NGO Education Survey

University of Liege

Contact Information:

University of Liege
Center for Social Economy
Quartier Agora
Place des Orateurs, 1 (Bât. B33) - Bte 4
Liege B-4000
Western Europe

Tel: +32 4 366 27 51
Fax: +32 4 366 28 51

Financing of social enterprise
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

Goals: To understand the economic rationality of the various modes of financing of social enterprises To acquire a thorough operational knowledge of the modes of financing (public funding, price-fixing, fund-raising) To acquire the capacity to design and implement a financing mix in the framework of the elaboration of a social enterprise's business plan Contents: Theoretical approach of the financing mix Types of public regulation Pricing Fund-raising Recent developments: venture philanthropy, public-private partnerships, cause-related marketing, socially responsible investment Accounting Social business plan and global performance assessment (cost/benefit analysis, social return on investment)

Governance and management of human resources in social enterprises
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

Goals: To know the types of legal forms specific to social enterprises, and the conditions and implications linked hereto To understand the governance mechanisms, the roles of the governing bodies and the various evaluation tools specific to social enterprises To understand the specificity of human resources management in social enterprises Contents: Official regulations in terms of governance and CSR for the main legal froms available to social enterprises in Belgium: non-profit orgnaisation, cooperative society, social purpose company, mutual society, foundation Governance: roles and make-up of governing and management bodies, stakeholders' management, accountability and reporting Human resources management: management of diversity, relations between volunteers and salaried workers, motivations (pay practices, incentive policies), management of competences, social relations

Introduction to the social economy and social entrepreneurship
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

Goals: To acquire a thorough knowledge of the specificity and roles of the social economy, social enterprise and social entrepreneurship in contemporary economies Contents: Conceptual approaches and main analytical grids: the social economy, solidarity economy, non-market sector, third sector, non-profit sector, social entrepreneurship Forms and modes of action of the social economy in various sectors of activity and geographical contexts (Belgium, Europe, North America, Asia, developing countries) Analysis of the conditions of emergence, the economic importance and the roles of social enterprises Case studies: analysis of the strengths, weaknesses and specificity of social enterprises, analysis of the trajectories of social entrepreneurs

Social entrepreneurship and sustainable development: sectorial applications
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

Goals: To understand the stakes in sustainable development (at the macro-economic and micro-economic levels) To understand the legal and institutional framework in terms of sustainable development (regulated aspects, tools supporting voluntary actions, institutions) To identify the potential contribution of social entrepreneurship to the implementation of a model of sustainable development To identify this potential contribution regarding the challenges specific to a sector of activity To develop contacts and an expertise in relation to this sector Contents: Common introduction to the notion of sustainable development in its various dimensions (economic, social, environmental dimensions and dimension of participative dynamic) and to the role of social entrepreneurship in relation to these dimensions Choice of a sector among several proposals, briefly introduced: health, development cooperation, personal services, environment, culture, local development, work integration In-depth study of one sector, chosen by the student, under the guidance of two experts, through reading, conferences, meetings with field experts, visits of enterprises, etc. Evaluation will happen in a permanent way on the basis of the student's "immersion trajectory".

Social innovation and organisational diversity
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

Goals: To develop the capacity to identify social innovation opportunities To provide students with theoretical grids that will allow them to understand and analyse the diversity of organisations bringing about social innovation Contents: Theoretical introduction to social innovation (European and North-American literature) Analysis in relation with the main current economic, social and environmental challenges NIE theoretical framework (economic, sociological and managerial theories allowing to apprehend organisational diversity) Analysis of the relations between various types of economic actors (private sector, public authorities, social enterprises and other civil society actors) Empirical study of organisational diversity in various sectors of activity: health, social services, culture, North-South relations, financial services, energy, etc.

Strategy and marketing management in social enterprises
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

Goals: To understand the specificity of social enterprises' strategy and marketing, and to acquire the adequate tools to implement the latter. Contents: Approaches of strategy Marketing of services Quality analysis Social marketing Relational marketing Development of ethical brands Communication tools and strategies

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information


Degree: Masters
Level: Graduate
Title: Social Enterprise Management

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information