NGO Education Survey
Roskilde University
Contact Information:
Maria Louise Søndergaard
Roskilde University
School of Social Sciences
Northern Europe
Europe http:/
Module 1: Social Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise and Social Responsibility
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Graduate
The objective of the module is to provide the student with insi ght into the field of social entrepreneurship, social enterpr ise and social responsibility i n a global and local perspective. Theories of social entrepreneurs hip, social enterprise and soci al responsibility will be introduced to the students in an international and general pers pective. Focus will be on main concepts, definitions and comple xity in contextual and institut ional perspectives whereby students are encouraged to under stand the main trends and regio nal differences and similarities. The dual character istics of serving social and ec onomic goals situate social entrepreneurial initiatives with several challenges. Management and leadership in social entrepreneurship are of specific relevance due to the complexit y in the field and its organizations. Social entreprene urship is often related to hybr id organizations characterised by multiple purposes and resourc es and a lack of financial capi tal, but partnerships and to some extend commercial based busi ness models are also employed in relation to social entrepreneurship. It is expected that students can critically a nalyse and discuss relevant theories and empirical data with in these subjects. The module f urther studies how these theories and concepts are facili tated by learning, capacity bui lding and organisational development reflecting an agency‐structure perspective. Finally the module provides 4 overview of theories and cases on how corporate ethics and resp onsibility influences and contextualises strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship. (2) The module encompasses the following course activities: Theory Course of 5 ECTS Module Seminar of 5 ECTS Methodological Course of 5 ECTS Project of 15 ECT
Module 2: Innovation, Capabilities and Resource Development
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Graduate
In this module the students shou ld learn to analyse development processes in social enterprises. The theme s of the module are innovation processes, innovative capabilities and resources, organizational learning and how innovation processes are organized within and between organizations – and interrelate with stakeholders and s hareholders. In order to improve the students’ ability to work independently and critica lly the method taught in this module will be case‐analysis com bined with theoretical and conc eptual analysis. A network of businesses and social enterprises from the private and public s ector as well as the civil society will be established enabling the students to work with contextu al knowledge. Thereby the students are expected to gain knowledge on the interconnectedne ss of innovation with organizational practices as well as financial opportunities. Th e module further introduces basic concepts of financial and social accounting as a foundati on for understanding financial accounting techniques, social a ccounting and social audit (and analysis based on such techniques), that are relevant for social entrepreneurship and enterprise. (2) The module encompasses the following course activities: Theoretical Course of 5 ECTS Module Seminar of 5 ECTS Methodological Course of 5 ECTS Project of 15
Module 2: Innovation, Capabilities and Resource Development
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Graduate
In this module the students shou ld learn to analyse development processes in social enterprises. The theme s of the module are innovation processes, innovative capabilities and resources, organizational learning and how innovation processes are organized within and between organizations – and interrelate with stakeholders and s hareholders. In order to improve the students’ ability to work independently and critica lly the method taught in this module will be case‐analysis com bined with theoretical and conc eptual analysis. A network of businesses and social enterprises from the private and public s ector as well as the civil society will be established enabling the students to work with contextu al knowledge. Thereby the students are expected to gain knowledge on the interconnectedne ss of innovation with organizational practices as well as financial opportunities. Th e module further introduces basic concepts of financial and social accounting as a foundati on for understanding financial accounting techniques, social a ccounting and social audit (and analysis based on such techniques), that are relevant for social entrepreneurship and enterprise. (2) The module encompasses the following course activities: Theoretical Course of 5 ECTS Module Seminar of 5 ECTS Methodological Course of 5 ECTS Project of 15
Module 3: Managing and Organizing the Social Enterprise
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Graduate
The objective of the module is to provide the students with ins ight into practices of leadership, organizing and management of social entrepreneurial organisations, and into methods and analytical frames th at allow empirical analysis wit hin social entrepreneurial organizations. The module introd uces theories of leadership and organizing, and students are expected to critically analyse and discuss empirical data throu gh applying relevant analytical scientific frames. The module fur ther introduces to business pl anning and resource analysis in social as well as financial terms. (2) The module encompasses the following course activities: Theory Course of 5 ECTS Module Seminar of 5 ECTS Methodological Course of 5 ECTS Project of 15 E
Module 4: Thesis Module: Social Entrepreneurship and Management
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Graduate
In the final module the students will be expected to combine th e theoretical and empirical knowledge and skills they have a cquired in the previous modules by writing a thesis which displays mature and advanced the oretical and empirical knowledg e of, social entrepreneurship, social enterpr ises, innovation, organising an d management. The module is furthermore intend ed to round off the Master's pr ogramme by providing the student with knowledge of the latest theory of social entrepren eurship, both in general and specifically in relation to one or more subject areas of the Ma ster's modules. (2) The objective of the thesis is for students to demonstrate advanced and probing insight into issues relating to social entrepreneurship and management. The student should also be capable of critically analysing, processing, and creatively com municating well‐balanced knowledge of both abstract and concrete issues relating to soci al innovation and entrepreneurship. The thesis mus t also be based on clear, probl em‐oriented cases, and demonstrate advanced methodologi cal understanding based upon th e international state of the art within the field. (3) The students must write a 2‐4 pages study description, wher e each student can explain and reflect her/his way to integ rate the content of modules and project activities throughout the master’s programme. Each stu dy report will be individual. The frame and form of the study report is suggested by the St
Program Information:
Department of Social Sciences
Department of Social Sciences
Degree and Certificate Information
Degree: MA/MS
Level: Graduate
English Correspondence: Master of Science (MSc) Public Administration[1]
Degree: Masters
Level: Graduate
Title: Master’s Programme in Social Sciences in Social Entrep reneurship and Management
Degree: Masters
Level: Graduate
Title: M.A. Social Entrepreneurship and Management
Degree: BA/BS
Level: Undergraduate
English Correspondence: Part of a Bachelor of Science programme (BSc) International Development Studies[1]
No certificates listed.
Information on Training and Other Services
None listed
Additional Information
In all parts of the world there is a growing interest in social entrepreneurship, social enterprises and social innovation. Traditional welfare systems are transforming and new global challenges induces us to 'think out of the box'. Social entrepreneurs creates innovative sollutions to societal problems, often across sectors and professional disciplines. This implies, however, knowledge on leadership, organizing and management as well as in-depth training in social innovation processes and entrepreneurship. Roskilde University has a strong research profile in social innovation and is now launching a two-years interdisciplinary Master's programme in Social Entrepreneurship and Management (SEM). SEM targets both International and Danish applicants and all teaching and curricula is in English.