NGO Education Survey

Lakehead University

Contact Information:

Lakehead University
School of Social Work
Ontario P7B 5E1
Northern America

Tel: (807) 343-8110
Fax: (807) 343-8023

Diversity and Northern Social Work Practice
Credit Bearing: .5
Level: Graduate

This course pursues the concept of diversity, its relationship to social work practice, and its conceptualization in northern, rural and remote contexts. Topics to be examined may include colonialism, regionalism, multiculturalism, sexual orientation, ethnic diversity, racial diversity, gender construction and "ableism".

Master's Project
Credit Bearing: .5
Level: Graduate

The project requires a limited review and analysis of existing knowledge pertaining to the student's chosen project topic. The project may take various forms such as policy analysis; development of a program or practice model; implementation of a program evaluation plan; analysis of a practice issue/problem; development of a module or preparation of a journal article.

Social Policy for Provincial Norths: People, Power and Politics
Credit Bearing: .5
Level: Graduate

An exploration of social policy from a critical perspective which seeks to expose those systemic inequalities in society which encourage social injustice, social inequality and social stratification, especially in Canada's provincial norths. The domination and permeation of social values and social constructions will also be examined as well as the relationship among power, social policy, social planning and social change theories. The subsequent impact for geographic and cultural communities will be examined, in particular for the provincial norths, and in general for rural Canada and the far north. Emphasis will be given to the exploration of context-sensitive strategies that promote social policies which are relevant to northern communities and populations.

Social Work Theory for Northern Practice
Credit Bearing: .5
Level: Graduate

A critical assessment of social work practice theory in relation to its relevance for advanced generalist practice in northern, rural and remote contexts. Within this analytical framework, consideration is given to such areas of diversity as sexual orientation, racial and ethnic plurality, gender construction, ability, age, socioeconomic class, and regionalism. Applications of generalist northern practice studied may include clinical work with individuals, families or groups; community development, social service administration, social policy research, and social planning.

Strategies for Social Development in Northern Environments
Credit Bearing: .5
Level: Graduate

An examination of practice theory and social change strategies that build on a social development perspective. The course draws on social planning and development theory as well as practice experience of change in northern urban and rural environments. Topics include: community strengthening through capacity building, empowerment by networking and coalition building, sustainable development to balance socio-economic development and environmental protection, and combatting oppression and social injustice in communities.

Program Information:

Social Work


Degree and Certificate Information


Degree: MSW
Level: Graduate
Title: Master of Social Work

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information

None available