NGO Education Survey

Sapienza University of Rome
Sapienza Università di Roma

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Sapienza University of Rome
Southern Europe

Sapienza Università di Roma

College: Sapienza University of Rome

Department: Development and International Cooperation Sciences

Credit Bearing: 3 CFU
Level: Gaduate

The objective of the course is to contribute to the education of the future professionals who will be able to interact in international contexts and to use written and spoken English, along with specialized lexicon and specific pragmatic competence as effective work tools, both in reception and in production.

Department: Development and International Cooperation Sciences

Credit Bearing: 6 CFU
Level: Graduate

The course aims to introduce the student to the study of "Biotechnology", a subject that includes methodologies and technologies that allow to work on a project plan of "Sustainable Development". The aim is to analyse and deepen the research of an analysis methodology that highlights the results of the assessment of global sustainability, understood as environmental, economic and social sustainability through Life Cycle Thinking (LCT).

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

Knowledge and understanding: Students will be able to understand the relationships between population dynamics and economic development and of the differences in demographic behavior between advanced and developing countries; to this end they will have knowledge of policies adopted and statistical data, local, national and international related to population structure and movement; mortality and health; fertility and reproductive health; and migration. Applying knowledge and understanding: students will be able to use the theories and methods that explain the relationships between population dynamics and economic development and the differences in demographic behavior between advanced and developing countries. students will be able to use statistical methods and data at local, national and international level, for Making judgement: students will develop an autonomous judgment capability on a theoretical and practical perspective, on the population dynamics. Communication skills: students will develop an attitude for demographic reasoning and the capacity for argumentation on the population dynamics. Learning skills: students will be able to deal with other subjects of the statistic and demographic field thanks to the basic notions of population dynamics.

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

The main aim of the course is to overwiev the causes and consequences of population change in historical and comparative perspective and to gain an understanding of their interrelation with the main underlying economic and social dynamics.

Department: Development and International Cooperation Sciences

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

The course has the main objective of highlighting the importance of the role of agriculture in the dynamics of development and, therefore, of the strategic relevance of the problems (economic, social and political) of agriculture and food at a global level. Knowledge and understanding. At the end of the course, the student will have to demonstrate to have acquired the necessary knowledge to understand the role of agriculture, for the purposes of environmental, economic and social sustainability of current development models, especially in the view to the Agenda 2030 objectives. Applying knowledge and understanding. At the end of the course, the student will be able, both to devise and support arguments, and to solve problems and propose solutions regarding the economic and social environmental sustainability of agricultural and agri-food activities Making judgment. At the end of the course, the student must be able to analyze and interpret the data useful for defining the role of agriculture for sustainable development. Communication skills. At the end of the course, the student will have to demonstrate to be able to present the acquired knowledge. Learning skills. At the end of the course, the student will have to demonstrate his ability to find the sources of information and data to undertake subsequent studies independently.

Department: Development and International Cooperation Sciences

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

The course provides advanced knowledge on the theoretical and applied links between international economic policy and living conditions in developing countries. This includes an applied understanding of the models and tools of international economic policy, notions of impact evaluation of development policies and programs, and a deep understanding of the most relevant contemporary debates in the fields of sustainable development, food and nutrition security and international economic cooperation.

Credit Bearing: 6 CFU
Level: Graduate

Knowledge and understanding: Students will be able to understand energy production systems from renewable and non-renewable sources. Applied knowledge and understanding: Students will be able to grasp basic elements for analyzing energy systems with particular attention to technical, economic, and environmental aspects. Judgment autonomy: Students will develop the ability to assess the importance of choosing renewable sources for sustainable development. Communication skills: Students will develop the ability to evaluate the environmental effects of energy production and use. Learning ability: Students will be able to assess the importance of decarbonization and diversification in energy production.

Department: Development and International Cooperation Sciences

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

General goals Learning capacity to analyze European and Western history of political culture, focussing on the idea of progress, civilization and colonialism, and its racist roots, and also the relationship with “otherness” as the necessary elements to understand contemporary world, its global relations, the principles underlying contact between people and human beings, and the forms of international cooperation. Specific goals In detail, according to the Dublin descriptors, the student will acquire the following knowledge and skills: A) Knowledge and understanding The student will be able to acquire knowledge and understanding of the historical role of colonization, and the different ways of building relationships with the ‘other', in the past as in the present. B) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding The student will be able to question and understand - in particular in social relations and in the activity of cooperation - the different forms to relate to 'other' and to propose solutions in work contexts. C) Autonomy of judgment The student will be able to manage the complexity of the processes as well as to formulate judgments and possible sustainable solutions, even in the presence of limited or incomplete information. Another element acquired will concern the ability to reflect on individual and collective responsibilities as well as ethics linked to the application of certain knowledge and judgments. D) Communication skills He will learn to communicate knowledge related to the understanding of the human and social contexts where he will act. E) Learning skills The student will be able to autonomously understand the state-of-the-art of problems. He will also be able to design and develop projects, starting from theoretical and historical skills acquired.

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

Addressed to International Cooperation master students, this course aims to: 1) analyze the main discourses that characterized the self-narration that Europeans (and, since XIX century, also “Americans”) built on their hegemonic world-action after 1492; 2) deepen postcolonial and decolonial discourses, focusing on the use of concepts such as civilization, colonization, sovereignty, hegemony, nationalism, barbarism, identity, etc.; 3) teach students to recognize “colonial”, “post-colonial” and “de-colonial” narrations as products of specific context(s) marked by peculiar conflicts and 4) introduce critically students to “geopolitics of knowledge”, analyzing concepts such as The East, the West, Europe, Asia, America, Latin-America, ecc.

1048064 - Social policies for cooperation
Credit Bearing: 6 CFU
Level: Graduate

The Course aims to set and analyse the theoretical models and the methodological tools for the comprehension and the application of the social policies to the international cooperation politics for the development. Specific objectives Some specific analysis will pertain the evolution and the dynamic processes of the social policies for their application to the similar settings of the cooperation politics. In order to analyse the social policies through the main goals of the cooperation will be supplied multidisciplinary cognitive tools (sociological, economical historical political etc.) to allow students to develop specific skills for their application. The first goal of the Course (Dublin Descriptor 1) is to train students to keep active roles and responsibilities in the field of the cooperation. They can acquire basic and advanced knowledges and strategical competencies for operating in international contexts, especially for the protection of the rights and social planning policies. For the second goal (Dublin Descriptor 2), attention will be paid for the development of skills in the application of the social policies objectives in different social and cultural contexts, in projects and arrangements thanks to the knowledge of concepts and methods to analyse the cultural diversity. To achieve the third goal (Dublin Descriptor 3), the written, practical and oral tests will allow to verify the level of theoretical and methodological knowledge of the students and their skill to apply them in decision making and planning roles for the social policies in the cooperation. The practical and oral tests – made during the classes in favor of the mates, will allow also to verify the ability to communicate what the students know about the previous object of the Course, as the fourth goal sets (Dublin Descriptor 4). For the fifth last goal (Dublin Descriptor 5), the supply of a wide range of document sources and the knowledge of analytical and applicative methodologies permit students to lead detailed and up-to-date studies autonomously after the end of the training.

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

The aim of the course is to provide the basic knowledge for the analysis and understanding of the evolution of the international political system since the 1840s, focusing on colonialism, decolonization, and globalization. Through the study of these topics students will be able to acquire the knowledge and the interpretative skills necessary to understand the main dynamics of history of international relations and the globalization process. The inclusion of on-going audits in the form of short presentations and discussions by the students will also provide the necessary critical elements and a concrete capacity for analysis.

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

The main objective of the course is to provide an advanced competence of the political processes. The course will dedicate a specific part to the relationship between systems of expertise and politics, in a comparative perspective. Knowledge and abilities Students will be able to understand the functioning of different political systems, with particular attention to the functioning of parties, institutions, and interest groups. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding The student will be enabled to understand the provision of the various political regimes: democratic, authoritarian, totalitarian. Political dynamics related to processes and contemporary politics. Autonomy of judgment The student must possess the fundamental skills that allow him/her to analyze, in an autonomous and critical way, the decision-making process and the functioning of the institutions. Communication skills The essential objective is to build specialized communication skills in the field of political science, which facilitate the professionalization of the student's skills. Learning ability Learning skills will be developed and tested on different levels: through interaction with the class and the teacher, experts in the field, construction of reports and presentations in the classroom. Expected results The goal is to create the first knowledge that can be spent at institutions, political parties and interest groups.

Department: Development and International Cooperation Sciences

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

The course aims at providing students with the knowledge that is necessary to comprehend the structure of the European Union and the functioning of its institutions, scope and effects of the EU legal sources with particular regard to the protection of fundamental rights in the external dimension of the Union’s action in the perspective of sustainable development. The course is based on the method of legal analysis of institutions, normative acts and procedures. Students will acquire the skills necessary to read and comprehend EU legal acts and European Court of Justice judgments and opinions, as well as national legislative and judiciary acts. Moreover, they will be able to apply the acquired skills in the context of future legal research as well as in the context of professional activities. The acquired skills will enable students to critically analyze the EU policies and reach conclusions in autonomy on the basis of a rigorous application of the scientific method of legal analysis. The constant involvement of students during classes, including through the possibility to present individual or group researches on specific topics and the participation in discussions will develop the students’ communication skills. The course aims at supporting students in developing a proper study method, which will enable them to address, analyze and learn complex matters.

Credit Bearing: 6 CFU
Level: Graduate

- critical mastery of the economic and political terminologies inherent to current dimension of "development" - knowledge of the critical literature on growth and de-growth - ability to identify "cultural" components in "development" - ability to know and use essential elements for setting up a development project - ability to know and to use ethnographic fieldwork procedures in "development"

Credit Bearing: 6 CFU
Level: Graduate

Students will be able to: understand the historical relatioship between colonialism,development and globalization have developed a critical perspective about development and the main concepts of the Anthropology understand the work against poverty of bilateral and multilateral institutions of international development.

Credit Bearing: 6 CFU
Level: Graduate

The course aims to provide students with the necessary theoretical and conceptual tools of Sociology of politics, applied in particular to Islam and the Muslim world. These tools will be useful to read the characteristics and changes of Islam not only as a religious and cultural reference but also as a global player, in reference to the system and other political actors, the themes of secularization and secularism, the characteristics and role of religions and Islam in the Muslim as well in Europe. SPECIFIC EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the course, students will know and comprehend the key concepts of political sociology applied to Islam and the Muslim world; applying this knowledge, they will be able to decode some of the phenomena that affect the organizations and political actors of the Muslim world, with reference also to the theme of secularism and the role of religious identities in the globalized world. They will also be able to read such phenomena also with reference to the role of communication in the dynamics of change in the contemporary political scenario, to fundamentalisms, to the cultural and religious dimension intersected with global economic dynamics. of the market in the global context. Another specific objective of the course is the ability to analyse and reflect autonomously on the contents of the texts and on the topics dealt with in class, which will be subjected to reflection and common discussion in the classroom, thus developing critical skills andautonomous judgment.

Department: Development and International Cooperation Sciences

Credit Bearing: 6 CFU
Level: Graduate

The course will provide a wide and multidisciplinary vision of the relationships between international institutions and States in the contemporary age. During a first phase, particular attention will be devoted to the impact of the Enlightenment and the development of the idea of the nation, which would soon lead to the gradual decline of multinational empires and the consolidation of national states. In a second section, the course will focus on East-Central Europe analyzing the international dimension of the relationships between States and minorities, with the aim of understanding how the inter-ethnic complexity of this region has influenced the system of international relations during the twentieth century. The East/West division, in fact, could contribute to describe an interesting unified framework within which each country and each area, while following the path of the entire continent, expresses its own particular identity. The goal is to provide the basic knowledge in order to continue and deepen the study of history of international relations and of the multilevel governance dynamics among international and sovranational institutions, States and local and regional dimensions.

Credit Bearing: 6 CFU
Level: Graduate

1. Knowledge / understanding: The student will study the main theories of evaluative research. 2. Ability to apply it: The student will acquire the tools to better understand the context of development cooperation in its application aspects. 3. Critical and judgment skills: The student will be able to develop critical and judgment skills by organizing discussion forums in the classroom, with cooperation scholars and assessment experts. 4. Ability to communicate knowledge: Communication skills will be expressed in the organization of study groups for the preparation of papers that will be presented in the classroom and will be the subject of debates among students. 5. Ability to continue the study independently: At the end of the course, the student will be able to study in depth the topics analyzed, being able to apply them in the operational contexts of development cooperation.

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

Understanding development and change with particular regard to contemporary socio-economic phenomena analyzed by means of quantitative models.

Department: Development and International Cooperation Sciences

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

The course aims to provide tools for understanding through the categories of public law phenomena of growing supranational interdependence. The various models of federalism that are being developed and deepened in the context of the more general phenomenon of economic globalization will therefore be analyzed. It is also proposed to address the question of the role of constitutionalism in the face of these phenomena. Students will be able to understand Comparative Public and European Union Law also from a multilevel perspective. Students will be able to read and understand a regulatory text or a judicial ruling, as well as to resolve the legal issues underlying these acts in their essential elements. Students will develop independent judgment skills, from a historical, theoretical, critical, comparative and practical perspective on Comparative Public and European Union Law. Students will develop the aptitude for legal reasoning and the ability to argue about Comparative Public and European Union Law. Students will be able to continue their studies and professional life thanks to the knowledge of Comparative Public and European Union Law.

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

The course aims to provide tools for understanding through the categories of public law phenomena of growing supranational interdependence. The various models of federalism that are being developed and deepened in the context of the more general phenomenon of economic globalization will therefore be analyzed. It is also proposed to address the question of the role of constitutionalism in the face of these phenomena. Students will be able to understand Comparative Public and European Union Law also from a multilevel perspective. Students will be able to read and understand a regulatory text or a judicial ruling, as well as to resolve the legal issues underlying these acts in their essential elements. Students will develop independent judgment skills, from a historical, theoretical, critical, comparative and practical perspective on Comparative Public and European Union Law. Students will develop the aptitude for legal reasoning and the ability to argue about Comparative Public and European Union Law. Students will be able to continue their studies and professional life thanks to the knowledge of Comparative Public and European Union Law.

Department: Development and International Cooperation Sciences

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

The course provides advanced knowledge on the theoretical and applied links between international economic policy and living conditions in developing countries. This includes an applied understanding of the models and tools of international economic policy, notions of impact evaluation of development policies and programs, and a deep understanding of the most relevant contemporary debates in the fields of sustainable development, food and nutrition security and international economic cooperation.

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

The student will deepen his / her knowledge of the political actors and of the main western democratic political systems, in a comparative key. At the end of the course, the student can more easily classify the democratic systems on the basis of the characteristics that distinguish the consensual systems and the Westminister systems. Through the frequent opportunities for discussion and debate in the classroom, the student will consolidate his capacity for independent and critical judgment. Thanks to the frequent opportunities for comparison and critical debate, the student has a not easy public-speaking exercise. The instrument of the comparison between the political systems enables the student to understand the very heterogeneous dynamics present in the international forum and to orientate himself more easily in study and understanding.

10616085 - Geopolitics and history of the Mediterranean and the Middle East
Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

The course aims to analyze the geopolitical, economic, social, and cultural dynamics of the North Africa and Middle East countries, exploring in detail some contemporary case studies, and providing students with guidelines towards an understanding of the complex security crisis currently affecting the region. However, for an understanding of present events, it is essential to start from a historical perspective that accurately situates contemporary events. After reviewing the colonization process, the course will focus on the process of decolonization, the state-building and nation-building processes of post-colonial modern Arab state. Subsequently, the course will address the progressive fragmentation of the regional system after the peace signed between Egypt and Israel (1979) and the development of new regional conflicts (Lebanon, Iran, Iraq); the (failed) attempt to construct a "new Middle East" after the end of the Cold War; the failure of political-economic liberalizations which led to the so-called Arab Springs; the ongoing security crisis within the Wider Mediterranean and its political and energy centrality in the current multipolar system.

Credit Bearing: 6 CFU
Level: Graduate

The aim of the course is to provide the student with a set of basic descriptive statistics tools for the quantitative analysis of development phenomena. These tools include measures of central tendency, variability and shape of univariate distributions of data, as well as measures of association and correlation for bivariate distributions of data, and models for the study of the statistical relationships between phenomena.

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

The course provides the theoretical underpinnings and conceptual tools necessary for understanding the macro- and micro-economic processes of growth and development. It covers various prominent topics in the development debate, including long-run growth from a comparative development perspective, unified growth theory, foundations and techniques in modern impact evaluation, development policy in the post-Washington Consensus era, sustainability, green growth, and bottom-up poverty reduction. Throughout the course, there will be a strong emphasis on promoting and developing students’ critical thinking skills related to prominent issues in the international development debate. These issues include the long-run determinants of growth and development, the relationship between economic development and climate change policy, and policy interventions to prevent intergenerational, behavioral, and asset-based poverty traps.

Department: Development and International Cooperation Sciences

AAF1016 - Final exam
Credit Bearing: 18 CFU
Level: Graduate

The Master's degree thesis (18 cfu) consists in the preparation and discussion, before a specific commission, of a written paper (in Italian or in English, Spanish, French), which elaborates on a topic chosen by the student. If in foreign language, the work must be accompanied by an Italian abstract of 15 folders. The work is developed independently by the undergraduate under the supervision of a supervisor who becomes the teacher of reference. He will provide all the assistance necessary to carry out the work and discuss it. It is desirable that the student agrees to assign the project at the beginning of the last year of the course and, in any case, with an adequate advance on the last exams, so as to start the work in parallel with the completion of the curricular tests. In any case it is up to the teacher / speaker to decide when the student is ready to support the final discussion of the thesis.

Credit Bearing: 3 CFU
Level: Graduate

In all Masters programs there are 3 cfu for internships. These credits can be obtained through an internship of at least 75 hours, carried out in public, private or non-profit companies, provided that it is: - carried out during the Master's Degree Program (not before enrollment in the course); - regularly activated according to the procedures established by law, for which reference should be made to the AFE site - External Training Activities. No internships will be considered without prior agreement between the University and institution where the internship is carried out; - approved by the university tutor chosen among the tenured and non-contracted professors of the Department and by the company tutor appointed by the host organization. Both will necessarily have to sign the training project before the start of the internship and the final report at the end of the internship; - relevant degree program, or single subjects of the curriculum.

Department: Development and International Cooperation Sciences

AAF2345 - Seminars and other useful activities for the world of work
Credit Bearing: 3 CFU
Level: Graduate

These activities are meant to complement the academic training of the student, providing recognition for external activities (such as seminars, training sessions, certification of technical skills, etc.) deemed consistent with the educational objectives of the degree program. This evaluation of consistency will be carried out by the competent bodies of the degree program upon request of the interested party.

Student's Choice
Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

Department: Science of Administration and Public Policy

Credit Bearing: 15 CFU
Level: Graduate

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

Giving knowledge on how to face problems related to the functioning of the financial system at the National and at the sub-national level, with particular reference to taxes. Studying the relationships benete the National financial system and the European law. Let the student to verify the application of obtained information by means of the analysis of the most relevant case-law and of study cases. Giving the tools to proceed autonomously in the study of the subject.

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

The aim of the course is to provide students with a deep knowledge of the main hubs through which the public administration in Italy was established and from the Unification to the present day.

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

The course aims to provide students with the knowledge of national welfare system, in its legal aspects, also through the comparison with other European social security systems and the study of the European coordination of national social security systems. More specifically, the course is designed to provide a solid preparation in the field of social security, which allows them to be critically oriented towards the different aspects of welfare state, with reference to both national and European legislation. Particular attention will be devoted to the: diachronic reconstruction of pensions legislation; regulatory framework of "social safety nets"; actions to combat poverty and social exclusion; growing development of the role of private parties in management of welfare policies. At the end of the course, students will gain critical awareness of the functioning of the welfare system, especially in the current socio-economic context, characterized by significant problems of economic sustainability. Students will also acquire a correct legal language and a specialized terminology to develop communication skills, also through classroom discussion of concrete cases and active participation in group exercises.

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

The course aims to provide an overview of the main paradigms and methods of Sociology of Organization and Administration, in order to stimulate critical reflection on the mechanisms of operation and the processes of change taking place in public administrations and contemporary organizations with references to the transformations and crises of modernity. The lessons contribute to the acquiring of a high cultural level and to the development of advanced knowledge and skills, suitable for students to operate professionally in the context of organizational and administrative contexts.

1051443 - economics and finance local public sector
Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

The course aims to provide students with theoretical and institutional tools to understand the rationale of fiscal decentralization. The organization of the multi-level government will be analyzed from a theoretical and empirical point of view focusing on the recent evolution of decentralization in Italy. Specifically the goals of the course are: a) Illustration of the motivations and tools of decentralization. b) Knowledge of the methodological aspects of the analysis of the local public finance. c) Application of the economic theories to decentralized governments. d) Development of the evaluation autonomy and critical ability to understand public policies. e) Development of a technical language, adequate to express the economic concepts. f) Acquisition of learning skills necessary to deepen and update the relevant issues, also using different references, and to undertake subsequent studies.

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

The course aims to provide the students with knowledge of the health sector, including both the plural articulation of public bodies and the rules affecting the whole field and the providers. The study is aimed to allow the students to catch the instrumental function of the rules, the administration, and the organization of health services for the rights of users. At the end of the course, the student is able to carry out a research on the health system subjects, even by taking a hint of more actual facts. Furthermore, the students are able to implement critical instruments of interpretation relating to the health service system, the health administration, and the right to health. This will allow students to develop the skills to communicate what they have learned in frontal lessons even in a working context or just to continue for further studies.( Doctorate, Master, etc.).

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

The aim of the course is to provide students with the methodological knowledge related to the acquisition and processing of economic data, so as to enable them to operate in activities related to the setting, monitoring and control of policies in the economic field. Wissen und Verständnis The students will acquire knowledge on: national and international data sources for the analysis of economic flows and processes; labour market indicators; quantitative tools for the measurement of inflation and the analysis of economic inequalities. Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of the course the students will master the statistical methodologies useful for interpreting, planning and managing the economic processes related to the administrative activity. In particular, they will be able to collect and critically interpret relevant information on the performance of national accounts' aggregates and public finance balances; to define and construct the main indicators for the evaluation of growth in real terms, the employment situation and the incidence of poverty.

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

Policy analysis' research object is the definition, implementation and evaluation of programs and activities promoted by public institutions and other actors to face common interest problems and opportunities. It is a branch of political science, but borrows concepts and tools from several other social sciences. The aim of the course is to provide knowledge, information and tools enabling students to: - know the conceptual structure of policy analysis; - learn to use it as a tool for analysis and evaluation of policies; - design a public policy and follow its implementation. Dublin Descriptors: 1. Knowledge and understanding: through the lessons, students will acquire appropriate knowledge to understand public policies and conceptual tools aimed at their analysis and evaluation. 2. Applying knowledge and understanding: the mix of theoretical topics and analysis of materials and cases will enable students to develop a proper operational ability, so that they will learn to use concepts and theories at the end of gathering information on actual public policies. 3. Making judgments: the toolbox for the analysis of public policies will enable students to enhance their attitude to deliver autonomous judgments, also thanks to individual exercises and working groups. 4. Communication: through class discussion of themes and issues dealt with in the lessons, and through individual or group presentations, students will improve their communication skills. 5. Learning skills: students will be stimulated to refine learning techniques and methods through the interaction with the teacher as well as with researchers, experts, and people engaged in public policies during ad hoc meetings. In the final evaluation students will have to prove that they have proper knowledge and abilities, so that they could produce analysis and contribute to the design, implementation and evaluation of public policies, consistent with a professional framework.

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

According to the Dublin Descriptors, at the end of the course students will have to - demonstrate knowledge and comprehension skills of the French language that reinforce those of the first cycle and allow the development of original ideas, especially in a research context; - be able to solve problems in new or unfamiliar areas, inserted in broader or interdisciplinary contexts, related to French; - integrate the knowledge of French and manage the complexity of the use of French; make judgments even in the presence of limited information; reflect on the social and ethical responsibilities associated with the application of certain knowledge and judgments; - communicate knowledge in and about French, knowing how to illustrate the processes that led to their acquisition to specialized and non-specialist interlocutors; - Study the French language autonomously and independently. Be able to design and develop a project in or on the French language and complete it within the established deadline.

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

According to the Dublin Descriptors, at the end of the course students will have to - demonstrate knowledge and comprehension skills of the French language that reinforce those of the first cycle and allow the development of original ideas, especially in a research context; - be able to solve problems in new or unfamiliar areas, inserted in broader or interdisciplinary contexts, related to French; - integrate the knowledge of French and manage the complexity of the use of French; make judgments even in the presence of limited information; reflect on the social and ethical responsibilities associated with the application of certain knowledge and judgments; - communicate knowledge in and about French, knowing how to illustrate the processes that led to their acquisition to specialized and non-specialist interlocutors; - Study the French language autonomously and independently. Be able to design and develop a project in or on the French language and complete it within the established deadline.

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

According to the Dublin Descriptors, at the end of the course students will have to - demonstrate knowledge and comprehension skills of the French language that reinforce those of the first cycle and allow the development of original ideas, especially in a research context; - be able to solve problems in new or unfamiliar areas, inserted in broader or interdisciplinary contexts, related to French; - integrate the knowledge of French and manage the complexity of the use of French; make judgments even in the presence of limited information; reflect on the social and ethical responsibilities associated with the application of certain knowledge and judgments; - communicate knowledge in and about French, knowing how to illustrate the processes that led to their acquisition to specialized and non-specialist interlocutors; - Study the French language autonomously and independently. Be able to design and develop a project in or on the French language and complete it within the established deadline.

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

The aim of the course is to provide the student with an adequate mastery of the main methodological tools necessary for the understanding and even critical analysis of the right to information and the media, with particular reference to the development and use of new technologies and of the digital ecosystem. In particular, the issues related to freedom of expression and its limits from a constitutional point of view will be addressed, followed by an analysis of its applications and the regulations in force in the various media

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

The course aims to provide students with an understanding of the regulatory and executive organization and powers of the Italian regional and local system; the aim of the course is the achievement by students of knowledge necessary to critically examine the organization of the regional and local authorities.

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

According to the Dublin Descriptors, at the end of the course students will have to - demonstrate knowledge and comprehension skills of the French language that reinforce those of the first cycle and allow the development of original ideas, especially in a research context; - be able to solve problems in new or unfamiliar areas, inserted in broader or interdisciplinary contexts, related to French; - integrate the knowledge of French and manage the complexity of the use of French; make judgments even in the presence of limited information; reflect on the social and ethical responsibilities associated with the application of certain knowledge and judgments; - communicate knowledge in and about French, knowing how to illustrate the processes that led to their acquisition to specialized and non-specialist interlocutors; - Study the French language autonomously and independently. Be able to design and develop a project in or on the French language and complete it within the established deadline.

Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

The aim of the course is to provide students with knowledge of the environmental sector, including both the articulation of public bodies and the rules affecting the sector and the operators, including private ones. The aim of the study is for the students to understand the functions of the rules, of the administrations and the organizations for the protection of the environment and biodiversity. At the end of the course the student will be able to conduct a research on the environmental and biodiversity law subjects, also by taking a hint of more current facts. Furthermore, the student will be able to implement critical instruments of interpretation, to understand and evaluate the institutional, normative and administrative contexts in which other instruments and techniques, related to the protection of the environment are inserted. This will allow students to develop the necessary skills to communicate what they have learned also in a working environment. The learning allows them to continue with further studies too (Doctorate, Master, etc).

AAF1013 - Final exam
Credit Bearing: 15 CFU
Level: Graduate

The final exam consists of the elaboration of a written thesis, the result of mature critical elaboration, assigned by a supervisor on a topic agreed with the student. The thesis will be discussed, with the intervention of a co-supervisor, before a degree commission composed according to current regulations. The student will have three sessions available for the graduation for each academic year. These ordinary sessions are scheduled in July, October and January of each year. In addition, an extraordinary session will be scheduled in March for students who manage to finish their studies one semester early in accordance with the provisions established by the University. To participate in the graduation sessions, the student must submit the graduation application to the student secretariat in the manners and times indicated in the academic calendar for each academic year published on the website of the Department of Political Sciences /disp/ The selection board will be able to award a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 11 points from the starting mark calculated from the arithmetic mean of the marks of the exams envisaged by the course, honors and if actual winners of the scholarship as an Erasmus and Erasmus student Plus. (Details are available on the Department website at Graduation exam In order to graduate, the student must be in possession of the thesis assignment sheet signed by the professor in charge of the course who will act as supervisor. The date shown at the bottom of this sheet indicates the period from which the student started the work of the thesis. The student can have the thesis assignment sheet signed already during the first year of the course. The thesis assignment sheet must be signed at least 6 months before the discussion of the thesis and is valid for two academic years. The teacher will be able to sign the thesis assignment sheet only after the student has taken and passed the exam. If, during the course of the three-year thesis, the advisor professor should be retired, he may decide to continue following the assigned thesis and be present in the degree commission within the academic year in which he was allocated in retirement or to renounce. In this second case, the teacher belonging to the same disciplinary scientific sector who will teach the subject in place of the retired colleague will assume the role of supervisor. If the subject is no longer provided, a teacher with a similar sector will be assigned by the President of the Political Science and International Relations teaching area. The student can only ask for the thesis from a teacher with whom he has taken an exam in his/her educational path, excluding further educational activities and excluding exams belonging to the "Educational activities chosen by the student". Students can participate in the graduation session if they meet the "Graduating" requirements as indicated in the General Manifesto of Studies for the a.y. in which she will decide to graduate. The number of credits acquired upon submission of the graduation application to the student secretariat will be equal to 88% of them net of the final exam.

AAF1047 - Training
Credit Bearing: 9 CFU
Level: Graduate

Activities, traineeships, internships": the student is obliged to fulfill 9 credits through an internship or an internship of at least 225 hours. The formal recognition will take place at the time of delivery of the declaration of the end of the internship or of the end of the internship in the student office in the period between September and December of each year.

Program Information:

Sapienza University of Rome
Science of Administration and Public Policy


In a dimension like that of today's plural and interdependent systems, the difficulties of keeping economic and social development together with the balanced distribution of resources, the equal enjoyment of fundamental freedoms and essential rights in a context of peace, legality and democracy, makes it necessary to form a ruling class that knows how to orient these processes in the awareness that each administered sector is conditioned by multiple factors on the side, for which it is necessary to constitute an innovative government capacity that knows how to keep the subjects of the network together. To face such a complex challenge, the degree course in Administration and Public Policy Sciences offers students the interdisciplinary analysis tools and the knowledge necessary to understand these phenomena and affect their development. The goal is to train master's graduates able to work in administrations and social organizations for the management of public policies, ensuring efficiency, sustainability and a better quality of results. In the entire Sapienza university this is the only course that allows access to a degree in Class LM-63.

Sapienza University of Rome
Development and International Cooperation Sciences

The inter-faculty Master’s degree in DEVELOPMENT AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION SCIENCES aims to provide high professionalism in the analysis of institutional and cultural factors, as well as in the planning and the management of specific cooperation initiatives, aimed at the growth of developing societies. The Master’s degree, established by the Faculties of Political Science, Sociology, Communication, Economics and Humanities, offers interdisciplinary knowledge and operational tools for analyzing and interpreting the contexts of emerging countries and for managing programs and projects for peace and international development cooperation. In addition, the course provides advanced skills necessary for: the creation, drafting, implementation and management of integrated development cooperation programs and projects; the application of the main monitoring and evaluation methods; fluent use of English, in written and oral form; the use of information communication and management tools. During the second year the course is divided into two highly characterizing curricula, focused in combining a high degree of specialist knowledge with adequate operational training: Graduates in Development Sciences and International Cooperation, due to the multidisciplinary nature of the course, will be able to carry out managerial and highly responsible functions in the Public Administration, in national and international organizations, including NGOs, in private companies in the field of development cooperation , the voluntary sector and the third sector, as well as in educational institutions and organizations in the field of social and cultural cooperation between countries at different levels of development. The professional profiles identified are as follows: - Expert economic scenarios - Expert in international business strategies - Foreign correspondent - Director of cultural organization - Director of a humanitarian organization - Ambassador - Consul - Secretary of legation

Degree and Certificate Information

No degrees listed.
No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information

None available
None available