NGO Education Survey

University of Quebec at Chicoutimi

Contact Information:

University of Quebec at Chicoutimi
School of Social Work
555 University Blvd.
Quebec G7H 2B1
Northern America

Tel: 418 545-5011
Fax: 418 545-5012

Analysis of social movements: theory and practice
Credit Bearing: 3 credits
Level: Undergraduate

Know the definitions and foundations of different social movements that have marked the history of the contemporary world. Analyze the impact of changes in which social movements today are formed. Identify how these transformations are changing the same configuration of these social movements. Introduction to major theoretical and ideological currents that define the social movements and collective mobilizations. Presentation of the dimensions that constitute the: new forms of commitment, their modes of organization, action directories that are spreading, the controversy behind them, the modes of action and mobilization employees the space they unfold, the struggles they wear, the means at their disposal and the political registers in which they operate.

Community groups and women's groups: Issues and Practices
Credit Bearing: 3 credits
Level: Undergraduate

Further reflection on the community movement, the women's movement and groups of men through the current social and political issues and practices Å "piece within these groups. Analyze the continuity and transformation of these practices over time, the questions they ask and the challenges that arise in these groups today. As laboratory, presentation of the development of social intervention in these settings; popular education, social economy, rights of defense, citizen committees, ecological perspectives, feminist and alternative practices, action and social animation and emerging practices within groups of men . Study diversified practice areas, the populations concerned, the requested roles, personal ethics and values ​​in play and working conditions. Reminder components of a collective project under, mission, objectives, action principles, organizational structure, internal policies and action plan. understanding of the issues: non-diversity in women's groups and men's groups, the notion of member versus user, democracy and citizenship, financing and partnership, empowerment, service delivery and the report to the State.

social and political citizenship
Credit Bearing: 3 credits
Level: Undergraduate

Discover the historical, social and economic contexts that have played a role in the development of social policies in Quebec and Canada. Acquire an overview of the state intervention order to protect or improve the capacity of citizens and observe how recent economic and social changes affecting their evolution. Analyze and criticize social policies related to public policy. Understanding the ideological scope, political, social and economic social policies. Strengthen critical thinking about the consequences of social policies on the roles and functions of social workers. Presentation of the origin and development of social policies in Quebec and in Canada in connection with the main reforms in the organization of health services and social services. Explanation of the transformation of the welfare state, social protection in advanced democratic societies keeping in mind the situation of Quebec and Canada. Understanding of global issues of social protection in a context of globalization. Awareness to social policies in the field of health, social services, employment, income security, child, youth, adult, aging and dependents. Explanation of the transformation of social policies, especially regarding the functioning of the legislature and the role of social movements and pressure groups. Study of roles and respective responsibilities of the State, families, communities and the private sector. Understanding the impact of the new economic environment on living conditions and the empowerment of individuals, families and communities.

Program Information:

Social Work
Social Work

Degree and Certificate Information


Degree: Bachelor of Social Work
Level: Undergraduate
Title: BSW

Working Language: French

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information

The Bachelor of Social Work aims to train professional (1) to be able to Å "uvrer in all areas of social work. They will be able to contribute to social change project in their community and be up to the current challenges. The Bachelor of Social Work promotes both the acquisition of a capacity for analysis and response capability, and internships are an opportunity to put them into practice and integrate the skills inherent to the practice occupational (Repository skills, OTSTCFQ, 2012). The Teaching Unit maintains collaborations with the College of Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists of Quebec (OTSTCFQ) and its regional section so as to constantly adjust to new challenges and standards of practice as well contribute to the evolution of the social work profession. Furthermore, aware of the need for openness to the world, the program allows a North American professional mobility through its accreditation by the Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE). The Social Work Education Unit also works with Quebec-Canada AIFRIS (Francophone International Association for Research in social intervention) to enable students enrolled in bachelor to go carry out exchanges in the Francophone countries of Europe. The program aims to ensure the acquisition of essential knowledge and basic skills for all social work students in a reflective practice. In addition, the courses allow students to understand the complementary approaches of individual, family, group and community to promote the construction and development of a strong professional identity based on the versatility and skill.