NGO Education Survey

Queensland TAFE

Contact Information:

Queensland TAFE
Cairns Campus
Gatton, Newton, Eureka, and Wilkinson Street
Queensland 4870
Australia and New Zealand

Tel: +61 1300 308 233

Develop and implement community programs

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop community programs to ensure maximum participation.

Develop and lead community engagement strategies to enhance participation

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to apply advanced community engagement skills to increase participation in the community development environment.

Develop and support community leadership

This unit describes the skills and knowledge to design, provide and promote systems that identify and development both potential and existing leaders to build capacity within the community. Leaders may or may not have a formalised leadership role within the community.

Implement community development strategies

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work with individuals, groups and the community to identify issues and develop cooperative processes to facilitate change.

Work within organisation and government structures to enable community development outcomes

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work within community and government structures to enable community development processes.

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information


Degree: Diploma of Community Development

Subject Area: Community Development

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information