NGO Education Survey

Mount Royal University

Contact Information:

James Stauch

Mount Royal University
Bisset School of Business
Institute for Community Prosperity
4825 Mount Royal Gate S.W.
Alberta T3E 6K6
Northern America

Tel: 403 440-7055

University of Alberta Edmonton
Canadian Centre for Corporate Social Responsbility
2-47 Business Building
Alberta T6G 2R6
Northern America

Tel: (780) 492-0187
Fax: (780) 492-3325

Corporate Social Responsibility & Social Entrepreneurship
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

Corporate social and environmental responsibility is an important strategic consideration for companies around the world. The relationship a business has with both government and the larger public is integral to its success, reputatio n, and day - to - day activities. This course offers a practical introduction to social entrepreneurship and addresses entrepreneurship, innovation, and corporate social responsibility. The course focuses on key concepts in the field of social entrepreneursh ip and social enterprise, including organizational learning, sustainability, philanthropy, commercialization, and profit and nonprofit development. It also presents cases that illustrate these concepts in practical contexts. Ideas and skills learned in thi s course will better enable students to:  play a role in shaping socially responsible businesses;  develop a genuinely sustainable business enterprise;  infuse non - profit organizations with a spirit of social innovation and practical financial sustainability;  assist in influencing future government actions.

Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility with Communications
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

This course focuses on the application of moral principles and models for ethical decision making to individuals and businesses in the 21st century. Contemporary ethical and social issue s will be examined through the use of case studies, class discussions and presentations. Topics include concepts of individual ethics, workplace issues, corporate compliance and social and environmental responsibility. While examining ethical issues, emph asis will be placed on improving students’ proficiency levels in verbal and written business communication.

Managing Not - for - Profit Organizations
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

Man y management ideas and practices are derived from private, for - profit organizations. This course examines some of the issues confronting management in the public, voluntary and not - for - profit sectors, for example, health, education, charities, churches, cu ltural organization and the arts, community groups, aid agencies, etc. It addresses the issues of to what extent and how management in these types of organizations is different from the dominant private sector view of management; the extent to which practi ces from one sector may be adopted by another, and pressures which lead in this direction, through, for example, funding agencies. Specific issues such as the management of volunteers will also be considered

Board Governance in the Nonprofit Sector
Credit Bearing: Non-Credit Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

To govern well, boards must understand their work and develop effective, well-thought-out processes that keep the board focused on its work while respecting the roles and responsibilities of the organization’s staff. Examine these issues and investigate various board models and structures, roles of external stakeholders and board fiduciary responsibilities.

Corporate Social Responsibility & Social Entrepreneurship
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

Corporate social and environmental responsibility is an important strategic consideration for companies around the world. The relationship a business has with both government and the larger public is integral to its success, reputatio n, and day - to - day activities. This course offers a practical introduction to social entrepreneurship and addresses entrepreneurship, innovation, and corporate social responsibility. The course focuses on key concepts in the field of social entrepreneursh ip and social enterprise, including organizational learning, sustainability, philanthropy, commercialization, and profit and nonprofit development. It also presents cases that illustrate these concepts in practical contexts. Ideas and skills learned in thi s course will better enable students to:  play a role in shaping socially responsible businesses;  develop a genuinely sustainable business enterprise;  infuse non - profit organizations with a spirit of social innovation and practical financial sustainability;  assist in influencing future government actions.

Ethical Issues in the Nonprofit Sector
Credit Bearing: Non-Credit Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

Ethics-based decision making is critical to the long-term success of a nonprofit organization. Explore various ways to approach ethical issues and different ethical decision-making tactics that can be applied to a nonprofit organization, helping to ensure its success.

Financial Basics: Keeping it Simple for Nonprofit Managers
Credit Bearing: Non-Credit Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

Examine nonprofit financial management including the accounting cycle, budgeting process and financial management tools. Use case studies to examine the financial relationship between nonprofit organizations and government.

Fund Development and Corporate Philanthropy
Credit Bearing: Non-Credit Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

Look at fundraising from both a nonprofit and a private sector perspective. From the nonprofit perspective, discuss how to raise funds. On the corporate side, discuss how to create programs that provide funding.

Introduction to Nonprofit Management
Credit Bearing: Non-Credit Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

Nonprofit organizations make a significant contribution to our communities and to our economy. Explore the history, magnitude, issues, trends and challenges that affect the sector, with emphasis on leadership and management skills.

Introduction to Voluntarism in the Nonprofit Sector
Credit Bearing: Non-Credit Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

Volunteers donate over one billion hours to charities each year, a value of over $14 billion to Canada’s economy. It is imperative for nonprofit organizations to manage this valuable resource effectively. Find out how to plan an effective volunteer program, motivate volunteers, provide meaningful volunteer job development, and recruit, select and train volunteers.

Keys to Managing Nonprofit Organizations I: Strategic Management
Credit Bearing: Non-Credit Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

Examine the fundamentals of strategic management and explore various approaches to strategic planning. Analyze the impact of your organization’s mission and vision when developing and meeting long-term objectives. Gain an understanding of the role of organizational leadership, culture, complexity and mobilizing resources for change.

Keys to Managing Nonprofit Organizations II: Roles and Relationships
Credit Bearing: Non-Credit Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

Examine the management functions in nonprofit organizations and identify different strategies for managing them. Learn to recognize the importance of major stakeholders and how to maintain relationships with them and discover the role of transaction and exchange when managing stakeholders.

Law for the Nonprofit Sector
Credit Bearing: Non-Credit Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

It is vital that nonprofit managers understand the legal responsibilities of the organization. Examine a broad range of legal issues, including the laws of trust, contract law, tax law, and human resource laws. Explore a risk management process that has direct application to nonprofit organizations.

Managing Public, Not - for - Profit Organizations
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

Many management ideas and practices are derived from private, for - profit organizations. This course examines some of the issues confronting management in the public, voluntary and not - for - profit sectors, for example, health, education, charities, churches, cultural organization and the arts, community groups, aid agencies, etc. It addresses the issues of to what extent and how management in these types of organizations is different from the dominant private sector view of mana gement; the extent to which practices from one sector may be adopted by another, and pressures which lead in this direction, through, for example, funding agencies. Specific issues such as the management of volunteers will also be considered. Prerequisite: SMO 201 or 301

Marketing and Public Relations in the Nonprofit Sector
Credit Bearing: Non-Credit Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

Gain insight into marketing and public relations as they relate to the goals and objectives of nonprofit organizations. This course provides opportunities for networking and small group discussion, and you are expected to develop a marketing and public relations plan for a nonprofit organization.

Program Planning and Evaluation for the Nonprofit Sector
Credit Bearing: Non-Credit Bearing
Level: Undergraduate

Explore program planning and assessment principles currently used in the nonprofit sector. Gain the knowledge and skills necessary to create new programs and initiatives in a nonprofit organization by creating a plan for a new program from the research stage through evaluation.

Program Information:

Alberta School of Business
The Canadian Centre for Social Entrepreneurship (CCSE)

Speaker Series

Bissett School of Business
Institute for Community Prosperity


Degree and Certificate Information


Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration – Minor in Social Innovation and Nonprofit Studies
Level: Undergraduate
Title: The Bachelor of Business Administration – Social Innovation and Nonprofit Studies Minor prepares students for work in a variety of areas. While many of the work term positions are located in Calgary, students can relocate throughout Alberta or across Cana

Subject Area: Business administration
Credit Hours: 45 credits
Working Language: English

  • Nonprofit Management Extension Certificate

Information on Training and Other Services

  • Leadership Development: Meetings for Effective Decisions
  • Leadership Development: Speaking for Effective Decisions

Additional Information

The Canadian Centre for Social Entrepreneurship (CCSE) is unique in Canada in its mission to work with all three sectors - voluntary, government and business - to build the foundations necessary to encourage entrepreneurial approaches to social innovation. Leaders in the new philanthropy agree that solutions to critical social issues lie in dissolving the boundaries between the sectors to share insight, knowledge and commitment for the development of our communities. The need for a forum to inform, strengthen, and engage communities made the Alberta School of Business at the University of Alberta a logical choice for housing the CCSE. The CCSE benefits from the expertise and stature of the Alberta School of Business in education, research and collaboration with the community.

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