NGO Education Survey
University of Veliko Turnovo
Contact Information:
Maria Gerasimova
Senior Assistant Professor
University of Veliko Turnovo
History and Law Departament
6 Kozlodui St
2 Maika Bulgaria Sq
Veliko Turnovo
Veliko Tarnovo 5000
Eastern Europe
Fax: 3596227997
Legal frames of the non- for- profit organizations
Credit Bearing: Credit-BearingAn elective course for third year law students with strong comparative law elements.The course has two parts: theory part and practical exercises.Students have to write assignments,participate in discussions,make critical analysis of legal provisions
Program Information:
In the Veliko Turnovo University there are over 12 000 students, who are divided into 7 departments and 50 subjects of specialization-law, foreign languages, history, economics, pedagogics, etc
History and Law Department
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