NGO Education Survey

Toyo Gakuen University

Contact Information:

Toyo Gakuen University
1-26-3 Hongo
Tokyo 113-0033
Eastern Asia


College: College of Human Sciences 人間科学部

NGOs and Civil Society


Credit Bearing: 2
Level: Undergraduate(学部)

What comes to mind when you hear the words "civil society"? Is it medical personnel working for the poor in developing countries, volunteers going to disaster sites, young people coming to the Diet to protest, or neighborhood associations running autumn festivals? The term "civil society" is often heard, but it is an elusive and, in that sense, difficult concept. In this class, we will discuss the historical and ideological discussion of the term "civil society" and examine in detail the activities of NGOs, an example of a civil society organization. The faculty members will also discuss their own experiences with NGOs and NGO networking projects in Japan and other African countries.


Social Contribution and NGO/NPO


Credit Bearing: 2
Level: Undergraduate(学部)

NPOs and NGOs are private non-profit organizations established and operated by citizens. They contribute to society by solving social problems and providing public services in a variety of fields that are difficult for governments and corporations to address. In this class, students will deepen their understanding of NPOs and NPO organizations, their activities, and the people who volunteer for them, and will explore the various issues facing modern society. This is an opportunity for each of us to think about how we should be involved in society. Students will learn the basics of NPOs and NGOs, assuming that many of them do not know much about them. The class will emphasize thinking with an awareness of the issues rather than acquiring knowledge.

NPOやNGOは、市民によって設立・運営される民間非営利組織です。 多様な分野で、行政や企業が取り組みにくい社会問題の解決や公益的なサービ スに取り組み、社会に貢献する存在とも言えます。 この授業では、NPOやNPOという組織やその活動内容、ボランティア等の担い手についての理解を深めることを通して、現代社会の様々な課題を探 り、社会貢献の意味についてもあらためて考えることで、私たち一人ひとりが社会とどのように関わっていったらいいのかを考える機会とします。 NPO・NGOについて詳しく知らない学生も多いことを前提に、基礎的なことから学びます。 また、知識を習得するより、問題意識をもって考えるこ とを重視する授業とします。

Program Information:

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Degree and Certificate Information

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Information on Training and Other Services

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