NGO Education Survey

McGill University

Contact Information:

Dr. Julia Krane
Associate Professor

McGill University
School of Social Work
3506 University Street Suite 300
Wilson Hall
Quebec H3A 2A7
Northern America

Tel: 514-398-7070
Fax: 514-398-4760

Community Organization
Credit Bearing: 3 credits
Level: Graduate

Social Work: The aim of this course is to develop an understanding of the organizing process at the grass-roots level. Emphasis is placed upon community power and conflict, the development of organizing strategies and the application of such strategies in groups and movements dedicated to social change.

Critical Thought and Ethics in Social Work
Credit Bearing: 3 credits
Level: Graduate

Social Work: Use of theory and reflexivity to challenge the various ways knowing and practicing within social work. Critically engage and assess the theoretical basis of social work theories and knowledge acquired over the course of the program. Application of this knowledge to ethical dilemmas that arise in practice.

International and Community Development
Credit Bearing: 3 credits
Level: Graduate

Social Work: Advanced analysis of international and community development as a field of practice, policy and research. Critical concepts include colonization, development and underdevelopment, international socio-economic inequalities, social justice and social change, planning for development, governance.

International Social Work
Credit Bearing: 3 credits
Level: Graduate

Social Work: Discussion based upon intensive study and reports on problems in selected countries. Emphasis on identifying major social problems, understanding the social forces bearing on those problems and considering appropriate professional approaches to aid in their solution.

Migration and Social Work
Credit Bearing: 3 credits
Level: Graduate

Social Work: Informing practice through examination of how migration's social, economic, political, legal, cultural aspects shape lives of those migrating voluntarily or involuntarily to Canada. Historical context of immigration policies, acculturation frameworks, different models of service provision in resettlement. Intersecting oppressions of status, ethnicity, gender, class, age, sexual orientation and differential ability.

Program Evaluation
Credit Bearing: 3 credits
Level: Graduate

Social Work: The theoretical and practical problems involved in evaluating the impact of social work services and social welfare programs. Topics include goal definition, comparison of experimental and non-experimental designs, data sources, qualitative and quantitative approaches, and outcome measures.

Seminar on Trauma and Resilience
Credit Bearing: 3 credits
Level: Graduate

Social Work: Examination of the concepts of trauma and resilience within a comparative and international context. Exploration of theory, research, and practice interventions concerning trauma and resilience, both nationally and globally. Analysis of the ways in which culture, ethnicity, gender, class, and age shape experiences of trauma and recovery.

MGPO 438 Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Desautels Faculty of Management)
Credit Bearing: 3 credits
Level: Undergraduate

Management Policy : Explores key concepts associated with social entrepreneurship and social innovation – the application of principles of entrepreneurship and innovation to solve social problems through social ventures, enterprises and not-for-profit organizations. Focuses on the social economy, including how the market system can be leveraged to create social value.

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information

No degrees listed.
No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information