NGO Education Survey

Kyoto Sangyo University

Contact Information:

Kyoto Sangyo University
Motoyama Kamigamo
Kyoto 603-8555
Eastern Asia


College: College of Business Administration 経営学部

Basic NPO Management


Credit Bearing: 2
Level: Undergraduate

The corporate-driven socioeconomic system has increased the number of social challenges caused by market mechanisms, and the traditional administrative framework is no longer able to solve them. Therefore, the NPO sector is expected to play an important role in resolving those issues. However, the NPO sector does not possess sufficient financial, human, and other management resources, and it cannot be said to be functioning properly. In this context, management is what is needed now. In this lecture, we will start with the basics of what an NPO is and why it exists, and then clarify the fundamentals of management specific to NPOs, using specific examples.


Introduction to NPO Accounting


Credit Bearing: 2
Level: Undergraduate

However, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake of January 1995 prompted a demand for the establishment of a legal foundation to support civic activities. NPOs are expected to play an important role in responding to the diversified needs of society in a variety of fields, including welfare, education and culture, community development, the environment, and international cooperation. In this course, students will acquire an overview of NPOs, the NPO corporation system, and the accounting system for NPOs, i.e., the basics of accounting, points to keep in mind, and how to prepare financial statements.

ボランティア活動も従来は、グループ、あるいは任意団体での活動に限られていたが、1995 年 1 月の阪神・淡路大震災を契機に市民活動を支える法的基盤の整備が求められた結果、ボランティア活動の発展を促進するという観点から特定非営利活動促進法(いわゆるNPO法)に基づくNPO法人制度ができた。NPO法人は、福祉、教育・文化、まちづくり、環境、国際協力などさまざまな分野で、社会の多様化したニーズに応える重要な役割を果たすことが期待されている。本講座では、NPOの概要、NPO法人制度の概要、NPOの会計制度の概要すなわち、会計の基礎・留意点、計算書類の作成方法等を習得していく。

Program Information:

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Degree and Certificate Information

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Information on Training and Other Services

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