NGO Education Survey
Wilfrid Laurier University
Contact Information:
James Cairns
Graduate Coordinator
Wilfrid Laurier University
Social Justice and Community Engagement
Northern America
Special Topics in Social and Environmental Justice
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Graduate
At least one special topics course is mounted every year. The subject area is chosen to reflect broad, general themes in the social justice/environmental justice area. These topics could include local food sustainability, climate justice, virtual communities and social movements and local democratic renewal.
Data Analysis in Social Justice Research
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Graduate
Students learn how to evaluate and interpret the qualitative and quantitative data typically used in community-based social and environmental justice research. Students will develop an in-depth understanding and an initial proposal for the methodological approach and methods they will use in their own research.
Engaged Scholarship and Community Capacity Development
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Graduate
This course is focused on developing the skills that facilitate community innovation, sustainability and democratic renewal. It explores such topics as anti-oppressive activism, civic engagement, grass-roots organizing, and action research within social movements. This course challenges students to think critically about the variety of channels through which community capacities can be developed.
Major Research Project
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Graduate
Students will undertake research that culminates in a final 50-60 page major paper, or alternative creative work or engaged scholarship project. The alternative final project will be accompanied by a 20-30 page written report. All MRPs must be within the scope of social and environmental justice issues and sufficiently rigorous for a Master’s program. The MRP topic will be chosen in consultation with the advisory committee and the Graduate Coordinator. Each student will have an MRP committee consisting of an Advisor and Second Reader. Student submission of the final MRP (including written work and any other appropriate documentation such as arts piece) will be followed by an oral defense to the MRP committee.
Social Justice Community Placement
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Graduate
The community placement is an opportunity for students to apply theoretical ideas about social and environmental justice and engaged scholarship in a community setting. The course is founded on the dual pillars of providing a community service learning opportunity for the students while ensuring that the community organization benefits from the placement. The 160 hour community placement is expected to either inform the major research project or be directly tied to the project.
Social Justice Directed Reading Course
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Graduate
The reading course is designed consultatively between the faculty member and student, with the course syllabus reviewed by the Graduate Coordinator. It is designed to meet the needs of students where no existing course increases the student’s depth in their chosen area of interest.
Social Justice Research and Professionalization Forum
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Graduate
This forum is focused on preparation for the community placement, the development of the major research project (MRP) and on student professionalization. Information literacy related to the development of the MRP literature review is highlighted in the course. During the course students prepare and present their MRP proposal. This course is held every other week over the fall and winter semesters. It is graded on a pass/fail basis.
Theories of Social Justice and Community Engagement
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingLevel: Graduate
This course helps students understand and develop broad frameworks for explaining the structural factors and discourses that lead to social inequality and environmental injustice, as well as theories of progressive social change. The course promotes systematic, reflexive, theoretical thinking about specific issues such as gender discrimination, environmental injustice, poverty, political ecology, resilience, globalization, and democracy.
Social Movements, Social Justice and Vulnerable Populations
Credit Bearing: Credit-bearingLevel: Undergraduate
Program Information:
Social Justice and Community Engagement (MA)
Degree and Certificate Information
Degree: Master of Arts in Social Justice and Community Engagemen
Level: Graduate
Title: Master of Arts in Social Justice and Community Engagemen
No certificates listed.
Information on Training and Other Services
None listed
Additional Information
brantford Through an applied focus on a local scale, our Master of Arts (MA) program in Social Justice and Community Engagement (SJCE) is committed to scholarship informed by critical social/environmental justice theories and approaches. We foster your ability to investigate and understand root causes and to engage in the active promotion of social/environmental justice principles and the resolution of community-level injustices. Learning Through Scholarship and Practice Through coursework, a community placement and a major research project (MRP), you’ll develop the skills that facilitate community capacity development, local-level innovation, sustainability and democratic renewal. Our program provides a firm grounding in the theories and methods of SJCE, practical skills gained through your community placement, and research capabilities through your capstone MRP. Your community placement is an opportunity for you to apply theoretical ideas about social/environmental justice and in a community setting. The placement is founded on the dual pillars of providing a community service learning opportunity for you while ensuring that the community organization benefits from the placement. The 160-hour placement is expected to either inform your major research project or be directly tied to the project.