NGO Education Survey

Griffith University

Contact Information:

Griffith University
226 Grey Street
South Bank
Queensland 4101
Australia and New Zealand

Tel: +61 7 3735 7111

Education, Sustainability and Social Change (7351ENV)
Credit Bearing: 10 credits

This course is offered in mixed mode consisting of a 2 DAY INTENSIVE IN ORIENTATION WEEK and fortnightly on-campus seminars for on-campus students. This course explores the interplay of economic, social and political factors in the processes of education and social change. It develops understandings and skills through which a critical perspective may infuse programs and practices in environmental education. It uses life-history methods and a strong focus on the clarification of students' own philosophies of environmental education to encourage them to explore and evaluate the relationships between their current practices in environmental education and the social transformation goals of environmental education. Students may not enrol in this course without having completed 7341ENV Foundations of Education for Sustainability. Incompatible: 7351AES Edn, Sustainability and Social Change

Evaluating Policy and Measuring Performance (7208GIR)
Credit Bearing: 10 credits

This course addresses the contested terrain of policy delivery - the outcomes, consequences and legacy of public policies and policy processes as they are experienced by individuals, communities and the body politic. We examine different perspectives on performance and policy success and consider how individuals' perceptions and experiences of government services and programs affect democratic values - participation, citizen engagement and trust in politics and public institutions. The course explores program evaluation and performance management in theory and practice. It considers some of the challenges of measuring and assessing performance in a network governance context where increasingly, multiple agencies are involved in policy and program delivery, and where the need for political responsiveness must be combined with demands for equity and consistency in service delivery. Finally, given the complexity of contemporary politics, students consider the prospects for governance into the future - how the role of government might be shaped and redefined by crisis events, global threats and changing public expectations. This course is offered: Southbank: Trimester 2 Day This course is restricted and is only available as an elective for students in the ANZSOG Executive Masters of Public Administration program . Permission from the Head of School required. Incompatible: 7024GIR (Evaluating Policy and Measuring Performance) AND 7024GIR and 7024PPP (Delivering Policy: Performance, Participation, Prospects) AND 7208GIR and 7208PPP ( Delivering Policy: Performance, Participation, Prospects)

Human Services : Law and Social Policy (7012HSV)
Credit Bearing: 10 credits
Level: Postgraduate

A sound understanding of the institutions of public policy is essential for effective practice in a range of human service professions. With this knowledge practitioners can influence, advocate, improve social policy and legislation and contribute toward social change. This course is intended to give students a solid grounding in the Australian system of Government and the Australian legal system. It is also intended to provide students with an understanding of how policies are developed, and therefore how they can participate in and influence the policy making process. The course is broken into two parts. The first half of the trimester examines the Australian system of Government, and aspects of the Australian legal system that impact on both practitioners and their future clients. The second half of the course examines the policy making process, with a particular focus on influencing change from outside the policy making system. The latter half is intended to equip new front line human service workers with the knowledge and skills needed to be effective advocates for social change.

Social Marketing: Applying Marketing for Social Change (3007MKT)
Credit Bearing: 10 credits
Level: Undergraduate

Social marketing provides a framework to designing effective behavioural change programs which can be used to change social, environmental and financial behaviours such as encouraging people to recycle more, make healthier eating choices or to save more money. The growing popularity of social marketing to change behaviour is reflected in increasing research interest and a growth in the number of people practicing and applying social marketing. In this hands-on course you will be in the driver seat to create positive change by designing a social marketing program. This course is offered: Gold Coast: Trimester 1 (from 2019) Night (even years) Day (odd years); Nathan: Trimester 1 Day (even years) Night (odd years).

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information

No degrees listed.
No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information