NGO Education Survey

University of Veliko Turnovo

Contact Information:

Maria Gerasimova
Senior Assistant Professor

University of Veliko Turnovo
History and Law Departament
6 Kozlodui St
2 Maika Bulgaria Sq
Veliko Turnovo
Veliko Tarnovo 5000
Eastern Europe

Tel: 35962619414
Fax: 3596227997

Legal frames of the non- for- profit organizations
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing

An elective course for third year law students with strong comparative law elements.The course has two parts: theory part and practical exercises.Students have to write assignments,participate in discussions,make critical analysis of legal provisions

Program Information:

In the Veliko Turnovo University there are over 12 000 students, who are divided into 7 departments and 50 subjects of specialization-law, foreign languages, history, economics, pedagogics, etc
History and Law Department


Other Information Services


Degree and Certificate Information

No degrees listed.
No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information

None available