NGO Education Survey
Trent University
Contact Information:
Dr. Raymond Dart
Trent University
Peter Gzowski College of Business Administration
1600 West Bank Dr.
P.O. Box 4800,
Ontario K9J 7B8
Northern America
Fax: 705.748.1409
Volunteer Management
Provides the skills and knowledge required for those responsible for managing volunteers in today's complext environment.
Aborginal Community Development
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
The course will examine current initiatives in human resource, political and economic development, and critical issues relating to local control, values, gender, government policies and roles in social change processes.
Aborginal Ecnomic Development
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
The course examines types of economic activities, where they locate and why. Planning for community economic development as well as business feasibility studies will be covered.
Aboriginal Governance
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
This course examines and analyses the development of Aboriginal forms of governance in Canada with a particular emphasis upon cultural, philosophical and political foundations.
An introduction to the key concepts and issues in post-colonial
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
The course focusses on theories of hybrid identity, resistance and agency within a contemporary Aboriginal context specifically as they apply to debates on essentialism, identity politics and cultural appropriation.
Instroduction to the Third Sector - nonprofit and nongovernmenta
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
This course introduces the third sector, including nonprofit, NGO, social enterprise, civil society. Special focus on health, social development, environment and international development organizations.
Introduction to Aboriginal community development
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
An overview and examination of the concepts of "community" and "development" in an Aboriginal context. The course will examine traditional and contemporary Aboriginal communities
Introduction to Aboriginal community-based economic development
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
An overview of the formal and informal, traditional and modern, economies of Aboriginal communities.
Introduction to management and decision-making in contemporary A
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
Theory of Community Based Research
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Undergraduate
A practical introduction to research methods in the social sciences, including a critique of those methods in the context of Native studies.