NGO Education Survey

Indira Gandhi Institute of Cooperative Management

Contact Information:

Indira Gandhi Institute of Cooperative Management
Rajajiuram, Lucknow-226017, U.P.
Southern Asia

Tel: 0522-2661820, 2662357

Cost Accounting and Financial Management

Allied Laws

Cooperative Accounts and Audit

Cooperative Credit & Banking

Cooperative Law, Management and Administration

Environment for Cooperatives and Rural Development

Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations 1.0

Marketing Management

MIS & Computer Application –I

MIS & Computer Application- II 1.0

Non-Credit Cooperatives

Organisational Behaviour & Communication

Statistics, Research Methodology and Project Management

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information


Degree: Higher Diploma in Cooperative Management (HDCM) (Correspondence)
Level: Higher Diploma

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information