NGO Education Survey

The Australian National University

Contact Information:

The Australian National University
Crawford School of Economics and Government
J.G Crawford Building, Building #132
The Australian National University
Australian Capital Territory ACT 0200
Australia and New Zealand

Community and Social Policy
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

The idea that social networks (social capital) can help in the fight against poverty and social exclusion is also being promoted by major development institutions such as the World Bank. But is social capital the answer?

Conflict and Development in the Pacific
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

The course will explore contemporary debates regarding conflict and social disorder in the Pacific drawing on the research and policy work of members of the State Society and Governance in Melanesia (SSGM) Program in the College of Asia and the Pacific (CAP).

Democracy in World Politics
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

Democracy constitutes one of the most important sets of ideas in today's world, in the international system no less than in its component states. This course examines what democracy and democratization can and do mean in theory and practice.

Development Theories and Themes
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

Using the idea of globalisation as a starting point, POGO 8072 introduces students to the principal points of debate which continue to be raised and are influential about development.

Ethics and Public Policy
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

How can public leaders exercise ethical leadership, and how can we promote clean government, given the many excuses for 'dirty hands' made by government leaders? This course provides students with an introduction to debates over public sector ethics, focusing on the roles and responsibilities of public servants and their relationships to politicians and others sharing public power.

Global Civil Society and the Role of NGOs
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

This course explores the contested concept of global civil society and its relevance to the study of contemporary world politics. It begins by mapping the various interpretations of what constitutes civil society and the actors within it. Against this conceptual background, special attention will be given to the role and effectiveness of international non-governmental organisations (NGOs). By taking a bottom-up approach to solving problems on a global scale, these organisations are often seen as a substitute for inter-state diplomacy as well as a corrective to the failures of global capitalism.

Humanitarianism in World Politics
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

In examining the role of humanitarianism in world politics, this course seeks to disaggregate these debates, revealing key themes, trends and questions in the evolution of the concepts and practices of humanitarianism. Central amongst these are the themes of assistance and protection that are often viewed as at the very heart of humanitarianism, along with advocacy and temoinage.

Introduction to Gender and Development
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

This course introduces the key elements of the scholarly debates and analytical tools of Gender and Development, including the theories around gender and empowerment, and contemporary approaches to gender equity and mainstreaming.

Introduction to Social Impact Studies
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

This course will provide an introduction to social impact assessment (SIA) during the various stages of the project cycle.

Participatory Modeling for Development
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

Participation is a key concept supporting the Millennium Assessment Goals. The premise for participatory management or ‘citizen development' lies in the fact that our modern societies interact with their environments in increasingly complex ways. Such complexity tends to hinder the implementation of purely engineering or technocratic solutions. This is particularly true in developing countries.

Program Management
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

The course aims to help participants to understand the specific elements and tools of program management in development practice and to be able to apply them in a critical fashion

Social Impact Studies in Project Cycle
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

This course will examine social impact assessment (SIA) during the various stages of the project cycle. Social impacts assessment will be examined in relation to infrastructure, resource extraction, development projects, corporate activities and climate change. Alternative approaches to the assessment of impacts on livelihood, institutions, social structure, equity, culture and quality of life will be examined. The course will place a strong emphasis on practical case studies and students will be given opportunities to explore alternative impact assessment approaches in a number of sectors and within different national jurisdictions.

Social Impact Studies in Project Cycle
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

This course will examine social impact assessment (SIA) during the various stages of the project cycle. Social impacts assessment will be examined in relation to infrastructure, resource extraction, development projects, corporate activities and climate change. Alternative approaches to the assessment of impacts on livelihood, institutions, social structure, equity, culture and quality of life will be examined. The course will place a strong emphasis on practical case studies and students will be given opportunities to explore alternative impact assessment approaches in a number of sectors and within different national jurisdictions.

Social Policy Implementation and Service Delivery
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

This course aims to provide an introduction to the various issues and problems relating to the efficient and effective implementation of social policy. It covers the respective roles of central and front-line agencies in implementing social policy programs and the institutional separation of purchasers and providers.

Social Policy, Society and Change
Credit Bearing: Credit-Bearing
Level: Graduate

This course focuses on the social policy experience of countries in the majority world, aiming to introduce participants to the ideas and institutions that shape social policy and the drivers for change.

Program Information:

Asia Pacific School of Economics and Government

Degree and Certificate Information

No degrees listed.
  • Graduate Certificate/Diploma in Public Policy
  • Graduate Certificate in Public Administration
  • Graduate Certificate/Diploma in Public Administration

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information

The Graduate Diploma in Public Administration is designed for men and women who have been working in an aid agency and want to increase their skills in management, increase their understanding of development issues, and gain a portable qualification. For example, students have come from AUSAID or the Salvation Army.