NGO Education Survey

Laval University

Contact Information:

Laval University
School of Social Work
Pavillon Charles-De Koninck
1030 BC. Science-Human
Quebec G1V 0A6
Northern America

Tel: 418-656-2372
Fax: 418-656-3567

advanced community organization Practices
Credit Bearing: 3 credits
Level: Graduate

Objective: Deepening the theoretical and practical methodology of intervention in community organizing. Content: process and focus areas, roles of speaker, ethical, state of research on community-based practices as an institution, instead of community organization in the profession and in the institutions.

Community organization, critical perspectives and social movements
Credit Bearing: 3 credits
Level: Graduate

This course enhances the socio-political approach to community organizing. It explores the historical development of this perspective of intervention, identifying the theoretical frameworks and principles and seeks to translate into current practices. The study of significant contemporary social struggles and mobilizations is used as leverage to facilitate the joining of thoughts and actions.

Community organization, territory and local development
Credit Bearing: 3 credits
Level: Graduate

This course enhances the socio-economic approach to community organizing. It articulates the concepts of communities, identities and geographies in the heart of the relationship between global issues and local power to act. Different approaches to mobilization and endogenous development are explored using case studies rooted in a diversity of contexts.

Immigration, integration and social intervention
Credit Bearing: 3 credits
Level: Graduate

This course aims to improve knowledge about people of immigrant origin, often victims of racism and various forms of discrimination, and integration issues to develop practical (programs, services, interventions) in a perspective of social justice, taking into account their values ​​for the sake of mutual understanding. It also covers the necessary adjustments in terms of research, health and social services and intervention

Social Policy Analysis
Credit Bearing: 3 credits
Level: Graduate

In a context of redefining the role of the state in the social field, this course aims to improve understanding of the theories and concepts underlying the current debate and suggest ways to address the challenges. In addition, we will examine the roles played by the actors, institutions and representations in the establishment and transformation of social policy.

Program Information:

Faculty of Social Sciences
School of Social Work

Degree and Certificate Information


Degree: MSW
Level: Graduate
Title: Master of Social Work

Working Language: French

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

  • Institut MalletThe mission of the Institut Mallet is to contribute to the advancement of philanthropic thought and culture. It promotes projects relating to mutual aid, solidarity, sharing, and commitment in all sectors of activity related to philanthropic culture in Quebec.

Additional Information

None available