NGO Education Survey

Learning Cloud

Contact Information:

Learning Cloud
Learning Cloud Australia
Level 9, Avaya House
123 Epping Road
North Ryde
New South Wales 2113
Australia and New Zealand

Introduction to Nonprofit Management
Credit Bearing: Non Credit-Bearing

Develop the skills and strategies you need to become an integral part of one of America's fastest growing service sectors. In this course, a twelve-year veteran in the nonprofit management field will show you how to transform your good intentions into a professional plan of action. You'll understand the unique characteristics of nonprofit organizations while mastering the core knowledge necessary to become an effective leader in the nonprofit arena. In this course, you will learn skills and develop strategies that will take your organization to new heights of prosperity and productivity. You'll gain a full understanding the role of the executive director and the board of directors, special event and meeting management, public relation strategies, and how to find a position in this fascinating and rewarding field of work.

Marketing Your Nonprofit
Credit Bearing: Non Credit-Bearing

Under pressure to increase membership, expand program value, attract media, entice donors, and develop volunteers, all while keeping an eye on the bottom line? In the face of stiff competition, more worthwhile causes, more regulations, more watchdog agencies, and fewer funding opportunities, you need to work smarter—not longer. This course will show you how to use powerful marketing techniques to compete more effectively for customers, donors, members, and volunteers. You'll also learn how to persuade the media to communicate your organization's message and further its ideals and goals. Instructor Linda Kissam draws on her extensive nonprofit experience to share effective, practical, and easy-to-implement strategies that you can put to immediate use. Before you know it, you'll be ready to improve your market share by learning to evaluate and implement effective promotions, advertising campaigns, and communication techniques. If your organization relies on a diverse mix of fees, events, and/or contributions for support, you're sure to find this information-packed course indispensable.

Nonprofit Fundraising Essentials
Credit Bearing: Non Credit-Bearing

First, you'll explore the skills you'll need to become a successful fundraiser. After that, you'll discover where the best corporate and foundation fundraising jobs are and how to apply for them. Next, you'll delve into every area of nonprofit fundraising—annual funds, special events, corporate relations, foundation relations, major gifts, and planned giving. You'll also learn about capital campaigns and find out why they're a crucial element of nonprofit fundraising. Along the way, you'll view real-life examples of writing projects, from gift acknowledgment letters to proposals, and you'll hone your own writing skills. In addition, you'll explore fundraising software tools you can use to track your efforts and enhance your results. By the end of the course, you'll have a wealth of new nonprofit fundraising ideas, and you'll be well on your way to success in this exciting career field.

Starting a Nonprofit
Credit Bearing: Non Credit-Bearing

Do you dream of starting and running your very own nonprofit? This highly interactive, hands-on course is ideal for anyone who is interested in forming a new nonprofit, converting an informal group to tax-exempt status, or reorganizing an existing organization. It provides practical how-to information about incorporation, organization, and other issues pertinent to anyone involved with a nonprofit start-up. No matter what level of experience you have, you're sure to find this unique course to be a valuable source of useful strategies and industry-specific advice that you can put to immediate use. This clear and enjoyable course, taught by an industry veteran, will answer your every question, providing detailed instructions describing every step you'll need to take to establish and operate a successful nonprofit. You'll learn how to incorporate, select a board of directors, write bylaws, craft a mission statement, obtain tax-exempt status, develop a budget, create a marketing plan, explore fundraising options, and more. The course is also supplemented with useful checklists, worksheets, reading lists, and field trips to a wide variety of online resources. By the time you graduate, you will be well-prepared to meet the challenge of starting and operating a successful nonprofit.

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information

No degrees listed.
No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information