NGO Education Survey
University of Cagliari
Università degli Studi di Cagliari
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University of Cagliari
Southern Europe
Università degli Studi di Cagliari
College: Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Department: Public Administration Sciences
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION OF PUBLIC POLICIES
Credit Bearing: 6 CFULevel: Graduate
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- CONFLICT MANAGEMENT IN ORGANIZATIONS
Credit Bearing: 3 CFULevel: Graduate
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- DATA ANALYSIS
Credit Bearing: 3 CFULevel: Graduate
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- ENGLISH FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
Credit Bearing: 3 CFULevel: Graduate
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- EUROPEAN UNION LAW AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
Credit Bearing: 6 CFULevel: Graduate
Thanks to the strongly interdisciplinary imprint of the training course, consistent with the new way of doing administration and business, the figure is expendable, with functions of high responsibility and management and control tasks, also at associations, institutions, private foundations and companies; as well as in the governance structures of national, community and international bodies, as a valuable resource for the evaluation of investment and management policies; control and implementation of public intervention policies. Specifically, they may be employment outlets for this profile: International bodies, such as FAO, UNESCO, OECD; European institutions, such as the EU, Court of Human Rights; Non-governmental organizations, such as the various NGOs of humanitarian assistance, development cooperation, Institution Building, International research institutes for cooperation and sustainable development, National administrations such as Ministries, Bodies or Banks, Legislative assemblies; National trade associations, public or private; National and international companies, especially for study offices, research, analysis and strategic evaluations, territorial marketing, institutional comparison on investments; Local institutions, such as Regions, Provinces and Municipalities, especially in strategic support for their transformation according to to the new Italian European and federal multilevel structure; Enterprises ONLUS or social purposes, both Italian and foreign; newspapers and press agencies; Training and work institutions in the field of human rights, democratization processes, peace keeping, electoral observation missions, analysis of public policies, human and strategic resources, FORMEZ.
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- EVALUATION OF PUBLIC POLICIES
Credit Bearing: 6 CFULevel: Graduate
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- FINAL TEST
Credit Bearing: 15 CFULevel: Graduate
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AS POLICIES
Credit Bearing: 6 CFULevel: Graduate
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- GENDER/DIFFERENCE/RIGHT
Credit Bearing: 3 CFULevel: Graduate
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- Gendering International POLITICS
Credit Bearing: 3 CFULevel: Graduate
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- HUMAN RESOURCES PSYCHOLOGY
Credit Bearing: 6 CFULevel: Graduate
The Psychology of Human Resources Management course is aimed at: a) Introduce students to I. the evolution of human resource management practices in organizations since the advent of industrial production to today II. the articulation of current practices in human resource management in different management actions such as recruitment and selection, training, organizational socialization, work-life balance and wellbeing, individual and organizational empowerment. b) Teach the use of I. personnel selection tools. II. assessment tools for positions, performance, potential III. research tools in the organization. Training activities, referring to the expected learning outcomes, will enable students to develop the following knowledge and skills: - Knowledge and understanding: integrate different theoretical and methodological knowledge to analyze complex organizational realities and manage their complexity and plan appropriate actions; - Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: apply models and techniques related to selection, evaluation and development processes and to plan and implement interventions in public and private organizations with different characteristics and operating in different market segments; - The autonomy of judgment: critically develop models, theories, methodologies used in the field of HR psychology; - Communication skills: supporting one's point of view in group discussions; communicate clearly in scientific and business contexts; - Learning skills: explain, interpret, describe models and techniques related to the management and development of people and organizations.
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- INSTITUTIONAL COMMUNICATION
Credit Bearing: 6 CFULevel: Graduate
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- INSTITUTIONAL POLICIES FOR DIVERSITY AND GENDER EQUITY
Credit Bearing: 6 CFULevel: Graduate
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- INTERNSHIP
Credit Bearing: 9 CFULevel: Graduate
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- METHODS AND PROBLEMS OF DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS
Credit Bearing: 3 CFULevel: Graduate
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- MODELS AND METHODS FOR THE EVALUATION OF SERVICES
Credit Bearing: 9 CFULevel: Graduate
The course aims to introduce basic and advanced statistical methods for studying relationships between two and more than two variables. Multiple regression model and correlation, analysis of variance and covariance will be presented, and logistic regression models will be introduced.
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- PRIVATE LAW IN THE PUBLIC BODY
Credit Bearing: 3 CFULevel: Graduate
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- PROCEEDINGS OF PUBLIC EVIDENCE
Credit Bearing: 9 CFULevel: Graduate
The course aims to provide advanced skills on the organization and the activity of the italian public administraton, in particular about the procedures to select the private contractor, about the conclusion of the contracts, and about their execution and the possible disputes: this purpose is pursued through the study of the discipline of the procedures with a contractual outcome. The nature of the contract and its regime will also be analyzed in comparison with the corresponding private institutes.
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- PUBLIC ECONOMY
Credit Bearing: 9 CFULevel: Graduate
This course aims to introduce students to the economic analysis of public programs, and provides the necessary tools for this purpose. The course will make students: familiar with the main tools of economic analysis in specific areas of public intervention (public good production, Welfare State, income redistribution); familiar with cost-benefit analysis applications in different case studies, which will provide a thorough depiction of the current international practice in the field; able to handle a number of analytical tools to be applied for project evaluation in specific contexts able to obtain monetary estimates of project values, through application of methods to stylized project scenarios The students are expected to use transversal skills autonomous judgement, written and oral communication, written English comprehension, problem solving, team working- developed through classwork, that will prove useful in different professional contexts.
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- PUBLIC UTILITY AND ETHICS OF ADMINISTRATION
Credit Bearing: 3 CFULevel: Graduate
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- SOCIOLOGY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
Credit Bearing: 9 CFULevel: Graduate
The course aims to introduce students to the knowledge, according to the sociological perspective, of Public Administration through the identification of the main theoretical perspectives and characteristics of PA as defined in the light of the most recent reforms. In particular, the course aims to study PA in its functions of organizing the power of states in processes of social regulation. With this in mind, there are three central objectives of the course. The first objective concerns the study of the relationship between politics and public administration and the ways through which the complex relationship between central and territorial administrations is articulated. The second objective concerns the civil service, and particularly the identification of social demands, individual and collective, to which public administration must respond in order to guarantee the enjoyment of citizenship rights. In this perspective, specific attention will be paid to the organization of services also from the perspective of quasi-state-quasi-market solutions. Finally, the third objective will concern the study of the main organizational processes within the PA imposed by the decentralization, liberalization, managerialization and simplification of administrative action. Through face-to-face lectures, case studies and seminar activities, students will be able to develop skills that will enable them to understand the main processes of administrative action that concern, the transformations of internal processes, professionalization processes and the construction of the identity of public officials. At the end of the course, students/trainees should demonstrate that they have acquired the following competencies: (a) Knowledge and understanding skills: a1. to define the institutional and organizational profiles of the PA by relating the transformations affecting the PA and its characteristics to the demands and needs expressed by individual and collective social actors; a.2 to identify and define administrative action by articulating the analysis according to structure, processes, personnel, and strategies of organizational change induced by processes external and internal to PA; b) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: b.1 to apply acquired knowledge to the analysis of specific administrations, with particular attention to the PA's ability to define itself and specialize by form and function relative to political power; b.2 to identify expected and unanticipated consequences of administrative action that originate from legitimate processes or lawful and unlawful personnel behavior; (c) Autonomy of judgment: c.1to gather data and information necessary for the study of PA as a bureaucratic apparatus of state administration; c.2 to collect the data and information necessary for the critical analysis of the PA's ability to guide the processes of implementation and implementation of interventions/policies and aimed at reducing inequality. d) Communication skills: d.1 to communicate the results of their analysis through writing short papers on topics discussed in classroom; (e) Learning skills: e.1 to develop skills necessary for the study of PA also aimed at identifying methodologies and strategies for organizing PA offices.
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- STATE, CIVIL SOCIETY AND PUBLIC OPINION
Credit Bearing: 6 CFULevel: Graduate
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- STATE, POLICIES AND EVALUATION
Credit Bearing: 6 CFULevel: Graduate
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- THE PRIVATE CONTRACT
Credit Bearing: 3 CFULevel: Graduate
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- TRANSPARENT AND DIGITAL ADMINISTRATION
Credit Bearing: 9 CFULevel: Graduate
The course represents an advanced administrative law course. Content and method will induce students to understand and represent the new connection between citizens and Administration in the new open and ethical Administration. The course is focused on the new idea of transparency and his value to contain corruption in public administration (prevention vs repression). In order to increase methodological knowledge necessary to interpret efficiently the transformation and the organisational innovation of administrations and, at the same time, in order to learn the real capability of managing and solving problems, some simulations will be held in class. These simulations contribute to grow abilities suitable for the analysis, planning and management of process. Learning aims At the end of the course, students must be able to be related, with awareness, to open and digital administration.. Students must can write legal acts that reflect the principle of transparency and as an instrument of participation, social control and prevention of corruption. In order to increase methodological knowledge necessary to interpret efficiently the transformation and the organisational innovation of administrations and, at the same time, in order to learn the real capability of managing and solving problems, some simulations will be held in class. Show ideas for improving clarity.
LM-63 Master's degree class in Public Administration Sciences- WORK IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
Credit Bearing: 3 CFULevel: Graduate