NGO Education Survey
Institute of Rural Management
Contact Information:
Institute of Rural Management
Post Box No. 60, Anand 388001.
Southern Asia
Fax: 02692 - 260188
Collective Action and Cooperation (1.0 Credit)
Corporate Social Responsibility
Costing and Control Systems
Development Theories and Practices
Economic Analysis for Rural Management – I (1.0 Credit)
Financial Accounting (1.0 Credit)
Financial and Commodity Derivatives (0.5 Credit) (Post MT)
Financial Management (1.0 Credit)
Gender and Development (0.5 Credit) (Post Mid – Term)
Human Resources Management
ICT for Development
Individual and Group Behaviour (1.0 Credit)
Legal Environment – I (0.5 Credit)
Legal Environment – II (0.5 Credit)
Macro Economic Perspectives (1.0 Credit)
Management Information Systems
Management of Change
Managerial Analysis and Communication
Managing Collectives (1.0 Credit)
Managing Not-for-Profit Organisations (0.5 Credit)
Marketing Management (1.0 Credit)
Marketing Research and Analytics
Natural Resources and Sustainability
Operations Research (0.5 Credit) (Pre Mid – Term)
Optional Courses (3.0 credits)
Production and Operations Management
Project Management (1.0 Credit
Public Policy Analysis
Public Systems Management (0.5 Credit) (Pre MT)
Quantitative Analysis for Rural Management
Rural Development Interventions (1.0 Credit)
Rural Finance (0.5 Credit) (Pre MT)
Rural Innovations
Rural Livelihood Systems (0.5 Credit) (Post Mid – Term)
Rural Marketing (0.5 Credit) (Pre MT)
Rural Research Methods (0.5 Credit) (Pre Mid – Term)
Rural Society and Polity (1.0 Credit)
Social Entrepreneurship (0.5 Credit) (Pre MT)
Social Policy in Market Economies
Strategic Management (1.0 Credit)
Understanding Organisations
Values and Ethics in Management (0.5 Credit) (Post MT)
Program Information:
No programs listed.
Degree and Certificate Information
Degree: Post-Graduate Diploma in Rural Management (PGDRM)
Level: Postgraduate Diploma