NGO Education Survey

Edith Cowan University

Contact Information:

Edith Cowan University
2 Bradford Street
Mount Lawley
Western Australia 6050
Australia and New Zealand

Tel: +61 8 6304 0000

Community Development
Credit Bearing: 15 credits

This unit covers the history, philosophy, theory and practice of community development and community work. It builds a knowledge base and skills for professional human service intervention at the community level.

Culture, Equity and Diversity
Credit Bearing: 15 credits

This unit focuses on an examination of individual, community and cultural responses to difference with an emphasis upon Indigenous families and families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, within the context of contemporary Australian society. Difference and diversity are examined in relation to ethnicity, gender, sexuality, family structure and composition and ability. The links between beliefs and values, and service delivery processes are also explored.

Ethics in Human Services
Credit Bearing: 15 credits

This unit provides students with a range of frameworks for ethical thinking and the opportunity to work through a range of ethical principles and problems relevant to a wide range of human services contexts. The student will engage in informed ethical argument in professional controversies and be aware of the significance of ethical conduct in professional matters.

Gender Issues: Terms and Debates
Credit Bearing: 15 credits

This unit approaches the study of gender both as an academic practice and as a feature of our everyday lives. The unit introduces students to many of the terms used in the analysis of gender, and to a range of understandings of how gender is produced. It introduces students to ways of reading and ways of seeing gender in visual and written texts, and provides an overview of some of the most influential recent writing on gender issues, terms and debates. It begins with an overview of the international situation and an exploration of the history of feminist activism in twentieth century Australia as background to an understanding of the analysis of gender issues in contemporary society.

Interpersonal and Helping Skills
Credit Bearing: 15 credits

This unit develops the fundamental helping skills required by human service workers in community settings. A systems approach to helping is examined. The helping process is based on a lifeskills helping model including issues of: establishing an appropriate helping environment, clarifying, exploring problems, setting realistic goals, closing a helping exchange, and referral procedures. The distinction between advocacy, mediation, helping and counselling will also be addressed. The case management approach is explored. Exploration of the student's own values and attitudes is considered an essential component.

Introduction to Community Work
Credit Bearing: 15 credits

This unit provides a comprehensive introduction to a range of models of working with communities. Distinctions are made between the community work processes used in service provision; events organisation; social and political activism; community development; leadership development; and social impact assessment. The unit provides an introduction to working with local communities associated with the natural environment; the built environment; the economic environment; the personal and social environment; and the arts and cultural environment.

Introduction to Social Analysis
Credit Bearing: 15 credits

This unit offers an introduction to social analysis. It introduces key theoretical approaches in the social sciences through an analysis of selected aspects of Australian society. The unit applies functionalist, interactionist, pluralist, feminist and Marxist theoretical frameworks to topics such as family formation, gender, ethnicity, class, and the role of the State in regulating public and private lives.

Leadership and Management in Community Services
Credit Bearing: 15 credits

This unit is designed to introduce students to administrative, management, self-management and leadership skills appropriate for those working in community-based and public service organisations. Students will gain an understanding of issues relating to leading and managing people. The unit considers the principles of quality assurance, organisational change and change management with particular reference to the role of graduates as agents of change. Leadership theories and characteristics are examined with an emphasis on developing graduates as leaders in the community.

Social Policy
Credit Bearing: 15 credits

This unit in comparative social policy provides students with theory, knowledge, and skills to understand major tendencies in policy development as they are shaping, and being shaped by, the increasingly interdependent world of the twenty-first century. It explores key areas of social policy and economic policy, including welfare, education, health, housing, income maintenance, taxation, and employment. Australian policy and its outcomes are compared with those of other relevant countries, in order to highlight forces which shape policy and the effects which such policies have on peoples everyday lives.

Social Research and Program Evaluation
Credit Bearing: 15 credits

This unit provides an understanding of applied research methods with a focus on programme evaluation. The unit examines a number of approaches to research which can be used by human service administrators and workers. Students will explores the process of designing and completing a small research project. The unit provides a knowledge base and skills for undertaking research in human service organizations.

Vulnerable People and Communities
Credit Bearing: 15 credits

This unit examines people and communities who are categorised as at risk of abuse, neglect and rights violations. It considers the human rights conventions and how these are applied in society along with examining policies and practices that violate these conventions. Programs designed to minimise harm for people across the lifespan are examined along with skills and knowledge for workers implementing these programs. International issues on abuse, neglect and rights violations are explored.

Working with Groups
Credit Bearing: 15 credits

This unit deals with the acquisition and development of skills required for effectively working with groups. The unit will examine the process of group development and dynamics of groups. It will identify and develop skills in group facilitation.

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information


Degree: Community Work
Level: Undergraduate

Credit Hours: 180 credit hours

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

  • Practicum RequiredStudents are required to complete a year-long professional placement unit of 400 hours. Clearances and/or Risk Management Protocols Required Students must apply for a Working With Children Check. Students are required to complete risk management protocols on commencement of their practicum.

Additional Information