NGO Education Survey

Seinan Jo Gakuin University

Contact Information:

Seinan Jo Gakuin University
1-3-5 Ibori
Kitakyushu City
Fukuoka 803-0835
Eastern Asia


College: College of Nursing 看護学科

NPO Studies


Credit Bearing: 2
Level: Undergraduate(学部)

However, the characteristics and reality of NPOs and their non-profit management methods have not yet been systematized and are not well known in society at large. In this class, we will share a concrete image of NPOs by focusing on examples of NPOs, which are different from volunteer activities or hobby club activities, and which are citizen-driven and promote projects that provide public services to society. As the class progresses, the ratio of lectures by faculty members will decrease, and the class will shift to a student-centered learning environment, with students taking part in exercises and making presentations.

在宅介護や地域包括ケアの必要性など、福祉の世界でも「NPO」という存在を意識する機会が増えてきましたが、その 組織の特徴や実態、非営利における経営手法についてはまだ体系化が進んでおらず、社会一般の中での認知も低い状況です。 本授業においては、ボランティアや趣味的なサークル活動とは異なり、市民が主体でありながら社会の公的サービスを 担う事業を推進するNPOの事例を中心に取り扱うことで、まずは具体的なイメージを共有し、そこからグループワークで の意見交換等を経て、NPO の本質に迫ります。 授業が進むほど教員が解説する講義の割合は減り、演習への取り組みと発表など、学生主体の学びの場に移行する 予定です。

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information

No degrees listed.
No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information