NGO Education Survey

Adikavi Nannaya University

Contact Information:

Adikavi Nannaya University
College of Arts and Commerce
Rajah Rajah Narendhra Nagar,
Adikavi University Road
Andhra Pradesh 533296
Southern Asia

Tel: +91 883 256 6004

Community Organization
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Semester 1

Unit 1: Community - concept, meaning, definition, scope Unit 2: Community organisation Unit 3: Practice of community organization Unit 4: Community development

Dynamics of Human Behaviour
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Semester 1

Unit 1: Understanding human behavior Unit 2: Learning and motivation Unit 3: Personality: Meaning, definition, types of personality unit 4: Social bases of behavior

Social Case Work
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Semester 1

Unit 1: Case work Unit 2: Interview in case work unit 3: Curative and preventative aspects of social case work Unit 4: Social case recording

Social Group Work
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Semester 1

Unit 1: Social group - definition, types, differences, significance of group life Unit 2: Social group work - definition, as a method in social work, its relation with other methods Unit 3: Principles of group work unit 4: Concept of Evaluation

Counseling and Communication
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Semester 2

Unit 1: Counseling - definition, goals of counseling Unit 2: Theoretical background of counseling Unit 3: Communication - definition, process, types of communication Unit 4: Communication - formal/informal

Disaster Management
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Semester 2

Unit 1: Disaster concept, meaning, definition, significance Unit 2: Disaster mitigation and disaster management Unit 3: Impact of disaster Unit 4: Disaster and intervention opportunities

Social Action for Social Change
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Semester 2

Unit 1: Social structure mass social problems Unit 2: Definition, concept, and scope of social action Unit 3: Concepts of social reform, social revolution, and social legislation, leadership. Unit 4: Social movements in India

Social Problems and Social Legislation
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Semester 2

Unit 1: Concept of social pathology Unit 2: Study and analysis of specific social problems, such as AIDS, crime, juvenile delinquincy, prostitution, alcoholism, drug addiction, untouchability, women related specific social problems such as dowry, female foeticide and infanticide Unit 3: Historical development of social reform, formulation of social politics Unit 4: The preventive and remedial services available at the government and non-government level to deal with problems mentioned above

Social Work Research Social Statistics
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Semester 2

Unit 1: The scientific method Unit 2: Research design objectives Unit 3: Methods of data collection Unit 4: Social statistics

Participatory Development
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Semester 3

Unit 1: Understanding participation Unit 2: Development – changing meaning of development ; different approaches ; development actors ; participatory development – meaning, principles and experiences, Gender and development. Unit 3: Methodologies to facilitate community participation ; participatory planning – principles, processes and experiences ; Micro – planning ; Participatory monitoring and evaluation. Unit 4: Participatory research – History and meaning

Programmes for the Rural and Tribal Community Development
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Semester 3

Unit 1: Rural Local Self government: Unit 2: Rural Development Programmes Unit 3: Tribal Development Programmes Unit 4: Community participation

Rural and Tribal Community Development
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Semester 3

Unit 1: Rural community Unit 2: Rural economy Unit 3: Tribal Community Unit 4: Tribal economy

Social Policy and Planning
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Semester 3

Unit 1: Social policy - concept, need, constitution basis for social policy and social welfare policy Unit 2: New economic Policy and changing concept of social development and welfare state Unit 3: Social policy and social planning - social policy formulation, contribution of research, role of social worker, different sectoral policies and their implications Unit 4: Social indicators of development

Social Work with Elderly and Differentially abled
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Semester 3

Unit 1: Gerontology: Concept and definition Unit 2: Programmes for the elderly : Constitutional and legislative provisions for the welfare of elderly. Unit 2: Differentially abled : Concept and classification – extent, causes and problems of each category. Unit 4: Professional social work practice

The Family Changing Trends
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Semester 3

Unit 1: Family Unit 2: Types of family - joint, nuclear and extended. Unit 3: Types of families - – single parent families, female – headed families, Re-marriage families – their structural characteristics, tensions and contradictions, Dual earner families, empty nest families. Alternative family systems. Unit 4: Marital breakdown - dissertion, divorce, and separation

Child Welfare
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Semester 4

Unit 1: Child – concept, definition stages, physical, educational, social needs specific to different stages of childhood. Unit 2: Child population in India – profit, trends, helath, nutrition, literacy, morbidity and mortality rates. Unit 3: Child welfare: Concept, definition, nature, principles. Unit 4: Constitutional provisions relating to child welfare

Development Administration
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Semester 4

Unit 1: Human Service Organizations Unit 2: Establishment Unit 3: Management of human services organizations Unit 4: Financial management sources of finance, organization budget

Management of Voluntary Organization
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Semester 4

Unit 1: Voluntary Organizations – Concept, types and meaning and its linkages with government Unit 2: Functional aspects of Voluntary Organisations Unit 3: Financial Resources : Fundamentals of budgeting, sources of finance, fund raising – governmental and non governmental Unit 4: Programme Development and Programmes management

Social Work with HIV/AIDS
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Semester 4

Unit 1: History of the Virus Unit 2: Psychological impact of HIV*/AIDS on families and individuals with special reference to women and children, people living with AIDS problems and needs Unit 3: Counseling as an intervention strategy. Unit 4: Understanding and utilization of Research

Urban Community Problems and Services
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Semester 4

Unit 1: Problems of Urban community Unit 2: Agencies working for urban community development Unit 3: Agencies working for urban community Unit 4: Professional social work practice

Women Empowerment
Credit Bearing: 5 credits
Level: Semester 4

Unit 1: Concept and contextualization of poverty Unit 2: Preparation and group building Unit 3: Federating SHGs and advantages Unit 4: Rating of SHGs - need and significance

Program Information:

College of Arts and Commerce
Social Work

Degree and Certificate Information


Degree: M.A. Social Work
Level: Postgraduate
Title: Masters

Subject Area: Social Work
Credit Hours: 100 credits

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information

None available