NGO Education Survey

University of Quebec at Abitibi-Témiscamingue

Contact Information:

University of Quebec at Abitibi-Témiscamingue
Northern America

Tel: 819 762-0971

Collective action and social movements
Credit Bearing: 3 creditsG
Level: Graduate

Review of various theoretical approaches and forms of collective action. Topical and actors of collective action. The forms of mobilization, protest, resistance. case studies (various movements, labor movement and trade unions, associations, networks, groups) to better understand their structure, their modes of action and their effects on social development.

Community organization and citizen action
Credit Bearing: 3 credits
Level: Graduate

This seminar, based on different schools of thought, encourages reflection on the community organizing practices to enlargement of the democratic space. depth examination of how some authors define the exercise of politics. Ownership of the developed concepts (common world, public space, etc.) to translate in a perspective of intervention with communities. Review of intervention strategies to be implemented to promote the exercise of political. Reflection on the role of community organizer and ethical dimensions of practice. collective mobilization of critical analysis and review experiences of how interventions have promoted the act together.

Social Policies, State and Social Movements
Credit Bearing: 3 credits
Level: Graduate

This seminar allows positioning on the reconfiguration of the relationship between the state, market, civil society and the family. It promotes critical review of new shares responsibilities that are emerging, in Quebec and elsewhere, through new social policies and is interested in assessing their effects on populations. It provides insight into the role and impact of the different actors of civil society with regard to this reconfiguration. The seminar examines the post-providentialist social policies through various events such as the institutionalization and integration, service specialization, individualization and privatization. In this context, are studied the conditions of emergence, potential and limits of social movements and different forms of collective action on the issues surrounding the relationship between the state, market and civil society. The seminar is interested also to the different forms of action and collective mobilization, as well as the interface created between the individual and the collective actor topic.

Program Information:

Social Work

Degree and Certificate Information


Degree: MSW
Level: Graduate
Title: Master of Social Work

Working Language: French

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information

Social work master's program revolves around the development and consolidation of social work intervention practices in a context of urbanity and cultural and social diversity. It puts forward a vision of social work based on respect for human rights and the search for greater social justice. The program supports the appropriation of a greater capacity for action of individuals and communities losing power, excluded or marginalized. Active in the era of globalization, the program recognizes the predominant role of civil society in redefining social relationships and the development of pluralistic and inclusive citizenship practices. He favors a constant critical perspective in light of existing policies, programs and interventions.