NGO Education Survey

Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theeology, Mission and Culture

Contact Information:

Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theeology, Mission and Culture
Master of Arts Theology and Mission
Sub-Saharan Africa

Tel: +233 3420 91490/

None listed

Program Information:

Master of Arts Theology and Mission

Degree and Certificate Information


Degree: Masters
Title: MA (Theology and Mission – Holistic Mission and Development Option)
English Correspondence: English

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information

MA (Theology and Mission – Holistic Mission and Development Option) (Intake: February) Are you a development worker with an NGO? Do you struggle with how to integrate your Christian faith with development work? Is your challenge that of understanding how the Gospel integrates with development work to make it transformative, integral and sustainable? Do you have a concern for how Christian mission will respond to climate change and global warming? This Option is especially designed for people who are working with NGOs, in Church-based development programmes, or those who are interested in the holistic development of individuals and communities.