NGO Education Survey

Nihon Fukushi University

Contact Information:

Nihon Fukushi University
Okuda mihama-Cho
Aichi 470-3295
Eastern Asia


College: School of International Welfare and Development 国際福祉開発学部

NPO/NGO Studies


Credit Bearing: 2
Level: Undergraduate

As the problems of global capitalism are increasingly pointed out, the role of non-profit organizations, especially NPOs and NGOs, which are also called civil society organizations, is attracting renewed attention. In this lecture, students will learn about nonprofit organizations by investigating and discussing them on their own, while keeping a firm grasp on basic concepts. Therefore, they are constantly faced with the dilemma of how to secure financial resources while maintaining their independence and not losing sight of their original social mission. In addition, the organization does not yet have sufficient social credibility. We will consider these points from the standpoints of both internal management and external support of the organization. In addition, we would like to discuss how non-profit organizations can establish relationships with for-profit companies, governments, and local organizations. In recent years, some organizations with social objectives have ventured to take the form of for-profit companies in order to secure their own financial resources, while some joint-stock companies have been pursuing social objectives. We will also look at such social businesses. What is important is to be able to communicate and discuss one's opinions and expectations about society as a citizen. We will try to enhance their motivation and ability to do so as much as possible.


College: School of Social Welfare 社会福祉学部

Welfare NPO Studies


Credit Bearing: 2
Level: Undergraduate

What kind of organization comes to mind when you hear the term "non-profit organization"? It may be difficult to imagine what is meant by "non-profit" in this context. Many people may wonder how an organization is maintained if it is not for profit. Twenty years have passed since the Law for the Promotion of Specified Nonprofit Activities (NPO Law) was enacted, and there are approximately 50,000 NPOs in Japan. Of these, about 30,000 are engaged in "activities to promote health, medical care, or welfare. This means that 60% of NPOs are engaged in welfare-related activities. However, it is difficult to know what kind of specific welfare activities NPOs are engaged in. In order to resolve the above questions, this lecture will focus on the theoretical framework and formation process of NPOs, and in particular on NPOs engaged in welfare activities, and consider what kind of activities they engage in and what kind of roles, significance, and issues they face.

NPOと聞くとどんな組織を思い浮かべるだろうか。NPOとはNon-profit Organizationの略であり「非営利組織」と訳される。ここでいう「非営利」とは何を指すのかもイメージしにくいものではないだろうか。営利を目的としないならば、どのように組織を維持しているのか疑問に持つ人も多いだろう。 特定非営利活動促進法(NPO法)が施行されてから20年が経ち、全国には約5万のNPO法人が存在している。このうちNPO法人の活動分野で「保健、医療又は福祉の増進を図る活動」を行なっているNPO法人は約3万にのぼっている。つまり、数字上から見ればNPO法人のうち6割は福祉に関する活動をしていることになる。しかしながら、NPO法人が具体的にどのような福祉活動をしているのかも分かりにくいところがある。 以上のような疑問を解決するため、本講義ではNPOの理論的枠組や成立過程を知り、とりわけ福祉の活動をするNPOに焦点を当て、どのような活動をしているのか、どのような役割・意義・課題を持つのかについて考えていく。

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