of the organizational characteristics and roles of nonprofit organizations (NPOs) as private-sector players in public interest activities. We will consider the background of the global emergence of NPOs, their organizational characteristics that distinguish them from for-profit companies and governments, their expected roles, and their social impact from an interdisciplinary approach, including economics, sociology, and political science, rather than relying on specific academic fields. The goal is to acquire enough knowledge to be able to discuss what specific social issues NPOs can tackle and what kind of cooperation with governments and businesses is necessary.

授業は,公益活動の民間の担い手としての非営利組織(nonprofit organizations: NPO)の組織的特徴や役割について理解を深めることを目的としている。特定の学問分野のみに依拠するのではなく,経済学や社会学,政治学など,学際的アプローチから,NPOが世界的に台頭してきた背景,営利企業や政府とは区別される組織的特徴,その期待される役割や社会的インパクトについて考えたい。NPOの特徴を活かして,具体的にどのような社会課題に取り組むことができ,また,どのような政府や企業等の連携が必要かについて議論が可能なほどの知識を習得することを目標としたい。

Program Information:

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Degree and Certificate Information

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Information on Training and Other Services

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